Weird looks when ordering food???



  • jsmjboertlein
    I would always get diet coke over normal coke. I was raised on diet coke so normal coke is much too sweet! I think of it the same way I do skim milk. I may ask for skim milk with my third helping of cake but it's only cause I can't stand 2% milk.

    Good idea on the kiddie meals!

    Too funny. I can't drink diet because it tastes way too sweet to me.
  • hollyknouse
    hollyknouse Posts: 232 Member
    I love this thread! This happens to me all of the time.
  • meganmorrison25
    I put salsa on my salads as a very low calorie dressing and people definitely give me strange looks.... "We do have ranch, if you want that!" uhh no thanks! I love my salsa!
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I go to Carls Jr or Jack in the box and order a chicken sandwich with a side salad instead of fries and even the most serious looking cashier normally smiles.

    At least it's not as bad as my coworker. At jack in the box, he orders a Bacon Double Cheese Burger, Large Fries and a Large DIET coke.

    I have never understood why people do that. It's stupid.

    I used to do that. Not because I thought I was being healthy but because I don't like the taste of regular soda, as strange as that may seem... Except I don't like bacon, or jack in the box so it was more like a big Mac large fries and a diet coke

    I can understand that. Never really thought of it like that. But for people who do it because of their weight, I think that is just dumb. They order a 3,000 calorie lunch getting a diet soda that is almost as bad as reg soda, isn't going to really help! But each their own I guess.

    That is like people who eat at cici's. (ever been there?) they eat a small plate of salad and then pile on 5 plates of pizza and cinn. rolls.
  • hellenyork
    I made my boyfriend cringe today when we were at Burger King and as we were leaving I pointed out how many calories his triple whopper and large onion rings had compared to my grilled chicken sandwich, even with mayo on it. His lunch was a day and a half of my calorie allotment!!

    The funniest face I think I ever got, and hardest time also, was at the Mexican restaurant when I told them I didn't want the chips and salsa when we were seated! I think I must have been the first person to ever refuse the chips and salsa!
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    I go to Carls Jr or Jack in the box and order a chicken sandwich with a side salad instead of fries and even the most serious looking cashier normally smiles.

    At least it's not as bad as my coworker. At jack in the box, he orders a Bacon Double Cheese Burger, Large Fries and a Large DIET coke.
    This is always funny to me! You order all that other stuff but have the nerve to ask for a "large" diet coke! Too funny
  • Kassul
    Kassul Posts: 16
    I have never understood why people do that. It's stupid.

    Some of us just prefer the taste of diet pepsi/coke over regular ones >_>
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I try to keep my carbs down (not "low", just reduced) so when I go to Carl's Jr. I'll ask for my burger "low carbed" and they wrap it in lettuce. No matter what kind it is! That makes me very happy because I've always just picked the bun off, even before reducing my carb intake. I just don't care for the buns so why eat them?

    Anyway, my favorite burger is the six dollar burger. It's just a simple hamburger with lettuce, cheese, tomato, the basics. I order that and a glass of water and get all kinds of weird looks. But the burger is huge and I don't need any more than that. I don't drink pop so water it is! And I'm totally satisfied with that. :)
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member

    THat's why I WILL go to subway over Tim Hortons who seems to have a formula to make their sandwiches that can't be strayed from, yeah it's a sandwich yeah its fast but I'm paying for it I want it MY way.

    I used to work at Tim Hortons and unlike Subway there are actual charts for the way to make each sandwich. Whenever I try to customize (honey mustard on a ham & swiss, instead of caesar), someone gets it wrong. Very aggravating.

    On another note, I agree fully with the kids meals. There is a Subway on campus at my university, and the first time I ordered a kids meal there, they got all flustered because they didn't know how to make one!
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    ive starte ordering 10 nuggets and a garden salad from maccas.

    works out to about 500 calories for dinner.

    pretty good in my book.
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    I have never understood why people do that. It's stupid.

    Umm... maybe it's because they just don't want to drink sugar, or have a condition that makes them avoid sugar? :wink:
  • leafyq
    leafyq Posts: 21
    I've always hated pretty much all condiments. So I have spent a good 15 years (I'm 20) getting those looks and reactions. You get used to it!
  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    my favorite is when you're not looking to eat out and get dragged into a cafe or restrant with a friend and when the waiter comes you say.. oh nothing for me thanks. ya.. that was awesome. lol she ate tho. so lol i warned her i wasn't hungry. i was honestly more suprised i had the restrain to say no thanks but the look he gave me was kinda hularious
  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    Yes, try ordering a salad with no dressing. I have always done this even before getting healthy just because I don't like dressing. People think this is the weirdest thing in the world.
    me too! i love just lettuce. I honestly dont like my lettuce smothered in dressing. people get it wrong too and that always sucks. my other thing is ... bacon, raw tomatos, raw mushrooms and mayo. i can't really do them... i just.. can't.
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    I worked at Subway as a kid and man nobody EVER ordered no sauce. I get the same thing. Especially when I'm at a business lunch and order a turkey burger or something. All the guys kind of raise an eyebrow. Then I break the table in half with my forehead and they realize I'm kin to Chuck Norris. It all stops there.
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    I made my boyfriend cringe today when we were at Burger King and as we were leaving I pointed out how many calories his triple whopper and large onion rings had compared to my grilled chicken sandwich, even with mayo on it. His lunch was a day and a half of my calorie allotment!!

    The funniest face I think I ever got, and hardest time also, was at the Mexican restaurant when I told them I didn't want the chips and salsa when we were seated! I think I must have been the first person to ever refuse the chips and salsa!
    oh good lord i cannot refuse bandidos chips :( im in love with them!
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    This thread is funny and kind of sad at the same time. Crazy times we live in, when ordering food to maximize nutritional value is met with funny looks. Eating out is hard to do and expensive.
  • JunkFoodJane
    JunkFoodJane Posts: 150 Member
    I've never noticed this, but people do look confused when I ask if I can get a BLT with no bacon and + avocado. Or order a chicken ceasar and ask that the meat be placed on the side (if I'm paying for it my dogs may as well get it).

    Also when I refuse to get large sizes. "it's 35 cents more" I simply answer this one with, "If I buy a bigger one, I'll eat/drink a bigger one."

    This was weird though- at the movies the concession kid kept trying to upsell me. Finally I decided there were three of us, what the heck and said I'd take the popcorn tub. He dumped the unbuttered med bag into the XL tub and looked embarrassed- it filled it. He stood for a minute then put half a scoop or so on the top. It was funny. I only bought it to get his boss off his *kitten*, and saw at least in that theater, it's a scam :p You can refill it of course, but you have to be willing to leave the movie for that nonsense.
  • pandafoo
    pandafoo Posts: 367 Member
    i do not get weird looks when i order salad dressing on the side, decline mayo or sour cream, etc. maybe they're used to special requests like this from people everyday.

    but now that i am much more conscious of my dining out choices and ridiculous portion sizes at restaurants, sometimes i will choose to get an appetizer as my full meal. for example, a sashimi appetizer or one order of vietnamese summer rolls. the waiter or my friends will say "that's it???" i guess they don't expect someone to order an appetizer as a meal! :)
  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194

    Also when I refuse to get large sizes. "it's 35 cents more" I simply answer this one with, "If I buy a bigger one, I'll eat/drink a bigger one."

    Funny you say this, that is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves....McDonalds Coke is my absolute favorite, I dont drink it often but sometimes i will have a craving for the rediculous amount of carbonation and i;ll go thru the drive thru, order a SMALL, which by the way now is like 20 oz?..what the heck...anyway, NEVER FAILS... i get to the window and out comes this gallon...I have even played dumb and said " This is the small"....everytime..what do i get? "well they are all a dollar so we just give you the large"...okay first..if i wanted a LARGE I WOULD ORDER IT..haha, i dont care about the price...If im choosing to pay the same price for 80% less, its my money, let get this...One time, the same above scenario happened, and i asked the girl nicely, well the cup is rather large, could i please just get a small portion........right in front of me in the drive thru, takes the LID off, pours some out...and hands it back to me..." that should be about the small portion" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>can you believe the nerve?..

    haha...I know that is not food directly related to this topic, but it totally reminded me of that. If we choose to order smaller portions, then so be it, let us worry about the money we might be wasting by not upgrading to the huge size!