

  • I don't really believe in love at first sight but I do believe in soul mates.. I was in Louisiana and my now husband was in Minnesota and over a six year period we always seemed to come across each other and now we are married and have two wonderful little boys and we live in Minnesota.. :happy:
  • Hi! I have two kids and a stay at home mom as well. I have to loose about 122 lbs to get to the weight I want to be at, but then i still want to loose more weight after that. Wish the best of luck for everyone!
  • Thanks everyone for the great advice! I am really liking how this site is layed out and am looking forward to the days to come. :happy:
  • Hey! I am also a stay at home mom. I have two boys and they are 10 1/2 months apart.. My oldest will be 15 months on the 7th and my youngest turned 4 months on the 31st. I also go to school online full time, so I am definately going to be needing some encourgement with loosing all this weight I have on me with all the…
  • Hi! I am in the same boat. I had my first son then I found out I was pregnant again right after. My boys are 10 1/2 months apart and the youngest just turned 4 months on the 31st. The end of December I made the same decision to get all this weight off, my husband is supportive and thinks I am just fine, but I do not feel…