Ksumare Member


  • Too funny, I am 36, with 2 boys, married for 9 years together for 17. I live in Phoenix, AZ. WEl come to the group.
  • How are you? I started this group years ago but only really got serious about my health 4 months ago. What are your health goals? What are your prayer goals?
  • How's the healthy journey going?
    in New Comment by Ksumare November 2016
  • Hello, How are you? I am the founder of the group and I am so excited that you have joined us. I pray that you find the support that you need but mostly that you let God play an incredible role in your weight loss and health journey. I will be praying for you and rooting you on! Please feel free to add me as a friend!…
  • I am so happy that you joined our group. I pray that you find what you need for this journey. I will be praying for you and believing that God will show you the direction he has for your life. Welcome and feel free to add me as a friend. I founded this group just for women like you, with love, Krissyn
  • It will happen for you. God is ABLE, and he hears and answers the prayers of His children. I am praying right now in the name of Jesus that he blesses you with your heart's greatest desire. Please make sure to update us when the Lord blesses you.
  • Welcome to our group. I started this group for women just like you. God has been so good in delivering me from over eating & low self esteem. Whatever your goals are give them to God and share them with this group. We will help pray you through your struggles and celebrate your victories. I will be keeping you and your…
  • Hello, I am so happy you joined my group. I have about the same amount to lose. It has been a hard journey so far but worthwhile. I started this on February 22nd, 2012 and so far I have lost 25 pounds. I feel better, look better, and AM better. God is wonderful and so are you. Welcome to our group I will be praying for you.
    in just joined Comment by Ksumare June 2012
  • Hello, Welcome to our group. I started this group because I know that ONLY God could help me win this journey. I realized that the power of some praying sisters also goes a long way. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want and I will keep you and your "blessings" in my prayers.
  • God is so good, I am so blessed everytime a new lady joins our group, it only makes us stronger. be blessed! Feel free to also add me as a friend.
    in Hello :-) Comment by Ksumare April 2012
  • Already done, in JESUS' name, Amen. You have the victory sis. I have been there and made it out on the other side. Praising God for your degree today! Congrats.
  • Oh the evil of Easter candy!!! I'm still trying to burn off that 1 Easter pound!
  • AMEN!
  • Welcome to our posting board Isabelle. The awesome thing about this group of ladies is that we all come from different walks of life, different countries, and different phases our life's journey. The easy part is that we all LOVE the same GOD and are depending on him to help us get healthy for our families. As moms we all…
  • Praying right now that the Lord delivers this family from the horrible trials they are facing. Knowing that God's will shall be done and all things will work out for good.
  • Thank you so much for joining our group. I have to tell you we have some of the most loving and nurturing women here that I have ever met. You are in great company and we will take care of you and surround you with prayers. Welcome.
  • I too struggle with the horrible battle of low self esteem and I know how hard it is to imagine that your husband could love something (your weight) that you hate so much. But I am sure that he does. We need to love ourselves more, and know that we were made in God's image. We are beautiful no matter what our outside looks…
  • I call on the mighty, and all powerfull name of JESUS, right now, to touch our sister as she is going through a test. Father, thank you for knowing how much we can bare and never letting us out of your sight. We know that just as you watch over the sparrow, you are even more so concerened with us your daughters. We thank…
  • hahaha, yeah let us know, perhaps on your hair tie?? lol
  • My info: Krissyn Sumare Married to Muhammad for 4yrs 6mos- been together since we were 18 Dean of Faculty at the University of Advancing Technology age: 31 1 child, son, Josiah Family heritage: diabetes, excess weight, deep love for Christ and family. Starting Weight: 267 lbs First Goal: 240 lbs Ideal Goal: 175 Wedding Day…
  • Wow, thanks so much for sharing this story! This was a great way to start my day off!
  • Thank you so much, I am going to research these right NOW!
    in OUCH!!! Comment by Ksumare March 2012
  • Wow, what an amazing group of women we have here. Look at how God has kept us, even in the most trying times of our lives. Look at how he has lead us to each other to encourage each other by our testimonies. What courage it takes to pour out your hearts to women you barely know, I praise God your you my sisters in Christ!…
  • To Sdershaw: So very proud of you, that is what it's all about, learning to make the better choices. My job gives us 5 free meals a week from the cafe so it is very hard to resist all the desserts, and BBQ, and PIZZA. But they also have an excellent salad bar which I just started to eat from since I have been working out,…
  • Amen Amen...for yesterday, and because I'm walking in faith, Amen Amen for tonight as well! :flowerforyou:
    in Roll Call Comment by Ksumare March 2012
  • Oh, yes, that is definitely a testimony, thank you for sharing!
  • Hi, this group is more about God and prayer, than being a married mom. We would love to have your input and perspective. Plus maybe God is trying to prepare you for what is to come!!! You are welcome welcome welcome and we will be praying for you and your health journey.
    in Errrm... Comment by Ksumare March 2012
  • Hallelujah is right! ACIC, I almost started shouting here at work. And to think...if you could get over that hurdle, loosing weight will literally be a piece of cake. Thank you so much for sharing your story, my heart has truly been uplifted today because of you!
  • I am a 31 year old woman, I have known the Lord all of my life, however I didn't really have faith. In 2007 I married my first and only love. After a very disheartening miscarraige in 2008 we were able to finally conceive, and in 2009 we had our first child. Four days after giving birth to my child via emergency C-section,…
  • 3/5/12/ “I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are your works and that my soul knows very well” (Psalm 139:14)