

  • Cleansing is very good for the body. It has been done for centuries. There are benefits to rid the body of toxic build up. It is not meant to be long term. It is a good way to start each season as well. It wasn't meant for losing permanent weight. It is about detoxifying the system so it works best. Depends on what type of…
  • I think that there are many ways that work. Maybe different ones for different people at different stages of life. I like Venus Factor, I also have done Body for Life, I've had a Total Gym, Insanity and P90x. They've all worked for me. Some a bigger commitment. I'm one that does like a challenge. Venus Factor is best for…
  • Everyone here that has committed to losing weight for your own reason, whether overweight, or just want to tone up, congratulations! To be disciplined and make the decision to do it, is big. And to keep on doing it and reaching your goal is ever BIGGER. I am using the Venus Factor. I realize that I just do it and not think…
  • If you're exercising 5 and 6 days a week, especially lifting, at your height and weight, of course you're going to lose on 2100 calories. I did P90x and I started Insanity. Both 2500 calories a day. There are two ways to lose weight ( well more), less calories each day, exercise 3 days a week, or 6 days a week, intense…
  • Hi. Exercise and diet. They're both important. As you see though, diet without exercise, you end up skinny fat. If you don't have room for weights, how about cans of soup to begin with A bag of rice. Ten pound bag of potatoes. There are a lot of exercises that you can do by holding onto the bag.
  • I agree with people here. You don't NEED protein powder, but you do need protein. I've been told by trainers, 1 gram per 2 pounds of body weight while working out. Well, that works for me. And, it is tough getting it in the food I'm eating. So, for convenience and speed, I make shakes. I also am able to add so many…
  • Hi. I add protein powder to my shakes. A shake is one of my daily meals, sometimes 2. I also did a lot of research before I chose one. There are a lot of "junky" protein powders and you end up paying for artificial ingredients and fillers that can actually cause you to gain weight or do nothing you were expecting. Some…
  • I agree with the majority here. You will lose weight everywhere, and the last place may be your belly. You will see yourself losing that once you hit a certain body fat %. I have started losing mine just this week. 4 years ago, when I was doing Bikram Hot Yoga and P90X, I had no belly. So, I know it can go into hiding.…
  • I want to say congrats to everyone. It's a real feat to lose weight, in a healthy way. Don't let anyone tell you you don't need to lose weight. I am at a pretty healthy weight, but I'm used to being more toned, so need to lose about 25 pounds of fat and gain about 10 of muscle. People say I look great. I know what my body…
  • I think age is in the mind so much more. You think old, you do old things. You think young, you do young things. I'm 40, I don't look it because of my attitude. It's always been that way for me. I do see some physical changes especially in my face, and I went to YouthfulGlow.org, picked up a facial toner EMS. I'll let you…
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