kellysdavies Member


  • . Harcombe diet would be perfect for you. And you won't need to eat at deficit. Total joy.
  • Makes no sense. I'm loosing weight again yes. WITHOUT counting calories and eating around 2000 a day (couldn't resist putting them into the MFP) I didn't blithely go. My BMR and TDEE are very low anyway. I wasn't loosing weight because my body had adjusted to a VLCD so was storing whatever it could. I love how everyone can…
  • Why is it faddy? Have you actually read it? No. What silly rules? Why silly? You have no idea. You're making assumptions with no proper knowledge because you don't want to believe there *might* just be another way. Open your mind. I don't get what you mean about the 800 calorie thing? I was 10stone12. Goal weight 8stone10…
  • Maybe you want a side of Rude with your fries? You're not interesting. This thread is about someone who has found low carbs work for her. Something I have found too. Someone might find it interesting. It's a forum for discussion. Forums work that way. Of course if what you're doing is working then yes dismiss it. I would…
  • As I said, read about the diet and the science and understand it (short of it is body will use carbs for energy first and store what it doesn't need for later - then we eat more and it uses the carbs... And we keep storing the rest blah blah - ridiculously abridged version ) Don't dismiss it just because of a lack of…
  • It isn't a diet which prevents carbs. You just don't eat carbs and fats together. One meal might be a carb meal (say porridge with a banana) one meal a fat meal (massive pork chop and all the crackling and loads of veg - you can have low carbs with fats (salad/veg etc). And you can eat cheese. All the time. It works!…
  • Check our Zoe Harcombe diet/book. Utterly changed my thinking on low calorie diets and utterly convinced me about low carb diets. After over a year on a low calorie diet (which initially worked using MFP) and then gradually only basically being able to eat 800 calories a day (short) to lose half a pound a week (with over a…
  • What do people think of this then ? Watch this video
  • It's worth noting that some people are very short and some people don't *need* as many calories as other people. I am short. I only burn about 1500-1700 calories a day. So this is the maximum I can eat (assuming no exercise) without putting on weight over time. To lose weight at around 1lb a week, I can only eat around…
  • But 1200 cals for my body is different to 1200 cals for a 6ft 24year old woman. It's not one size fits all. Just General guidance. Averages. I simply don't need as many calories!
  • I need to eat no more than 1200 to lose weight. Once I am finished losing I will obviously up it to maintain. By the way it makes perfect sense. If I don't exercise I only burn about 1700 cals according to FITBIT. So it's obvious I need to eat around 1200 a day to lose weight at around 1lb a week.
  • Well I wasn't asking for opinions, I was giving my opinion to someone else's comment. But yes I agree - the goal for weight loss is to eat as MUCH as possible while losing weight. For me, that's 1200 calories a day irrespective of activity. I find it interesting that people won't believe this or don't want to but I'm not…
  • Don't need luck. It's been working a charm for a long time. Thanks though.
  • Oh and been doing this for over a year now, totally sustainable. I started off on more but then weight loss slowed - well halted for like 3 months. After much tweaking and trying different things, to lose 1lb a week minimum, I can't eat anymore than 1200 cals a day even with exercise. Still want to lose another stone and…
  • I don't eat exercise calories back either. Stick to 1200 cals a day max. Not hungry, not bothered, and it's worked. I don't need as many calories as other people (short, 5ft1).
  • Don't reduce your running. It's poppycock. One of best ways of keeping fit and burning calories!
  • Oh yes. The Daily Mail. IF this is where you are getting your info from, change papers!
  • Ha ha ha. That is silly. Running as bad as sedentary. Okay....
  • This post will be deleted. Tried to have this discussion on other threads but been accused of promoting unhealthy dieting. Eh? I'm just saying what I have to do in MY eXperience (and been doing it for a year now!) and what has led to my 1stone5lb weight loss so far! Have said on 3 other threads I can only lose weight - and…
  • I just don't know why MFP doesn't just half the calories it gives and then the advice is to everyone to make sure they eat all the calories back they're given for the exercise. Seems a healthier more positive approach. I'm fine with it, I use FITBIT anyway and use other apps and calculators... but I just think it's daft…
  • I do lift. I do eat protein. But I'm not after a 'perfect' body yet. I understand what you mean about being skinny fat though and this will be my focus next. Like I say. I could lose another 2 stone and be in my 'healthy' range. But not aiming for that.