Amy510w Member


  • Shag The Wedding Planner The Wizard of Oz Forest Gump Titanic Transformers (first one) Dirty Dancing Back to the Future
  • Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (5/01 Thur): 189.5 5/03 Sat: 189.5 5/10 Sat: 188.7 5/17 Sat: 188 5/24 Sat: End of Month (5/31 Sat): Haven't felt well, so the workouts weren't consistent. I am hoping to see a change this weigh in on Saturday. (loss!!)
    in Weigh Ins Comment by Amy510w May 2014
  • I am down only 2 pounds so far...pfft, but it's a loss - I will take it. I hope to see more next week! :)
  • SW: 190.7 CW: 189.5 GW: 179 Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (5/01 Thur): 189.5 5/03 Sat: 5/10 Sat: 5/17 Sat: 5/24 Sat: End of Month (5/31 Sat):
    in Weigh Ins Comment by Amy510w May 2014
  • Didn't get to do my Pilates yesterday, so that's today and Jazzercise!
  • Rough start to this week for me (upper back/shoulder issue), but I did 30 minutes of Pilates on Monday, Jazzercise yesterday (burned 728 calories) and today I am hurting. LOL Tonight is another Pilates DVD (30-40 minutes). Tomorrow is Jazzercise again and Friday I plan to do Jillian Michaels DVD and Pilates. Saturday is…
  • Hi I am Amy, I finally made it back here to track my daily eating (I journal on paper - WW, but I don't think that's quite getting it for me - I need "see" more of what I eat, etc.) and exercise. I am trying to eat better with what I can and exercise more. Exercise is the key as I had gotten down before (2 years ago) and I…
  • CW = 190 (was last Friday anwyways - hoping for less by this Friday) GW = 150 for now... Not sure on the body fat, not sure I want to know.
  • I would like to join! Count me in!
  • Stumbled upon this, and I so needed to read these words. I need to remind myself, this weight didn't hop on overnight, nor will it fall off overnight. :o) I know I can do this!
  • I just rejoined here again! :) Looking for friends and motivation - I will send you a friend request soon.
  • I am doing Ripped in 30 and man, the first two times I did it (and I am very regular Jazzercise fanatic) I thought I was going to DIE! And the next day...ouch. The 2nd time...same results, just felt it faster and then I did this I am technically on day 4 starting tomorrow..I do Jazzercise at least 4 times a…
  • Most definitely see a difference, keep it up!
  • I am doing Ripped in 30 - and I do Jazzercise on a very regular basis...was training to be an instructor (until I had surgery - so postponed for a bit)...and I thought I was going to DIE when I did this one day last week. OMG! I have since done it 3 more times...I do Jazzercise 4 days a week so I am trying to incorporate…
  • I want to try and get my hubby to do the C25K with me! After sunset or very close to it is a good time to go outside for a walk/run here...last night though, it was super humid! Nice to see so many Floridians here! Wish folks were closer to me! I would definitely like to do a meet up.
  • I am in Jacksonville...workouts, I do Jazzercise and sometimes if it's not SMOKING HOT, I will walk about 2 miles with the hubby and our son. But, Jazzercise is exercise of choice. I am totally addicted!
  • Hello! I am from N. FL and I am hoping to lose about 30 more pounds. I just reached my "first big goal" today! I have lost 35 pounds since last year...