meredithgh Member


  • I did fit test last night and started workout today. I like Insanity because Shaun T never says, "Do 50 reps"...he just encourages us to push ourselves. We can do it!!
  • I started today, too! I did fit test last night. I'm excited to see and feel results! Good luck to you!
  • I'm "trying again," too, which makes me kind of mad at myself that I let myself get to the point of need to try again! I just did this in 2009 and then let it creep back again! I'm hoping I can figure out other ways to deal with stress besides, as louellen said, devouring a huge bag of Cheetos! :) Add me and we can support…
  • These are great know that I'm not the only one struggling! I've been doing really well, but these last few days, I have wanted to eat everything! I made macaroni for my kids yesterday and I could've eaten every bit of it! It seems like same meals are keeping me full very long. But stress is up....have to avoid…
    in WTF??? Comment by meredithgh April 2012
  • Thanks very much for your thoughts!
  • Little successes keep me going. Seeing the progress on my swimming pool keep me going. Shirataki noodles give me the semblance of pasta (which I love!). Mio drink enhancers help me drink more water.
  • I'll admit....I peak, too....just trying to see if you're really going that much faster than I am or it just feels that way! ;)
  • I have to agree! Sometimes racking their weights is more workout than I originally intended! ;)
  • I always err on the conservative side. I'm also thinking more sweat doesn't mean more calories burned...just means more water lost. And I agree with Sublog...Just don't. Lol!
  • HI, everyone! I have about 55 pounds I'd like to lose. I'm just getting started! This is week two for me and I have been religious about charting everything I eat, which really helps with accountability. My first weigh-in showed 9.2 pounds lost! Yea! Would love to have some more buddies so we can support each other along…