SueInAz Member


  • I'll disagree with some of this but only because I used to follow Atkins and also used MFP to count calories along with carbs. It worked very, very well for me but likely because it kept me away from sugar and made me more mindful of what I was eating since I had to be deliberate about it. I got the vast majority of my…
    in carbs Comment by SueInAz June 2023
  • I used to experience the same thing when I was regularly running 30+ miles per week. I'd wake up the next morning and need to eat all the things.
  • Well, you could chop off a limb and lose weight but I don't think that's a reasonable solution to the problem.
  • Be mindful about what you eat and how much you move. Eat fewer calories than your body needs to move around and you'll lose weight. It's really that simple. How you choose to go about it is the part that gets complicated.
  • I'm your height and there's no way I could maintain 110 lbs without seriously undereating or overexercising. Believe me, I tried. Honestly, the weight I was happiest at was around 125-130 while I was doing strength training 3x per week and running on the days between. At that weight, I was wearing a size 2. Strength…
  • Depends on how much stomping around and arm flailing happened.
  • Everyone has had very sensible advice so far. I just wanted to add a bit of common sense. One day of eating far too few, or even too many, calories isn't going to cause a problem. If you don't feel like eating any more today, then don't. Just recognize that you can't do that every day and stay healthy. More than likely,…
  • I recently bought a jar of Kinder's Buffalo with blue cheese seasoning. I got it at Sam's Club but I'm sure you could find it elsewhere. I bought it to make a dip but it's seriously yummy on popcorn and 0 calories per 1/2 teaspoon. I'm sure there are a lot of spice blends out there that would be really good on popcorn,…
    in Popcorn! Comment by SueInAz August 2022
  • I make stir fry all of the time but just sort of throw things in every time without a set recipe. I'm typically using whatever I had on hand for a protein and a bag of frozen stir fry veggies then I add any extra fresh veggies I happen to have on hand (celery, etc.). For seasoning, I use soy sauce and granulated garlic and…
    in Stir fry Comment by SueInAz August 2022
  • Having been at both ends of the weight range and about your height... Pick a goal that will be easy for you to maintain over the long haul. You can eat more calories to maintain a higher weight. Also remember that muscle weighs more than fat by volume so you could be the same size at 112 (higher body fat) or 127 (lower…
  • People are used to seeing you the way you used to look. I have a few people who used to be very overweight that still shock me, years later, by how thin they look even though I know they're still technically overweight. My advice would be a response that fits with how much information you're willing to share. Some…
  • The winter here is the easiest time for me to exercise outside. Winter lows are in the 30s/40s (F) and highs are 50-70 F. I usually have a tan and am at my most fit December - March. In the summer, it's 100+ nearly every day and lows rarely get under 80F. I, and most of the people here, hibernate in the AC during the day…
  • You'd have to eat nearly 10,000 calories over your allotment to gain 3 pounds of fat. Your three pounds are likely water gain due to excess sodium. Just keep drinking water and watch your salt intake for a few days.
  • How have you determined that you're eating more calories than before? Were you tracking them before? If you mean that MFP is adding in exercise calories that you don't want to eat, then don't. Unless you're hungry from all of the working out you're doing. :)
  • I just started again last Monday. I managed to maintain my weight for several years without trying but it started to creep up on me again as I've lessened my physical activity level. Here's to a fresh start!
  • Don't think about being on a "diet". MFP is about eating what you want to eat, just eating fewer calories than your body burns every day. So the best tip is: set up MFP with your personal information and your goal, then enter everything you eat into MFP. It's an easy start. Get used to entering absolutely everything (food…
  • I used to do a lot of drinking on the weekends, too. I second what a person said earlier about drinking not really helping to reduce stress. In fact, I have found that I sleep better and certainly wake up feeling better when I don't drink as much. That said, it can be hard to just stop and the socializing around drinking…
  • Hi, Jo! The best piece of advice I can offer is to start small and take small steps. Don't plan to overhaul your diet all in one day and be successful. You'll just end up overwhelmed instead. So, set up MFP with your goals and current stats. Then get used to entering everything you eat and drink into the diary and I do…
  • If it were me and I saw salmon sitting in the fridge 5 days (and I actually liked salmon, which I don't), I can imagine I'd eat it before it went bad. Five days is a long time to leave fish refrigerated rather than frozen, after all. Maybe try labels with the date you plan to eat each important item and make a deal with…
  • If thinking, "I really want that treat but I'll forgo it so I can have a gym membership" motivates you then set that goal. If you can't see a long term goal helping to stop you from indulging in a short term calorie gratification, then don't worry about the rewards. There's no "one size fits all" when it comes to weight…
  • Have you updated your calorie goal lately? As you lose weight, the same amount of activity will burn fewer calories. Your calorie goal should be lowered accordingly.
  • I can completely empathize. I had been gaining a lot lately and just trying to eat less and it wasn't working for me at all. That's when I dusted off the MFP app and starting using it again properly last week. So far, I'm down 4 pounds. Whew! Here are a few things to keep in mind: You can gain weight eating too much…
  • The easiest way to save money is to only buy what you need! Make a meal plan and shop with that plan in mind. You can also save time if you plan meals that will reuse some of the items you've prepared earlier in the week. Make a chicken stir fry on Monday and then use some of the chicken and leftover rice for a chicken and…
  • I second the idea to get them involved. You didn't state their ages but scroll through recipes here and other sites on the internet and print them out. Start easy, focusing on meals that have 6 ingredients or less. Let the supermarket help you out by choosing frozen bags of mixed veggies (More healthy than fresh. Really!)…
  • Your example really has nothing to do with simple carbs vs. complex carbs especially if we're simply talking calories. A Snickers bar has 11 grams of fat and an apple has less than a half gram which accounts for most of the calorie difference; fat has more than twice the calories of sugar (9 grams vs. 4 grams). I'm not…
  • Honestly, calorie counting is far less accurate than we'd like it to be. There are simply far too many variables in how food is produced and served. Coming in 50 calories either way is not going to cause you problems. That said, I'd hesitate to always be over (mostly because that would feel too much like I was cheating…
  • Thanks! It's been just over 10 weeks since my surgery now. I did use crutches for the first couple of weeks because the surgery caused nerve damage in my heel. I'm still not even close to being entirely healed but Tuesday afternoon I hacked up the side of a pair of running shoes with 301 miles on them to remove the hard…
  • It really is almost entirely calories in < calories out. HOWEVER, there are some people who really do need to limit carbs to lose weight. Women with PCOS, as an example. There are others who, for medical reasons need to eat less fat or protein, or like you, they simply prefer to keep one macro lower, so the tool can be…
  • Bundle up appropriate to the weather and get out there! I'm lucky enough that I live somewhere it very rarely snows and can be outdoors all year round as long as I'm careful in the summer. If there are days you just absolutely can't get outside rig up some entertainment for your stationary activities. I own a stationary…
  • Interestingly enough, I didn't take the original comment that way at all. I've had plenty of conversations with people about the "light switch moment". It's that moment in time when you suddenly decide you've had enough of your current situation and are really and truly ready to commit to doing whatever it takes to change…