Someone prepearing for a race ?



  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    My tri coach just had me start a 20 week run focused training block, so I'm registered for several races. The first is a local half marathon in November and the last training race of the block is the Virginia Beach Marathon in March. I"m sure I will run a few shorter races over the winter as well. I'm registered for both the PatriotMan 70.3 in Mass and the IronMan 70.3 in Lake Placid, NY next summer, so I'll get in a couple more HM distance run splits in those events. Can't wait!
  • KeepingMyCircleSmall
    esjones12 wrote: »
    I'm trying to not die at the OCR World Championships in Canada next weekend. Qualified end of last year and ended up doing rehab all year instead of racing. So it should be an interesting time. I'm fully rehabbed but wasn't able to build up the endurance and strength I need. Should be a blast though.

    How did the World Championships go, @esjones12 ?
  • KeepingMyCircleSmall
    I plan on running the Big Beach Half Marathon in Gulf Shores in I've been running as many local races as I can to prep! I haven't done a half yet, so I'm pretty excited!

    How did the half marathon go, @hubbardcasey28 ?

    I'm near Pensacola.
  • KeepingMyCircleSmall
    I'm a 44 year old guy working my way back from a bad truck wreck. Ten months ago the tire on my truck blew out sending me into a spin and launching me into the support beam on a highway sign. I broke my left femur in two places and both bones in my left forearm.

    One of my goals for 2017 is to complete four obstacle course races. The first one I'm looking at is a mini-Mudder (5 miles) in Atlanta on the weekend of my birthday (April 30). I also know there is a local (NW Florida ) 5k fun Mud Run in May. I would love to do a Spartan race also.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,694 Member
    I'm training for a spring marathon, my 3rd. I'm slow, but I enjoy the training.
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    I am training for my first half marathon May 21. Part of the Cleveland Marathon Weekend. I have a back up plan of the June 11 Run and Ride Cedar Point Half.
  • bketchum1981
    bketchum1981 Posts: 130 Member
    The Michigan DNR is doing a virtual 5k to be completed by February 28 outdoors called HeartMISnow. I want to do this 5K cross country skiing.

    I think I can but would love to hear from anyone who can compare running a 5K vs cross country skiing a 5K.

  • mommarnurse
    mommarnurse Posts: 515 Member
    Most likely will be the Clearwater classic 1/22
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    esjones12 wrote: »
    I'm trying to not die at the OCR World Championships in Canada next weekend. Qualified end of last year and ended up doing rehab all year instead of racing. So it should be an interesting time. I'm fully rehabbed but wasn't able to build up the endurance and strength I need. Should be a blast though.

    How did the World Championships go, @esjones12 ?

    It went pretty awesome! The views were absolutely breathtaking and moving at a slower pace allowed me to really appreciate them. It only took me about a week or so to recover from the race and I've been building slowly but surely for the 2017 season.

    You can read my full race recap here:
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited January 2017
    SueInAz wrote: »
    SueInAz wrote: »
    I'm always preparing for a race. My running schedule is built around the "next" one even if that's 6 months away.

    I have quite a few races that I'd like to run this Autumn but am actually registered for a 5K cross country run through a pumpkin farm/corn maze on Oct 9th, a 10K through an Air Force boneyard on Oct 30th, the RNR Savannah half marathon in November (which I can't actually run because now I won't be in Savannah then!) and the RNR Arizona half marathon in January. We'll see what else I register for...

    My plans just got derailed. :cry: Diagnosed with melanoma and the spot is on my left heel. I've been running (it hurts less to run in shoes than to walk in them!) since my biopsy at the beginning of the month but I have to have a good deal more skin around the area removed which will require stitches and will take weeks and weeks to heal enough to be able to wear a running shoe without pain.

    I still have my 10K run this Saturday but then I'll be out of commission. We'll see if I can manage the half marathon in January or if I'll have to switch to the 10K. I could probably walk/run the half marathon but I think I'd rather do the distance I can run. After that I'll definitely have to find a few more races to make up for lost time!!

    I'm so sorry to hear about this! My husband had a carcinoma on the front of the shin, right above the foot. He didn't expect to need crutches, but it wound up making life easier, so see if you can get some.

    I'm prepping for a 10K Terrain Race this Saturday and then the same half-marathon in Phoenix in January.

    Thanks! It's been just over 10 weeks since my surgery now. I did use crutches for the first couple of weeks because the surgery caused nerve damage in my heel.

    I'm still not even close to being entirely healed but Tuesday afternoon I hacked up the side of a pair of running shoes with 301 miles on them to remove the hard plastic right over where my surgery was. The pressure from that would make the shoe absolutely impossible to wear. It's still not entirely comfortable but it was bearable enough that I went on a slow 4 mile run that afternoon! Not too shabby for being out of commission for so long. :smile:

    I'm not silly enough to think that the half marathon this Sunday would be a good idea, or very fun, but I'll be run/walking (mostly walking) the 10K with a friend instead. As consolation, I've registered for a new race in Tucson on March 12th, just the 10K again because I think that's more realistic with the timeframe.

    I hope your half marathon goes well!
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    edited January 2017
    I am doing a 10k on March 11th. I slacked on my fitness goals the last part of 2016, and do better when I have something on the calendar. Hubby & I do the Peachtree Road Race 10k on July 4th, and a half marathon in October. So I needed a spring event.

    I'm getting back into it by running 3x a week, with a weekend session as my long run. Right now I'm alternating, running & walking. Week by week I intend to increase running time/decrease walking time. And each weekend I add a few minutes to my session. My goal is to run the entire 10k.

    The body is an amazing thing. If you work it, it will work wonders for you!

    I have done 3 half marathons, a few 10ks and a number of 5ks. I love the atmosphere and love that you see people of all 'shapes', ages, etc.
    Kati9408 wrote: »
    Someone preparing for any race soon and where ? :)

  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Got my first road race of 2017 on the 22nd. It's a scenic 10k round a lake, and everyone gets a a wooly winter beanie hat.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    Preparing for a 50 mile MTB race in March. Rough training for the 12 weeks leading up to it due to the cold weather, ice, snow, Winter - but so far so good...