The default of carbohydrate intake goal seems high for weight loss.

rikkejanell2014 Posts: 312 Member
edited January 2017 in Food and Nutrition
However I'm not an expert in nutrition. Seem high to anyone else? I know you can adjust it. I did but then changed it back because I wasn't sure.


  • rikkejanell2014
    rikkejanell2014 Posts: 312 Member
    My mind has been programmed to think bread = fat. I find myself always taking 1 slice off if I'm eating any kind of sandwich.
  • rikkejanell2014
    rikkejanell2014 Posts: 312 Member
    NOT possible weight loss is about Calorie deficit NOT a specific Macro.

    So then what's the point of the goals and mfp notifying when you go over?
  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    edited January 2017
    To keep you here to see their ads of course.. The Goals are suggested not perfect once you learn more about Macro's and your TDEE (TOTAL DAILY ENERGY EXPENDATURE) you will adjust them to fit your personal cravings, lifestyle and goals they're a good start regardless..

    If you burn 2000 calories and eat 1500 calories you will lose a pound a week because 500 calories times seven days is 3500 calories which is equal to one pound.

    Best advice I can give is read through the forums so much to learn everyday I learn stuff here

    read this it truly comes down to calories for weight loss nothing else.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited January 2017
    However I'm not an expert in nutrition. Seem high to anyone else? I know you can adjust it. I did but then changed it back because I wasn't sure.

    No, I think 50-30-20 is pretty standard/fine. Macros don't matter that much.

    I am in favor of adjusting it to increase protein or just because something else works for you. My own macros are different and were 33-33-33 (roughly, or 35-35-30 with the 30 being fat) and then 40-30-30 most of the time I was losing.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Eating carbohydrates won't keep you from losing weight. It's important to meet your requirements for protein and fat, but assuming carbohydrates aren't crowding those out, you'll be fine.

    Some people find that their appetite is easier to control when they eat fewer carbohydrates, others (like myself) find that this doesn't apply to them.

    The point of goals is to make sure you get enough protein and fat.
  • KatzeDerNacht22
    KatzeDerNacht22 Posts: 200 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    NOT possible weight loss is about Calorie deficit NOT a specific Macro.

    So then what's the point of the goals and mfp notifying when you go over?

    Calories for weight loss
    Macros for satiety, possibly health, some fitness goals
    Micros for health
    Exercise for health & fitness

    There are people here with lots of different goals - tracking is available for all the possible goals people might come here for.

    This right there, that is it.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    Carbs don't make you fat :) The first time I lost I was eating a pretty carb heavy diet. These days I eat more protein and fat, but that has more to do about a change in preference. Carbs aren't the enemy!
  • utahmomof10
    utahmomof10 Posts: 133 Member
    My mind has been programmed to think bread = fat. I find myself always taking 1 slice off if I'm eating any kind of sandwich.

    Different types of carbs act differently as they are digested and metabolized. Simple carbs convert to sugar on digestion, and so too much of those (even if they are within your caloric range) can thwart weight loss efforts. However, complex carbs found in whole grains like brown rice and quinoa, as well as in low-glycemic veggies like broccoli and yams/sweet potatoes do not convert as readily to sugar and have significantly more fiber to offset the sugars that are there.

    Also, simple carbs tend to be very high in calories with minimal nutritional benefit, so they can hog up a lot of your calorie allowance without doing you any favors nutritionally. So while you can technically eat them and lose weight because you're in a caloric deficit, it's not really going to help you in the long run with your overall health.

    Low-carb diets work for some (I personally think they are a bad idea, but that's just my opinion based on personal experience), but for the most part you don't want to skimp on them too much if you want to perform well at the gym (especially if you do much cardio). Carbs are a quick and easy form of energy - you just want to favor complex carbs over simple carbs.
  • sunfastrose
    sunfastrose Posts: 543 Member
    My mind has been programmed to think bread = fat. I find myself always taking 1 slice off if I'm eating any kind of sandwich.

    Different types of carbs act differently as they are digested and metabolized. Simple carbs convert to sugar on digestion, and so too much of those (even if they are within your caloric range) can thwart weight loss efforts.

    Nope. If you are eating less calories than you burn you will lose.

  • CyberTone
    CyberTone Posts: 7,337 Member
    MFP has prepared a detailed article along with links to references on the Help/FAQ pages that discusses how MFP has set the default macronutrient ratios for the first-time user opting to follow the Guided Goals settings.

    The recommendations linked in the article provide a range for macronutrients: "45-65% of calories from carbohydrates, 10-35% of calories from protein, and 20-35% of calories from fat." As a result, MFP users are free to modify their macro goals.

    Macronutrient Ratios

    Research has shown many potential benefits associated with protein ingestion including increased satiety compared to carbohydrate or fat, and has also been found beneficial in maintaining or building lean muscle mass. [Reference 1 Reference 2 ] For these reasons, we have adjusted macronutrient ratios to incorporate more protein into the diets of MyFitnessPal members.

    Protein need estimations have been increased to 20% of calories, up from from 15%, and carbohydrate need estimations have decreased from 55% of calories to 50%. Percentage of calories from fat remain unchanged. The new ratios still fall within the ranges established by the IOM and align with the macronutrient proportion recommendations in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010: 45-65% of calories from carbohydrates, 10-35% of calories from protein, and 20-35% of calories from fat.

    Additionally, members will now be notified when their daily carbohydrate intake falls below 130g or is comprised of less than 35% of calories from carbohydrate. The rationale for this is based on carbohydrate's role as the primary energy source for the brain and aligns with recommendations put forth by the IOM and Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    "The default of carbohydrate intake goal seems high for weight loss."

    And yet I managed to lose 25 kg/55 lbs going over the default carbohydrate amount just about every single day. :)

    I actually added bread to my diet when I started here. Prior to starting here, I rarely ate it. Since starting here, I have it almost every day.
  • utahmomof10
    utahmomof10 Posts: 133 Member
    My mind has been programmed to think bread = fat. I find myself always taking 1 slice off if I'm eating any kind of sandwich.

    Different types of carbs act differently as they are digested and metabolized. Simple carbs convert to sugar on digestion, and so too much of those (even if they are within your caloric range) can thwart weight loss efforts.

    Nope. If you are eating less calories than you burn you will lose.

    Technically speaking, yes. If all you're interested in is the number on the scale, then it truly doesn't matter what foods those less calories are. A person can eat nothing but 5 donuts a day and go for a 30-minute walk and lose weight, but they're not exactly going to be healthy, are they? If you're interested in overall health in addition to the number on the scale, it really is more complex than merely CICO.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    Eating an open face sandwich (one slice instead of two slices of bread) is what I do if I'm eating out and unsure of the calorie count in the bread or if I want to make room for French fries:).

    It's a way to lower your sandwich/hamburgers calories count.