

  • I was in the same boat this winter... once you start indulging it's hard to stop, especially if you're in the "I'm tired of counting calories" or "I look good enough and I need a break from all this" rut. I found that I got super unhappy because I'd undone most of my hard work, and it was hard to get back into it because…
    in In a rut :( Comment by saxcraft May 2012
  • Oh man, great work! What a huge difference! WTG!
  • I absolutely do! Sometimes when I'm at the gym I forget that I'm in public and do a little happy dance after I weigh myself... better than sighing and hanging my head for sure! Also, the hubby enjoys that I finally think I look as good as he thinks I look...he always has "told ya so" moments with me now:) Hooray!
  • Wow! Not only are you looking fab, but I love how your smile got bigger and bigger as you got smaller and smaller:)
  • I'd have to say that I'm proud of myself today because, for the first time in 3.5 years, I can fit into the pants that I wore on my first day of work at my current job (4 years ago:) They're pretty ugly pants and I'll probably never actually wear them again, but still, I feel good that I could ~potentially~ wear those…
  • I know this sounds really weird, but I find what really helps me is drinking hot water, especially at work. Instead of drinking a whole bunch of coffee or tea, I'll just boil water and then I feel like I need to drink it before it gets cold. It really helps in the winter, or when they crank up the A/C in the summer... like…