Demon676 Member


  • Lots and lots of water. Think of it as a new start. Its OK to have a lot to eat every now and again, specially when its a holiday celebration. What is important is getting back to normal asap after it. The sooner you recover and get back to your healthy eating, the less chance there is of it turning into a bad week, a bad…
  • Ok, got slightly confused with your post. Do you mean your worried about becoming obsessed with counting calories or am I missing the point completely :S
  • Is the issue with logging what you eat or how to log it? Food does not have to be a massive focus. Once you start to know roughly what things are, you can estimate how much you can eat in a day, while logging can take less than a minute after initial setting up of the meals etc. I'd be happy to help if i can.
  • I would expect them to go through forms for exercises and see what your general fitness level is at if they have not already done this at an induction. You will get a thorough workout and try not to worry or be nervous. Just do the exercises they say, they will guide you to the best pace and intensity for you.…
  • This is a link to the navy training program that is available for building up in prep for their fitness test. Pages 6 and 7 have good diagrams for proper forms in the exercises. Tailor it to what is achievable. If you cannot do press ups, start by…
  • Definitely take a break. Nothing is worth pain that wakes you up and prevents you sleeping. Once you've rested and are no longer sore, try the class again, but do NOT go full force in any of it. Focus instead on getting the movement right. Knowing what a rough breakdown of the exercises you did that caused the pain would…