

  • I am currently doing Power 90. I talked to my friend who uses this site as well and is huge into fitness and he recommended that I log the cardio workouts as aeorbics high impact or low, depending on how hard you work, and actually log the sculpt portion as circuit training. Which makes sense because it is fast paced…
  • I have done tae bo and kempo x and I log them in as kickboxing. It actually says turbo jam included when you type it in. Hope this helps!
    in tae-boe Comment by afoshag June 2011
  • Guy's Big Bite on the Food Network has a great Salmon Puttanesca with Lentils in it ... it is awesome! If you don't do fish you could really substitute any lean protein or even eggplant for a vegetarian option... go to and under the search type in salmon puttanesca it should come up! Hope you can use…
    in Lentils Comment by afoshag March 2011
  • I recently had trauma to my thigh and hip region due to a fall. I have had pain off and on since Jan. 10..... As I increased my intensity level my pain got worse, even with my inner thigh and lower abs. Come to find out after a doctor visit and a visit to the Physical Therapist I incurred trauma to the SI Joint which…
  • I have lost 50 pounds and have used no supplements of any kind other than a multi vitamin and a fish oil supplement. I do limit my carb intake, but only moderately I eat the bulk of my diet in fruits, proteins ( inclucing beans), and veggies (including potatoes). I have gluten intolerance so when I eat breads or pasta…
  • I don't think that is being picky. I only use a teaspoon or two, and sometimes I use unsalted stock or water instead! It is important, no matter how healthy fats are, that they are limited in a balanced diet. Hope this helps!
  • I have used the resistance bands and a pull up bar. I used just the standard pull up bar, my molding around my door will not allow for the ones that hang over the molding. Mine is actually between two walls now so I am able to adjust my grip, but I will say for awhile it was in the doorway and it was harder to switch the…
  • Hello there! I have to say when I have hit plateaus in the past the biggest thing that has helped me pushed through it is varying up my workouts. I try to have three to four different types of cardio workouts a week. I also for these workout use interval training. So I end varying my intensity from high to low throughout…
  • Way to go!!!!!! I think it's a huge difference, you have done wonderful!!!!!! Continued Good Luck!!!! : )
  • I will say I have cut carbs in the past and it does help! I recently discovered I have a gluten intolerance so I have been cutting my carbs very well! I still do eat some carbs like beans and sweet potatoes and fruits. I try to eat 1 to 2 servings of bread product , gluten free of course, a day (some days I do better than…
  • Wall squats seem to help me with that area! Basically stand against the wall with your upper legs parallel to the floor and knees over your ankles (very important to prevent injury) hold 10-15 sec then slide up and hold 10-15 sec. Do that for 1 minute. Also any kind of plyo metric cardio is great for burning the legs…
    in Backside Comment by afoshag March 2011
  • A great way to break through a plateau is interval training. I have found that by alternating high and low intensity in one exercise session I hardly ever plateau! I currently am using the Power90 workout to help me out and I have P90X for after I complete training with Power90. I run as well and use intervals even…
  • Try looking up eggplant curry on the web. I have found some great eggplant currys on line that are tomato based. If you don't like eggplant you could substitute it with any lean protein or mix of veggies!
    in Curry!! Comment by afoshag March 2011
  • I agree with the interval working. I have been doing it for about a year and it really will get you in shape faster. I started with the run walk, but have now worked up to jog / fast run work.....I do 2 minute/3 minute interval usually. I also do work on pace runs as well. Fartlek runs are another great interval training…
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