hit a plateau! :(

bekdavis Posts: 290 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
what suggestions do you have for me?


  • traceytoo
    traceytoo Posts: 163
    best advice I got was to look at my diet and my exercise and start as if it was day 1 of your diet - and put the scales away for a while, up the execise amazing how old habits, food and exercise creep in without you knowing .. done wonders for me, although I've not weighed, have really cleaned up my food and will weigh on Friday - def feel thinner :-)) :bigsmile:
  • Start your day with a protien, and boost your excercise. Drink plenty of water.
  • nibbynoo
    nibbynoo Posts: 250 Member
    i am in the same place!
    i have been advised to break my meals up into smaller portions throughout the day, eat less carbs after lunch time and up my cals a little in case ive hit starvation mode.

    Good luck!!
  • Kelsey214
    Kelsey214 Posts: 24 Member
    Its always tough when that happens and it doesn't mean your not trying. Try not to get discouraged and keep going. Maybe switch up the work out routine or go shopping for some new healthy foods.
  • jad65
    jad65 Posts: 2
    splurge a little.... Get off track but not too much.
  • bekdavis
    bekdavis Posts: 290 Member
    Thanks! I have refocused on my exercise and am really TRYING to not weigh in.
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    Change up your workout routines, zigzag your calorie intake between 1200-1400...eat back excercise cals at least some of them on most days...I never eat back all of them esp on 1000-1200kc burning days...these are just some of the things I am doing because I 2 am at a plateau....my trainer told me to change my fat cal intake to 20%...you can do that in settings under goals...he said the more fat you intake the more your body will store!!!
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    Hi Bek,

    Just a couple questions and comments for you. First of all, don't get impatient with the plateaus. You didn't put all the weight on in 3 months, it won't all come off in 3 months either. It may not even be steady, you may have ups and downs. I keep a spreadsheet and focus on averages more than I do individual days.

    So, how long have you been working at losing weight and how long have you been plateaued? Do you have reasonable goals? 115 lbs looks mighty low, but then again, maybe you're very short. I only mention that goal so as to get you to think about maybe just loosening up your expectations a tad and working on eating healthy and exercising.

    I peeked at your food diary. It looks to me like you're not filling it in completely. I also didn't see any exercise entered, so its really hard to say what is effecting your current plateau. Could be calories, could be sodium, could be exercise.

    Try and keep a complete diary it'll really help you evaluate your program.

    Try to keep sodium to 1,500 mgs/day. The 2,500 MFP sets as a "goal" should really be viewed as the far outer limit.

    Yes sodium effects your weight loss efforts.

    Try to eat at least a NET amount of 1,200 calories / day. By NET I mean calories eaten minus exercise calories burned should be at or around 1,200 calories. The goal of 1,200 calories already has a weight loss deficit built in, vigorous exercise on top of that should earn you more calories to eat so you provide your body enough fuel to function and support those workouts.

    take care, good luck and happy eating!
  • I feel your pain!!!! I went almost a month without losing a pound!!! I finally just dropped 3.2 this week. It's hard to say why it happens, though for me I think it was getting a little bit comfortable after losing the initial weight...let your plateau motivate you the same way you were first motivated to lose weight. Best advice? Don't give up!! Stick to your calorie and exercise goals--you can do it!!!!
  • mroper1
    mroper1 Posts: 10
    I had also hit a plateau for a week and a half where the scale would not budge. What worked for me was increasing my fat intake a little. I still stayed within my goal calories but just upped the fat a little. Like someone else said you may need to zig zag your calories a little to make your body not think you are in starvation mode. If you are in the 1200 cal range maybe have a day where you eat close to 1400 cals and then go back to 1200 for a few days and then spike again another day. That seemed to work for me along with an increased fat intake. Since doing that I have lost 1.6 lbs in 2 days!
  • afoshag
    afoshag Posts: 14
    Hello there! I have to say when I have hit plateaus in the past the biggest thing that has helped me pushed through it is varying up my workouts. I try to have three to four different types of cardio workouts a week. I also for these workout use interval training. So I end varying my intensity from high to low throughout one workout. This type training will tear through calories and raise fitness level faster than anything. I am a runner at heart and run before each strength training session (3 a week). After starting cardio intervals within 2 weeks I knocked 7 min off of my 5k time! I now do Power90 and hope to be up to P90X by June or July. Power90 has really boosted my interval training, but you can totally do it on your own....I always have in the past! If you have a gym membership they might offer classes like that too....my YMCA does! Hope this helps and Good Luck!!!!!
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    ive looked at your food diary and i would up your cal intake a bit you are to low!
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Change your diet around, there is a good chance your body is getting too used to your routine.

    I've been trying to be more calorie heavy hurting the day and leaving dinner to light and simple. Its helped so far. I've also begun adding LOTS more veggies into my diet, which my body seems to like.

    Whats your exercise routine like? Maybe switch it up to doing circuit training?

    Also, if you havent been, measure yourself. I haven't lost a whole bunch of weight, but my body is making lots of changes in reference to form.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    A true plateau is 2 weeks with no weight loss--that is how it goes on my program at least.

    Make sure all your calories are coming from fresh fruits, veggies, and whole grains, and extra lean protein---no processed junk! Change your exercise routine a bit, drink more water than you ever have---and take your measurements.
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