Need some advice regarding my doctor...

ecahill91 Posts: 69
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
So, I went to the doctor's about a couple of months ago. He had been pushing on me this Carbohydrate Absorption Inhibitor on me the past few times I went for a visit, but was always skeptical. I finally caved and bought the CAI about a month and a half ago. I don't think I'm getting the results he says I should be getting. He states that this will block simple carbs from being absorbed into my body, so that my body starts burning pure fat. He also tells me that, while on this supplement, I could lose only 5 pounds, yet drop a pant size or two, compared to dropping 20 pounds (just by reading the scale...) and not seeing much of a change. I mean, I'm not taking the supplement religiously, but I've lost weight before and saw better results than with taking this supplement. My doctor said it could work differently with everyone, but I still am a little irked with the way he suggested losing weight. Shouldn't doctors tell you to eat right, exercise, maintain, etc, etc, etc? This supplement wasn't very cheap, either (well, in my opinion, $50 for something that may or may not work SHOULD WORK!!!)

Do you think I should keep taking it? I almost feel like it's a placebo, making me think it's doing something for me. I was told by my doctor to take it when I have simple carbs. Should I just take it 3x a day like it suggests, no matter what I eat? Or, should I switch to just seeing the other doctor in my practice (hahaha)?


  • I wouldn't take it, and I'd find another doctor - maybe even another practice altogether. You're not terribly overweight - I'm surprised he'd push any sort of diet pill on you.

    Also, that pill sounds like a scam.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Ive been working with a dr for over 5 years.I had 150 lbs to loose or close to that.He never suggested any supplements other than fish oil and multi vitamin.Iv`e lost 104 lbs.It has been a slow journey due to some health reasons along the way.But Iv`e learned healthy eating and exercise is the way to go for me.If i think I can cheat and eat whatever and exercise like crazy,it juts doesn`t work for me.
    You have to find out what works for you.Everyone is different.If it were me,I wouldn`t waste the money.But that`s me.
    Good lukc1
    LBATL Posts: 76 Member
    Ummmm yeah, definitely sounds like a scam. Trust your instinct - stop the product and find another doctor.
  • RockaholicMama
    RockaholicMama Posts: 786 Member
    I wouldn't take it. And, I would find another practice, like PP said.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    sounds like the doctor may be getting kick backs from this company for him to prescribe it.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Unfortunately, Doctors make money off Pharmaceutical companys for selling their products.

    If there was a "Magic Pill" for losing weight, it would be the topic of every talk show and be on the front page of every newspaper and magazine. And I'd be popping them like Skittles.

    But...there isn't.
  • Purplegal32
    Purplegal32 Posts: 85 Member
    my advie get a new doctor I know I have to find a new dr I lost 50 lbs and my dr didnt even say anythng to me I was soooo mad I worked my butt off and he didnt say a word Granted I am not losing weight for my dr but STILLLL I was irked. My dr was pushing stuff on me to do cuz think he gets a kickback and I just didnt do it. And now I am on a quest to find a dr that works for me not the other way around.
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    I have to agree with the others. Find a new doctor.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    I wouldn't take it. You are right counting cals and exercise is the healthiest most effective way for long lasting results. Once you get to your goal weight and stop taking the pill, you will gain your weight back if you didn't learn how to eat right. Out of curiosity, is it a prescription pill or over the counter? Because it sounds like OTC. Good Luck....

    i would also find another doc.
  • afoshag
    afoshag Posts: 14
    I have lost 50 pounds and have used no supplements of any kind other than a multi vitamin and a fish oil supplement. I do limit my carb intake, but only moderately I eat the bulk of my diet in fruits, proteins ( inclucing beans), and veggies (including potatoes). I have gluten intolerance so when I eat breads or pasta (measured servings) it is usually rice or some other gluten free flour. I have had great results. It has taken extreme commitment, with both diet and exercise. I personally like to take as few drugs as possible! Hope you work it out! Good Luck!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    For some reason this post angers me very much. Not anything the poster said, but the doctor. Really? Carbohydrate inhibitors? As if carbohydrates are an evil that must be stopped. DAMN! Is there no end to the arrogance of some doctors? What happened to just talking logically to a patient about healthy nutrition programs and a moderate deficit combined with daily vigorous exercise? Why must they alway turn to drugs?

    Don't they realize that without a healthy mental grasp on food, and hormone balance in the body, long term nutritional and metabolic health is all but impossible to achieve? What about drastic changes to the body's chemical balance being bad do some of these guys not understand?

    OK, side note, I know not all doctors are so in bed with the drug companies, and I know some doctors take the initiative to receive supplemental training in nutrition so they can speak intelligently to their patients, but man, the ones that don't and still give this kind of advice really make me so mad.
    I'm also making assumptions based on the limited information given in this post. For instance, I would be completely remiss if I didn't mention that carbohydrate absorption inhibitors have a place in medicine, just not as a normal weight loss supplement, nothing about taking a pill teaches a patient about healthy eating, and should only be used as a last resort under unusual conditions.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    If I were a doctor I would much rather that people educate themselves about simple carbs and replaced them with complex carbs instead of pushing expensive supplements onto patients that are supposed to inhibit absorbtion, while the patient remains clueless and still eats processed crap!

    Unfortunately I guess a lot of doctors perhaps think that people are not motivated to change their lifestyle and just want quick fixes.
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    sounds like the doctor may be getting kick backs from this company for him to prescribe it.

    Agree with this, I'd get a new Dr. in a new practice.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    If it was a product sold out of the doctors office, the doctor himself is making money off you, and I would tell him to stuff it. If it were a prescription product you had to go to the pharmacy to get...AND your insurance covered it....maybe give it a shot. If your carbs are from healthy sources I just don't see the need for such a pill.
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