em902008 Member


  • Would love to help you out. If I can't get out of this funk I'll be needing it too. Looking for actual support and all that on here. Not just another number on a friend list. I'm already ready to delete people after a week haha.
  • I'm only 23 but More than willing to help you out. My first goal is to lose 48lbs. But I need to lose 125+. Like you I have people around me who need to and say they're going to change and start going to the gym with me and all that. Yet they dont:( that is why I joined this site! I need the support and motivation too.…
  • Slipknot <333 spoke to a few members when my buddy worked at the radio station and had them on his show. Love all the bands you've listed but slipknot has been a top band since I was little.
  • I'm still working on my perfect playlist but I def. Get a burst of energy when my FFDP, old atreyu, bfmv, and even alkaline trio come on. Not everyone a cup of tea when working out but I love it!
  • Love this! Def going to bookmark your blog. The heavier music is what gets me through my workout. Def. Got some looks the day my headphones came unplugged from my phone at the gym. Feel
  • My exercise is set at 3x a week for 75 minutes at a time so I'll go in and change that. Thanks so much you guys. You're making me understand it so much better! I'm about to go to work though so I'll adjust it and see where that puts me and everything and go from there. Honestly, for my size I don't think a 3lb a week…
  • Thanks! I'm still learning about the site and all that and just saw this information today. Was kind of blown away by it all especially since I've only lost a whopping like .2 lbs in over a week. Hence the guy suggesting the drop to 1500 calories for a little while. But yeah, I think I'm going to stick to the 1700. On the…
  • The 3340 is what the site gave me, under the goals. Its my diet profile?
  • You sound just like me. I'm in the same boat. Yesterday I didn't even go to the gym and burned 1000 calories just bs'in in my free time. I'm struggling with actually dropping weight though. Despite my long workouts multiple times a week. I'm dropping my calorie intake to 1500 for a week or two in hopes that it "shocks" my…
  • Hi! I've got a lot to lose. Starting with a goal of 48 though. Been working on it for a couple months now and only have a 2.2 loss. :( got some advice today and hoping that helps. I work out quite a bit and monitor and log what I eat and I'm still struggling. Can be very discouraging. I joined for the support and for any…
  • Oh man, I wish I could kick my soda addiction. I only drink one a day now and it is typically diet squirt(Its just too good!!) I got a gym membership a few months back and try to go 4 to 5 times a week. I watch what I eat and all that but I'm working on entering it all on here. I already track everything on the S Health…
  • Hi Toni! I too want to lose a large amount of weight. I'm setting smaller goals though myself to start with. I think it will keep me more motivated meeting the smaller goals one at a time.
    in Hi Comment by em902008 May 2014
  • I'll have to look more into getting one. I'm cheap. Haha. Would be a major splurge for me(which is hard to force myself to do), bet well worth it I'm sure. I get so confused trying to track what I've lost. The equipment (treadmill, bike), the app on my phone, and tracking my heart rate all constantly give me different…
    in New here Comment by em902008 May 2014
  • How much is a fit bit and are you liking it? I really want to invest in it or something similar.
    in New here Comment by em902008 May 2014