Projected loss of 3.7lb per week

After talking to someone they suggested I lower my calorie intake to 1500 for a while to see if that improves my weight loss. My projected weight loss per week is now 3.7 lbs. Is that before I even put in my work outs? Is it too much? Here is the information given after I changed the calorie intake to 1500. I have been aiming for 1700 but the site had recommended 2300 beforehand.

Calories Burned
From Normal Daily Activity 3,340 calories/day
Net Calories Consumed*
Your Daily Goal 1,500 calories/day
Daily Calorie Deficit 1,840 calories
Projected Weight Loss 3.7 lbs/week

It seems a little excessive, especially if I'm going to be working out 4 to 5x a week for 60 to 90 minutes each time. Should I stick to what the site recommended or my 1700 that I had been aiming for or will I be okay with the 1500 for a week or two? I just started tracking on here the past 3 days which have been hectic so I've been off on my food choices anyway. I just don't want to lose too much too fast. (I mean I'd love to snap my fingers and lose it all at once=P) I don't have any major health issues and my doctor had ok'd me for the 1700 calories but at the time I was only working out for maybe 45 minutes 3x a week.

Thanks for the help.


  • tryett
    tryett Posts: 530 Member
    I would be following my Dr's advice. 3.7 pounds a week is a lot.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Where did you get 3340?
  • em902008
    em902008 Posts: 18 Member
    The 3340 is what the site gave me, under the goals. Its my diet profile?
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    I would go with your doctor's recommendation of 1700 calories. I think many weight loss disasters stem from eating too little--constantly testing your willpower, allowing you little energy, and leading to binges.

    By the way, my estimated daily burn is 3,320, about the same as yours! My doc recommended 2,000. I eat 2,080 calories, and that's enough for me to feel satisfied. Plus the deficit enables losing 10lbs/month. :)
  • em902008
    em902008 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks! I'm still learning about the site and all that and just saw this information today. Was kind of blown away by it all especially since I've only lost a whopping like .2 lbs in over a week. Hence the guy suggesting the drop to 1500 calories for a little while. But yeah, I think I'm going to stick to the 1700. On the days I do the intense super long work outs, is it okay to not eat back ALL the calories? There was one day I burned close to 1300. Nooooooo way I can eat back all of that. I tried one day. It was bad, very bad. haha. Thanks again for the help guys!
  • tryett
    tryett Posts: 530 Member
    Most people will tell you that machines and MFP overestimates exercise calories burned. Therefore it is best to only eat half of them.
  • sokkache
    sokkache Posts: 220 Member
    are you sure your tdee is 3,400. Even on days where I work out for 4+ hours, mine is at most 2400. Anyways, I would just say try things out. If you eat and feel satisfied and full at 1500, then go for it. If you're hungry all the time at 1500, then bring it up to 1700 or 1800. I eat anywhere from 1600-1800 and that is perfect for me.
  • mxmkenney
    mxmkenney Posts: 486 Member
    The 3340 is what the site gave me, under the goals. Its my diet profile?

    3340 is a lot - that is probably factoring in exercising a minimum of 5-6 days a week, or very active. In this case, you would not need to add back in your calories burned from exercise because it sounds like it is already factored into your TDEE. 2 pounds a week is healthy weigth-loss. I wouldn't eat under 1000 calories below my TDEE if I were you. Otherwise, re-calculate your TDEE at sedentary and add back your calories burned from exercise (but you could eat back your calories in that case).
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    Otherwise, re-calculate your TDEE at sedentary and add back your calories burned from exercise (but you could eat back your calories in that case).

    Yup, two viable approaches--choose an activity level that factors in your exercise, or choose sedentary and then eat back a percentage of your exercise calories (50-75% is reasonable).
  • em902008
    em902008 Posts: 18 Member
    My exercise is set at 3x a week for 75 minutes at a time so I'll go in and change that. Thanks so much you guys. You're making me understand it so much better! I'm about to go to work though so I'll adjust it and see where that puts me and everything and go from there. Honestly, for my size I don't think a 3lb a week weight loss for a while would be too bad, haha. I think I might email my doctor just to double check with her once I get my numbers on here situated. I plan to get one of those monitor things to better track my calories burned. Just a matter of getting the money for it. You guys are so helpful!!