Breaking the habit

New here, obviously lol. I set up a small but very functional workout space in a spare bedroom.
I cut soda completely out of my "diet" 34 days ago. On average I would consume 4-5 cans of cola per day, no water and pretty much ate whatever until it was gone. I've managed to stop eating such huge portions of everything and Ive put a little effort into making better choices.
I know my diet stills stinks overall but when I start counting calories diets always fail for me. I no longer crave soda but I do give in to a serving per day of whatever kind of juice we have in the fridge. 34 days ago I weighed In at 269 and Im about 260 right now. My craving for soda has stopped and my workouts are moderate but consistent overall.

Any advice or input is welcome and appreciated! I just started using mfp about 3 days ago so there isnt much history to go by but feel free to look at my diary! Thanks!


  • agrafina
    agrafina Posts: 128 Member
    Welcome to MFP and congratulations on kicking the soda habit! I've kicked the diet soda habit a few times now; this time I'm committed to sticking with it since drinking it just made me want sweets.

    Are you weighing foods yet? Get a kitchen scale that measures in grams and tares. It will help you with portions. Its been helpful for me.

    FR sent!
  • em902008
    em902008 Posts: 18 Member
    Oh man, I wish I could kick my soda addiction. I only drink one a day now and it is typically diet squirt(Its just too good!!) I got a gym membership a few months back and try to go 4 to 5 times a week. I watch what I eat and all that but I'm working on entering it all on here. I already track everything on the S Health app on my phone. Its a lot easier to me! I joined the site last year but decided today to give it a real go for the support. Feel free to add or message me if you'd like!
  • jameswj2001
    Thanks for the replies! I havent started weighing my food portions yet. For right now, I've got enough excess weight that simply cutting out all soda and adding some exercise to my very sedentary lifestyle seems to be doing the trick.

    The reasons I began my weight loss journey are many. I began to actually "feel" my weight when I stoos up and upon doing so, I'd breiefly become light headed and slightly dizzy. Obesity, diabetes and heart disease runs in my family. According to my Dr, I have prehypertention and Im prediabetic. Im only 28, with a 2 year old boy! Those are scary things to hear your Dr tell you.

    If I'm going to reverse any of this, now may be my last chance before things bad.
    Good luck to you both! Kick that soda to the curb!


    "In 2007, diabetes was listed as the underlying cause on 71,382 death certificates and was listed as a contributing factor on an additional 160,022 death certificates. This means that diabetes contributed to a total of 231,404 deaths."
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    It sounds like you are doing all the right things! I haven't known anyone who changed all their habits overnight. Most of us pick one thing to change at a time, and the small things done consistently (good or bad) really add up. Good job getting off the soda. That's huge! If there's something unhealthy you have a habit of snacking on, maybe try substituting something you like that's better for you (fruit slices, carrot sticks w/ hummus?). It's easier for me if the bad tempting stuff is not in the pantry and the healthy stuff is washed, prepped and ready to eat. Makes the good choice easier. Good luck!
  • Magisoft
    Magisoft Posts: 113
    Good start James, happy to support you, add me if you like, best of luck!