

  • dancing naked (when nobody is around)
  • You're body can compensate, as they're not essential, but I didn't say to just have none... this is what I meant: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/jim-stoppani-six-week-shortcut-to-shred-nutrition-overview.html
  • Since you like both, cut your apple in half and spread some peanut butter on it haha, I've seen this recommended before... I don't eat peanut butter though. Good luck :)
  • You can add some snacks, nuts have lots of calories for a small portion, they're also good for a protein boost and the fats they have are the good kind... apples are good pre-workout snacks... and you can try some protein shakes maybe (I drink 3-4 day)...
  • Generally it shouldn't matter too much if your calories are still on target... having said that, I find it best to try and keep the carbs down, unless it's vegetables; the human body doesn't actually need them, but if you want to have cheat snack that's carbs, eat it after a workout as your body will burn it off fast with…
  • Protein shakes need to be counted as a snack (or a meal if you drink a few), and put in your planner, and everything will be fine: just watch the calories, as everyone has said. Personally, I have found soy protein to be best at getting rid of any cravings afterwards.
  • http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/becker11.htm use method no.2, I don't know why I keep replying either, no worries.
  • That doesn't mean she shouldn't work her legs, when they are clearly an area that she wants to be better (for her). So if she is to work any muscles, as I suggested - only lightly (probably without weights), it should be those; as this will result in a metabolism boost, which is beneficial overall, and also firmer calves…
  • Yes I would focus on fat loss, however, doing some light leg work (muscle exercises) wouldn't hurt because it wouldn't build much but still keep your leg muscles active; that's important because tired/working muscles increase your metabolism :) I'm not an expert but this is what I have learned through personal experience,…
  • I think you are fatigued, try minimising your workouts to 5 days a week and not 6. I work on upper body on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and legs on Tuesday and Thursday. That said, congratulations on your work ethic buddy, you're lifting heavy too. I actually go for 1.5g of protein per kg bodyweight because I'm also…
  • Fat naturally clings to some places of the body more so than it does to others, depending on individual and sex. If you're sure they are 'big' because of only fat then it wouldn't hurt to try calf raises, just remember that you have to make sure you get a full range of motion when you do it though, calf muscles are…