jlmevis Member


  • Last night I had a sweet tooth craving, so I grabbed a mini 3 musketeers. At first it was really good, but while I was watching the end of private practice my stomach started to hurt. Makes me not want to do that again. I guess I have to remind myself that when we go on a sugar detox... our body shows us how unhealthy it…
  • To report on the birthday party. I shared a yogurt with my husband on the way there, so I didn't much on the chips and dip, and when it came to cake time, I shared a piece with my sister in law. I think that is pretty good since I usually have a whole piece plus ice cream. I'm also not worried because we ended up not…
  • I don't know if I would have been able to resist the cookies so great Job! Today is the first Birthday party. They will have chips and dip and cake and ice cream. My husband and I came up with a game plan. I'll keep gum in my mouth to resist chips and dip, and when I get my cake, I'll eat a bite, then give it to my…
  • I think today will be a big challenge. I woke up to find a bowl full of cupcake batter in the fridge. My husband got a craving. Now he wants me to bake them today while he is at work. Oh the temptation. Well, I guess I'll just have to remind myself how good I've been doing. Great job everyone on passing up holiday treats,…
  • Last night I had a really bad craving for cookie dough. My husband even begged me to make some, but I said no multiple times. Then I just took a shower, brushed my teeth, and read in bed to help take my mind off the craving. Ugh.. this is getting harder.
  • Yesterday, I said no to a late night brownie! It would have set me over my calories. Luckily I showed restraint. Yay!
  • Thanks, that means a lot. To my surprise, I looked in the pantry today and noticed that my hubby took the last of the cookies to work with him.. yay! That helps so much. Now I don't have them to tempt me!
  • I hope its not to late to join this challenge. I've been trying to give up sweets since last monday, and I have done really well until tonight. My mother-in-law sent home-made chocolate chip cookies with us home, and they were to tempting today. My first slip up. But I am determined not to let it side track me. Tomorrow…
  • Sure add me. I waited about 1 hr and drank water during that hour. I kinda got a little queezy, but I just pulled back a bit during the workout.
  • How many calories do you think we burn per video. I guess at 100 for cardio, abs, lower, and total, and about 30 or yoga flex. Any thoughts?
  • I just finished day 6 of 10 minute trainer. Usually I do it in the morning to keep myself motivated during the day, plus I don't have to worry about it, but today, I had an early event, so I did it after lunch. I'm doing all 30 minutes a day though. I need to shed fast for wedding season. I hope it works
  • You must be close to me because its snowing here too. Not sticking though! Thank goodness!
  • I've ran in a light drizzle before. In college, we had to run no matter the weather, so I got used to it, but sometimes running in the rain can really hurt (especially if its windy). Also, bring your cell phone along and make sure someone is home to come and get you incase it starts getting really ugly. Just a thought
  • Since I've started making my own baby food for my little one, I've rediscovered the deliciousness of plain veggies and fruits. I've never eaten sweet potatoes in my life, but now I love them... I just cook them in the oven or microwave and add a little sea salt. So good. Oh and for summer time, try veggie skewers. Our…