"Say NO to indulgences" challenge



  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    @jlmevis- good job at the birthday party - that's the spirit!

    @daybyday - same for you, with only one cookie....moderation is the key! Also, I like the Almond Breeze - especially on cereal. There was a thread on here a few weeks ago, and some people loved it, others - well, not so much.

    Today I did pretty good...didn't go out, and didn't really have dinner - I made some soup. I think I have hit a good spell, with no temptations lately. I'm sure I'll pay the price soon enough, but so far, so good! (and I have completely stayed away from ice cream, which was a nightly thing for me):laugh:
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    I'm about to give in and have a hostess cupcake....but my plan is to just have a half. They jumped in my cart at the grocery store for crying out loud LOL!!
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Passed on the plate of cookies at my first job and passed on the jelly beans at the second job
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Last night, after I logged Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate and turned off the computer, I decided to have a cup of tea instead. Today was another good day...not too many temptations around, thank goodness! (even though there is ice cream in the house, I've been staying away...)
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Well today I've had ONE Girl Scout shortbread cookie (as opposed to 6 before my journey) and a tiny bit of leftover ice cream. I just can't seem to totally stay away from sweets.
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I was good and bad today. I was traveling for work. They had lunch brought in and I had a whole deli ham & cheese sandwich, a bag of pretzels and one oatmeal raisin cookie - which doesn't seem like a lot but omg - the calories! The good thing is that a little later, I was about to snag another cookie (they were so good!) but i said no. On the way home, they had beer on the plane (a charter flight) so I had one can of light beer. There were packages of nuts and someone handed me the cashews. Then I looked at the calories saw that there were 330 calories so I swapped for a bag of pretzels (110 calories). Got home and found that hubby had ordered pizza and wings for dinner. So I ate, then took the dog for a walk. Now I will go ride my exercise bike for awhile, and not have anything else for the rest of the night. Some days it is SO HARD to be good.:noway:
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    I hate when there is candy on the table at work. Yesterday there were jelly beans and tootsie rolls on the table at work. Passed them both up. I didn't have a problem passing up on a night time snack because my stomach was a bit upset.
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    One of my coworkers brought in some candy that she brought home from Pakistan, where she had been for 5 weeks. Most of it was hard candy, but she gave each person a little candy bar - kind of like a Twix. Since I worked late, I ate mine. Oh well - I was still under my calories for the day!
  • jlmevis
    jlmevis Posts: 14 Member
    Last night I had a sweet tooth craving, so I grabbed a mini 3 musketeers. At first it was really good, but while I was watching the end of private practice my stomach started to hurt. Makes me not want to do that again. I guess I have to remind myself that when we go on a sugar detox... our body shows us how unhealthy it is when we do eat it. (I'm talking only processed sugars of course).
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    jlmevis - interesting theory - hope it keeps you away from the candy. :laugh:

    This morning I went to a presentation at work and they had a table set up with fruit and pastries. I stayed away completely. The fruit wouldn't have been bad I know, but I didn't even want to go NEAR the table.
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Those work tables are killers! Today I passed up the chocolate cake with chocolate icing and some green St. Patrick treats.
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Yesterday I had light beer instead of regular or microbrew. Today I was really starving in the late afternoon, but held off until dinner time. I also would have really liked a glass of wine (sometimes I really enjoy it when I am home for dinner on a Sunday) but I said NO and had water instead.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    I'm afraid I'm not doing very good at saying "No". I AM doing good at saying "Less". In the past I would have 2 or 3 bowls of sugary cereal, 6 cookies morning/noon/night, more than one piece of cake, a couple bowls of ice cream....you get the picture. Now I have one bowl of cereal, 1 or 2 cookies once a day, one piece of cake and a small bowl of ice cream. Saying no to me means depriving myself and I don't like that feeling. But saying "less" is working much better for me. And that is what matters for us all, what works best for us!! Have a great day everyone!! Hope I can still be in this - just not totally saying no.
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Daybyday- If saying LESS, works for you, that's great. I understand that not wanting to deprive oneself. That's why yesterday, I said YES to a McDonalds ice cream cone. I was still under my calories for the day and t was portion controlled. I did say no to the plates of wonderful looking chocolate chip cookies that were on a plate where I had an appointment. \

    No real challenges today
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    We had Chinese food for our monthly lunch today at work. I definitely said "less", even though it was still kind of a lot when added all together. A lot of it was vegetables, but I know that with Chinese food, that doesn't mean low cal. I did say NO to the brownies that one of my co-workers brought in. I found "Chinese buffet" in the food database on this site, so that's what I used. I really have no idea.....
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    We had Chinese food for our monthly lunch today at work. I definitely said "less", even though it was still kind of a lot when added all together. A lot of it was vegetables, but I know that with Chinese food, that doesn't mean low cal. I did say NO to the brownies that one of my co-workers brought in. I found "Chinese buffet" in the food database on this site, so that's what I used. I really have no idea.....

    Sometimes it's hard to figure those calories, but as long as you were aware of what you were eating and able to say "LESS" that's the important thing. All you can do is make your best guess. Good job on resisting the brownie.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Daybyday- If saying LESS, works for you, that's great. I understand that not wanting to deprive oneself. That's why yesterday, I said YES to a McDonalds ice cream cone. I was still under my calories for the day and t was portion controlled. I did say no to the plates of wonderful looking chocolate chip cookies that were on a plate where I had an appointment. \

    No real challenges today

    I would have so much trouble passing on chocolate chip cookies!! I've been thinking about making some - but I'm really scared to as my family only eats most of them when they are warm.
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    No real temptations today. I was super busy at work and barely had time to eat my lunch...although I did mange to eat it, along with my morning snack of grapes and my afternoon snack of yogurt. I guess I'm never too busy to eat! :laugh: I did forgo my evening cup of Swiss Miss No Sugar Added Hot Chocolate, but pretty much because I didn't feel like making it (heating the water and stirring it up). That's pretty lame, but...:ohwell:
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    OK, so I did have some glazed pecans yesterday, but they were part of the salad I made for dinner. :laugh: I only had a few. At least I didn't have any handfuls for snacks!:bigsmile:
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    I told my hubby that I didn't want a fast food breakfast sandwich this morning!! Didn't want all of those calories today =)