"Say NO to indulgences" challenge



  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Yesterday, I said no to a late night brownie! It would have set me over my calories. Luckily I showed restraint. Yay!

    Yay to saying no to the brownie!]
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    @jlmevis - good job with that brownie!

    Today, since it was Ash Wednesday I only ate on full meal. I had instant oatmeal for breakfast, a lean cuisine for lunch (kind of a meal but I usually have fruit or something to go with it) and dinner (soup, salad and grilled cheese). That's it for the day. At work, it was the monthly birthday celebration. The person who brought in the cake brought in one that looked really yummy - white cake, with strawberry mousse filling, and lots of buttercream frosting. On one hand, it was kind of hard to say no, but on the other hand, I KNEW I wasn't going to have any, so it really wasn't a battle.

    So far, so good.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Today I passed up Girl Scout cookies at work!!
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    efcdcdb- you certainly had to be pretty strong to give up that cake!

    daybyday- nice job passing on the GS cookies.

    No temptations came my way today.
  • jlmevis
    jlmevis Posts: 14 Member
    Last night I had a really bad craving for cookie dough. My husband even begged me to make some, but I said no multiple times. Then I just took a shower, brushed my teeth, and read in bed to help take my mind off the craving. Ugh.. this is getting harder.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    I was at the grocery store and had a box of mini cupcakes with green icing in my hand. I looked at the calorie count and put them back!! I had a glass of wine instead LOL!!
  • LazyMogg
    LazyMogg Posts: 162
    Okay, I'd like to join in too starting from today for the rest of March.

    Someone bought pecan nut sticky pastries in today and I was the only one who said no thanks. Took mine home and gave it to my husband. Nice treat for him and big pat on the back for me.

    i could get to like this little bit of boasting lark. :bigsmile:
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Went out to dinner tonight. Chose wisely from the menu and decided against the wine!
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    @daybyday - I'd say you made a good choice - wine over cupcakes. :bigsmile:

    @slinxy - welcome! that's great about the pecan pastries - especially bringing yours home for hubby! :laugh:

    @frogmama - good choices, and what willpower to pass up the wine! :flowerforyou:

    Today I worked late. I was tempted by the box of cocoa puffs under my desk and resisted but then decided that could be my dinner, so I ate a couple handfuls. Got home around 8:30, and just had my normal "nighttime snack". SO, for the day, I guess that was pretty good.
  • jlmevis
    jlmevis Posts: 14 Member
    I think today will be a big challenge. I woke up to find a bowl full of cupcake batter in the fridge. My husband got a craving. Now he wants me to bake them today while he is at work. Oh the temptation. Well, I guess I'll just have to remind myself how good I've been doing.

    Great job everyone on passing up holiday treats, wine, and other indulgences. Here comes the weekend. Post if you need support!

    Anyone else have a husband that enables instead of encourages?
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    No cookies or cake today!!
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I think today will be a big challenge. I woke up to find a bowl full of cupcake batter in the fridge. My husband got a craving. Now he wants me to bake them today while he is at work. Oh the temptation. Well, I guess I'll just have to remind myself how good I've been doing.

    Great job everyone on passing up holiday treats, wine, and other indulgences. Here comes the weekend. Post if you need support!

    Anyone else have a husband that enables instead of encourages?

    Hope you were able to resist the temptation of the cupcakes. :devil: My hubby is pretty good.He doesn't really enable OR encourage, but he's never been much of a snacker so we don't have many bad things around. He is one of the most boring eaters I have ever known - he eats the same few foods over and over again. :laugh:

    @daybyday - good job today.

    I think I did pretty good today. I did go out for a fish fry and had a beer, but I ordered the half portion of the fish fry. The waitress didn't bring the rye bread that it was supposed to come with it but we decided not to ask for it. AND, I didn't have a cookie during intermission of the play we went to after dinner. And we ALWAYS get the cookies. :tongue:
  • jlmevis
    jlmevis Posts: 14 Member
    I don't know if I would have been able to resist the cookies so great Job!

    Today is the first Birthday party. They will have chips and dip and cake and ice cream. My husband and I came up with a game plan. I'll keep gum in my mouth to resist chips and dip, and when I get my cake, I'll eat a bite, then give it to my husband. I hope it works!

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    I'm a little late getting into this but I really, really wanted a Dairy Queen Blizzard yesterday and I kept thinking of all the reasons for WHY I could justify having one, but at the end of the day...I opted for 2 slices of 45 calorie bread with 1/2 tbsp of PB on each and a glass of almond milk. Took care of my sweet craving. :)
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    My husband definitely is an enabler. He would go out to eat 5 nights a week and have pizza and wings the other two if he could. He also would say "Go ahead and eat it, it won't hurt." He would love to have containers of cashews and bags of chips around. I try not to have these things in the house.

    jlmevis- I love your ide for the birthday party. Hope it works for you. Sounds like your husband is a very supportive person.

    halphord- nice trade for the Blizzard!

    efcdcdb- Good choice having the half fish fry and only one beer! The bread wasn't an issue for me cause I wouldn't have eaten it anyways. Also, thanks for resisting the cookie cause it helped me say no too!

    Last night I resisted the huge white chocolate macadamia cookie that I so look forward to when we go to plays. Today I finished my fish fry for lunch, but I did not eat the slaw or finish the sweet potato fries!
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I'm a little late getting into this but I really, really wanted a Dairy Queen Blizzard yesterday and I kept thinking of all the reasons for WHY I could justify having one, but at the end of the day...I opted for 2 slices of 45 calorie bread with 1/2 tbsp of PB on each and a glass of almond milk. Took care of my sweet craving. :)

    I love going to Dairy Queen. My hubby doesn't have many cravings or bad eating habits, but Dairy Queen Blizzards is one of his few weaknesses, so the temptation is always there. Good for you!!

    Today I went out for dinner again. I ordered a light beer, which is normally a 16 oz pint (my indulgence is darker, higher calorie beer). The waitress brought a 12 oz bottle of Bud Lite. I was about to point out her error, but I decided to just go with the 12 oz instead and when I finished that, I ordered a water. One of their specials was a beef tenderloin sandwich with onions and mushrooms, so I got that, and only ate half (and half of my fries). Not bad for a Saturday, I'd say....
  • jlmevis
    jlmevis Posts: 14 Member
    To report on the birthday party. I shared a yogurt with my husband on the way there, so I didn't much on the chips and dip, and when it came to cake time, I shared a piece with my sister in law. I think that is pretty good since I usually have a whole piece plus ice cream. I'm also not worried because we ended up not eating dinner, so I don't think I went over my calories for the day. And... I stayed away from the pop and drank coffee and water, so all in all I think I did well.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    OK...I broke down and had ONE Girl Scout cookie today. Peanut Butter Sandwich. It was calling my name LOL. But it's better than having 6 for sure!!
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    I'm a little late getting into this but I really, really wanted a Dairy Queen Blizzard yesterday and I kept thinking of all the reasons for WHY I could justify having one, but at the end of the day...I opted for 2 slices of 45 calorie bread with 1/2 tbsp of PB on each and a glass of almond milk. Took care of my sweet craving. :)

    Blizzards used to be at least a weekly occurrence for me. Sometimes my tummy doesn't always like them though. Is almond milk really good? I'm scared to pay the $3.99 for 1/2 gallon and not like it!!
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    I'm a little late getting into this but I really, really wanted a Dairy Queen Blizzard yesterday and I kept thinking of all the reasons for WHY I could justify having one, but at the end of the day...I opted for 2 slices of 45 calorie bread with 1/2 tbsp of PB on each and a glass of almond milk. Took care of my sweet craving. :)

    Blizzards used to be at least a weekly occurrence for me. Sometimes my tummy doesn't always like them though. Is almond milk really good? I'm scared to pay the $3.99 for 1/2 gallon and not like it!!

    I don't drink the almond milk by itself, but I do use the vanilla on cereal and in smoothies. It seems creamier than skim milk.