10 Min Trainer

Im just starting Tony Horton's 10 min trainer and I was curoius when I should do it. Before Breakfast? Before Lunch? After Lunch (how long after???) I just ate lunch but Im feeling really motivated :) I just want to do it, but I wanted to make sure that exercising right after you eat isn't some taboo rule (like swimming lol :P ) Thanks for any assistance


  • jlmevis
    jlmevis Posts: 14 Member
    I just finished day 6 of 10 minute trainer. Usually I do it in the morning to keep myself motivated during the day, plus I don't have to worry about it, but today, I had an early event, so I did it after lunch. I'm doing all 30 minutes a day though. I need to shed fast for wedding season. I hope it works
  • jlmevis
    jlmevis Posts: 14 Member
    How many calories do you think we burn per video. I guess at 100 for cardio, abs, lower, and total, and about 30 or yoga flex. Any thoughts?
  • wkschuster
    wkschuster Posts: 144
    awesome :) did you have any problems doing it right after lunch? I was hoping to do 30min as well :) Would you mind if I added you as a friend?
  • wkschuster
    wkschuster Posts: 144
    How many calories do you think we burn per video. I guess at 100 for cardio, abs, lower, and total, and about 30 or yoga flex. Any thoughts?
    Don't know yet this will be the first time Im doing it :) But as soon as I get finished today I will try to figure it out :)
  • jlmevis
    jlmevis Posts: 14 Member
    Sure add me. I waited about 1 hr and drank water during that hour. I kinda got a little queezy, but I just pulled back a bit during the workout.
  • wkschuster
    wkschuster Posts: 144
    Thanks :) looks like some homework and bottoms up on the water bottle then a little workout :)
  • AndrewTheWise
    It really doesn't matter when you workout, but it matters when you eat around it if that makes sense. I did P90X last year and lost 20lbs. Tony put some of his best workouts into the 10 minute trainer, but the real key is muscle confusion. After a few weeks it stops working unless you mix it up.
  • MMarie25
    MMarie25 Posts: 7 Member
    I have been doing 10 min trainer for about 2yrs now, i dont even use the resistance bands, i use dumbells, because when i got it off ebay, rather than beachbody.com, the bands were not included. Lost 35-40lbs, went from 155lbs at 5'7, to now 123-125lbs.
    its great, i love it. I like to get it out of the way, so i do it somewhat early, between 8am and 11am, sometimes i eat breakfast before, but then dont exercise for about 1 hr- 1 hr 1/2 after that. if i exercise before breakfast, i sometimes have something small, like 1/2 banana or a apple & water!
    It's a great program, Did that help?

  • oneg
    oneg Posts: 2
    anyone figure out yet amt of calories we're burning for 10 Minute Trainer vids? Especially the Yoga Flex.
    It would be nice if there was another category besides just strength training and cardio to include yoga.