Docbanana2002 Member


  • It doesn't matter what the calculator says--that's just an estimate, based on the average person. Your actual results from your own body weight are telling you that you are in a caloric deficit. That data is more accurate. The problem isn't that you are tracking, the problem is that you aren't responding to the data that…
  • Just adding my two cents since I think I have a reason for splitting my workouts that hasn't been mentioned.... I don't only do weight training, nor is it a big priority for me now. Running, hiking, and yoga are my priorities and weight training is just for general health and to help me get better at the yoga and running.…
  • Your "fat weight" is the same as my "skinny weight" after 117 pounds of weight loss!! :) I seriously doubt someone would negatively comment about the gain but if they do then they are jerks.
  • No, but I have a big appetite and tend to overeat. Sometimes my appetite tells me to eat when I really shouldn't and I have to follow my data rather than my feelings. So if I'm actually not hungry I just save the calories for another time. However, if you have tendencies toward undereating or rarely get hungry, then your…
  • I don't like the concept of cheat days or reward days because both concepts seem tied to unhealthy ideas about food and dieting that I have had to overcome. If I want to reward myself for an accomplishment then I will do it with something other than food... because seeing food as this hugely important thing to make myself…
  • I agree the first two posters were kinda snarky but their advice is a short way of saying what I will hopefully say more constructively... --not being sad....hard to just snap out of it right? Sometimes the sad days will come but if you are seeing them a lot then I would recommend a counselor to help with what might be…
  • I was addressing my comment to the person who said interval training doesn't impact 10k times, not to you. Clearly you understand that speed work isn't just for being a better sprinter but also better distance runner too.
  • Maybe here is the source of disagreement (and my puzzlement that people are anti intervals) because I use the term "interval training" to refer to any training where you do intervals of higher intensity mixed with intervals of lower intensity (rather than going the same speed for the whole run but just trying to make it…
  • Sorry, but interval training is part of developing speed at any distance, not just for sprinting. The OP said he can run a couple of miles and wants to do a single mile faster, so that's a way to do it. That being said, if you are training for a 5k in the near future and 2 mile runs don't yet feel good, it would make sense…
  • Oh and for the record the woman in the after photo does NOT look fat. You just look like an average sized person, not especially big or small.
  • I lost 117 pounds too and felt that way too. I still felt the same on the inside and it was hard to connect with the woman in the mirror. Some of my insecurities and automatic thoughts that popped into my head were still there like old habits. I remember one time when I was looking clothes and saw some cute pants, and…
  • You should mix some high intensity interval training into your running routine (google that and you will find lots of info).
  • Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts.... basically anything whole food and plant based is good.
  • I'm glad to hear you are an experienced hiker, I was a little concerned this might be too ambitious for a starting trail race if your usual exercise is just road or treadmill running. But if you are a backpacker/ hiker then this sounds doable, you will already have some fitness and experience that will be useful here. Just…
  • I agree with girlinahat about the downhills, if you turn out there are some steep ones and not just all uphill. I think downhill is the hardest part of trail can be brutal on knees and if you trip on a rock or tree root and fall it can be a much less pleasant land than if you trip and fall UPhill. Gotta…
  • Make sure you have some good all terrain running shoes. If you use shoes designed for street running, you run a big risk of falls and ankle turns. Also, in order to get that much elevation gain in that short a distance, that's likely have some really steep grades! That's not just a beginner friendly trail run, it sounds…
  • Sounds like you need to just focus on upper body and abs. Lifting barbells/dumbells while seated or upper body weight machines (rather than whole body lifts or heavy weights that will force you bend knees to pick them up). You could do chin ups. Do planks, ab work, if you dont hit the knee. Not sure what equipment is in…
  • You might not need to give up pleasure, but you might need to rethink a few things... --How much your life centers around pleasure in general, and pleasure from food specifically. People who spend their life in pursuit of constant immediate pleasure (whether it be from food or sex or drugs or alcohol or shopping or…
  • I've never done mountain climbing so I can't give specific tips about that, but I do know a little bit about running. I have found that sometimes with shorter runs, I'm so focused on the fact that the run will end soon that I very easily get into an impatient "are we there yet?!" mode. With long runs, I can only be…
  • Lots of good ideas here! I'd add refried (or mashed/puréed) beans or some lentils cooked really long to a mush. Good source of soft protein.
  • My definition of healthy dessert is (1) a sweet treat I enjoy that (2) has some micronutrients or protein, not just fat and carbs AND (3) is lower in calories than a typical dessert. I don't mind eating "unhealthy" desserts here and there too, I'm not one who thinks sugar or fat is the devil, but I do think I have more…
  • I agree with you that a good long term goal for optimal health is healthy weight, good nutrition, and active lifestyle. For someone who generally does those things and has just packed on a few pounds due to sloppiness or a temporary life circumstance, maybe they can best address the issue by cleaning up nutrition. Replace…
  • It helps with protecting your existing muscle during weight loss, rather than losing it along with the fat. You end up with better body composition in the end if you are losing most of the weight in fat (rather than losing lots of muscle along with the fat). It burns some calories which can create a higher deficit and/or…
  • I have been known to eat, before, during AND after..... :) Once I ran a 29 minute 5k while simultaneously eating a half dozen glazed donuts ha ha. (It was a silly challenge). But seriously, it depends on a lot of factors. What types of workouts you are doing and with what goal? How long and how intense and how many…
  • Sugar isn't inherently bad or harmful, but it is high in calories and doesn't have much nutritional value. Other than a lot of carbohydrate, that is, and unless you are a marathon runner closing in on mile 20, you are not likely to have any ill effects from not having enough carbs. :) However, a lot of people DO suffer ill…
  • Vegetarian here. I lost over 100 pounds and have kept it off by eating a vegetarian diet that is about 60% carb and watching my calories. Personally I think that transitioning to vegetarian is hard enough without piling on a lot of additional unnecessary dietary restrictions that would limit your intake of starchy veggies,…
  • You will be more successful if you let go of the all or nothing mentality. I've done all the "all the way failures" that you describe, multiple times, sometimes on repeat, sometimes worse than you describe, and somehow managed to lose 110 pounds and keep it off for over a year now and even run multiple races like a half…
  • I walk 2 miles to/from work every day and enjoy it (4 total). It is a way to get some extra activity into my day without having to set aside exercise is just built into my commute. Also a good way to de-stress after work. I wear a lightweight backpack where I put my stuff (keys/wallet/phone/etc), a bottle of…
  • How old are your shoes? I sometimes get weird mystery aches when my shoes are ready to be replaced. I think the soles or cushion wears down in a way that affects my running form.