cnklapper Member


  • Right under the elastic strap of the sports bra...
  • Heard this one this morning... Tape an egg carton to the top of your head. Then dress is skimpy clothes, like fishnet hose, short shorts, etc, and you have "Eggs over easy." Thought it was cute and easy and you'd still be able to move around for your workout.
  • Check out listings for classes offered in local churches. Many of them are free.
  • I have a Timex that I've used for a year and love it. Bought it from Amazon for $50 or less. Whatever you choose to buy, make sure it has a chest strap. They tend to be more accurate than the wrist-only monitors.
  • I agree. The time of day doesn't affect the rate of your weight loss. Bottom line is that you need to do it at the best time for YOU... the most energy, most convenient time, etc. This will aid in the consistency/frequency of your workouts, which in the end WILL speed up your weight loss. : )
  • You can buy a very reliable one for around $50 (various brands) from Amazon. Like another person said, just make sure you're getting one with a chest strap.
  • I mean, yes, it may be possible to do those trainings back to back, but I don't think it would be wise. You would be setting yourself up for an easy injury in the TK training, which I'm sure is exactly what you don't need or want at this point. Good luck with your Zumba training! It was a really fun experience for me! ; )
  • You can get a reliable HRM from Amazon for around $40. Best way to log your classes.
  • Those percentages aren't meant to be added together. Both fat and muscle have some water within them... The water percentage isn't necessarily a separate figure. Hope that makes sense, b/c it's kinda hard to explain.
  • I don't know about being sore necessarily, but you will be WIPED out from the Zumba training. It's a long day of moving and shaking. :-/
  • I started taking classes over a year ago and fell in love with it. I've never found a workout that is more enjoyable and burns so many calories (usually 800-1000 in an hour). Now I'm an instructor and teach several classes each week. I'm always encouraging people to forego the dvds and give the classes a try. They are much…
    in Zumba? Comment by cnklapper August 2011
  • It's fabulous... Burns tons of calories and is just plain FUN! I've lot 25 pounds since I began Zumba a year ago. If you decide to try it, skip the dvds and find a class with a great instructor. You will get so much more bang for your buck that way. GO FOR IT!
  • Spend the money on the classes, not the DVDs! : )
  • Zumba. Is. Awesome. I started it a year ago and have lost 25 pounds since. I wear a heart rate monitor/calorie counter and can easily break 1000 calories burned in an hour class. Now a year later, I'm an instructor teaching my own classes. If you try it, I'm certain you will love it. There's just not an exercise activity…
    in Zumba? Comment by cnklapper August 2011