

  • I'm 5'2", age 39, and have a small frame. My goal is 115-120, but I suspect 120 will be my final resting spot. The lowest I've been in adulthood was 110 in college. By late 20's, even after my first baby, I was around 120.
  • I've done the same thing, myself, and like someone else said, don't let today affect tomorrow. One thing that keeps me in line is I weigh myself everyday. If I do that, it reminds me to stay in line. If I don't weigh, I lose my accoutability to myself. Most people would never do this, but it works for me. I have one thing…
  • I'm on wk 4, and it's a big step up from wk 3, imo.
  • I had the same problem. Weight didn't fall off of me while bfing. I was generally hungrier than I was when I was pregnant! The only time I successfully lost weight while bfing was when I cut my calories and exercised too. Imagine that! Not a miracle weight loss for me! LOL
  • Once you get into watching your calories on a regular basis, your body might not feel hungry after a large meal splurge. It's like it knows that it had enough calories for the day. Tonight, for you, I would eat a salad at least, fruit, and/or vegetables.
  • I don't know the answer to your question for sure, but I have heard that breakfast should be one of the bigger meals of the day. I LOVE breakfast, and I gladly sometimes trade eating more calories at breakfast with eating less at dinner.
  • I LOVE ZUMBA!! I wish I could know how many calories I'm burning without buying a moniter.
  • I am thinking that if you don't exercise, you have to eat around 1200 pretty consistently. I am only basing this on the fact that you only need to lose 20 lbs, but I don't know your current weight. Also, I don't know if you are breastfeeding which changes that calorie count. If possible, join a gym that has daycare, and…
  • Good luck! You are on the right track and have a great attitude! When I was nursing (I have 4 children, ages 9-2), I was so hungry, there was no way I could try to lose or cut back. It was worse than being pregnant! I was probably way too stressed too. LOL My youngest is 2, and I am just now motivated to lose the extra…