techcoast Member


  • Check out the post I just put up over this kind of thing. Hope it helps. :)
  • Yah, I've been upping my weight again lately.. (about 65lbs+ for squats) and working everything else up as needed, but I don't know what it's going to take to tighten up that flab in the middle and get that flat stomach I've never had. My arms are much more vascular, my shoulders have small pop, my tri's are much more…
  • A lot depends on your particular body. That's why you need to find out where your body burns weight naturally. Try going with JUST 1650 for say three weeks. See what your body does with that. Again, if it starts to go up, just stay at 1650 and give it three weeks. At the end of that see if it doesn't level off if not start…
  • Oh, one other thing, DRINK MORE WATER!!! Say goodbye to diet drinks, sodas, (preferably coffee too) and smoothies. Drink more water. I've heard up to 1.5 gallons a day but I usually do about 4 liters (1 gallon) myself. You will go to be bathroom way more often and your body will respond better overall.
  • Your metabolism slows down when you eat so little. 1200 should be the lowest you consume at any given day. How did you come up with your calorie count? I'm 6' 194lb Male and I eat about 1700 a day to lose weight. So, right off your count sounds a bit high, but, that comes with trying your diet for a while and finding where…
  • I'm still pursuing my dream, but it's come with letting it go first and then finding my way back. I'm hoping that it comes soon, I've been studying animation for many years now. But, I won't let it stop me from enjoying my life or my family and friends ever again. :)
  • Thanks, There was a lot that prompted it, I suffered a lot of losses last year, relationships, jobs, money, cars, etc.. a lot changed. The only thing I could affect was myself. I had chased dreams to a fault and ignored people and myself. It finally all came to a screeching halt and I was forced to look at my situation for…
  • So, it's been a little while and I've made a small adjustment that seemed to make a BIG difference. I simply lowered my calorie intake to 1700 from 1900 and watched the weight just drop off. I'm down to 200 (My original weight goal!) and now working toward 190. My bodypump class has been all that I'm doing along with a run…
  • Yah, I'm not sold on the gluten thing. My body hasn't done anything strange in the last couple of years, so I'm not keen on trying to eliminate from the diet things that naturally happen anyway.. But, it's good to stay informed so thanks for the info. :) As for gaining muscle, I'm not getting huge by any stretch of the…
  • I take into account all of the posts and look for consistencies in all of them.. What I'm hearing, simply is that my calorie intake is okay, and that I need to play with the %s a bit. It's fascinating looking at all the different opinions and ideas that surround this. One thing I'm not hearing is that more cardio is on the…
  • So, then lower my carb intake? Kind of afraid of that.. Having done Atkins, I know the body needs them .. What would be reasonable ?
  • Please, keep it civil folks.
  • I do have a scale, its how I'm keeping track of the amounts of food I'm taking in. I also cut back from what the app says I burn in the classes and I don't count lifting on it's own altogether. :)
  • Mk, I'm at about 1900 calories per day about 170 carbs about 170 protein about 40 fat about 1900 sodium about 50 sugar As for why the shake, I like it, it's a decent amount of protein vs calorie intake, and on heavy lifting days I add a couple of eggs and toast to supplement it. :)
  • Oh, I should mention I drink about a gallon of water a day! :)
  • I'm gaining muscle through strength exercises. I do free weights 2 times a week *heavy lifting* and add bodypump twice a week as well. I usually will run 20 minutes after each session.
  • Typical day, : Breakfast Herbalife Shake in the morning Lunch: 7-10oz of chicken breast 2 slices of whole wheat bread, 1-1.3 oz medium cheddar cheese Mixed vegetables about 3/4 cups (Other days it'll be 1 cup rice instead of bread) Dinner: 7-10oz chicken breast Salad mix Light salad dressing Fat free feta cheese Mixed…
  • I do my legs during Body Pump, squats, lunges I get the work out and there are 3 major sets during each session.
  • The sweet spot is where your body is burning off more than your taking in at a peak efficiency. To figure that out, you need to find out how many calories it needs vs burns. The MFP will help you start, but you need to play with the numbers to figure out where that "spot" is. In other words, let's try this example;…