Starting over, Need to loose 50lbs

I tend to be a very private person. I work a lot and stay busy with creative projects such as baking and painting.

I need help and support.

I have started the couch to 5-k program and want to add in yoga, lifting and swimming.

If these are activities you are utilizing as well, I would love to discuss and help support your efforts.

Thank you for your time.


  • atitagain1958
    atitagain1958 Posts: 160 Member
    You can add me if you'd like. I love to bake and do some simple Yoga stretches at home. My running days are over I'm afraid. I used to have a very busy, active life...working, raising my kids, going to school. Now I'm older, not working anymore due to health reasons, a couple hundred miles away from my kids and grandkids and find myself with more health issues than I ever imagined. Even so, my daughter tells me I'm one of the most positive, supportive people she knows! Aww!
  • techcoast
    techcoast Posts: 26 Member
    Check out the post I just put up over this kind of thing. Hope it helps. :)
  • charli667
    charli667 Posts: 2 Member
    It is so important to stay positive and just keep moving. I am away from my family as well and know that can emotionally effect your health efforts.