

  • I would say if you're overeating from feeling deprived, that you might consider increasing your daily caloric intake by building in little treats that aren't cheats but are satisfying and rewarding to you. You might also consider ways to increase the volume of food you're eating without increasing the caloric intake too…
  • Is it possible? Yes. Is it a good idea? NO! 20lbs a month is too fast. You should aim for 1-2 lbs a week. I've done yoyo dieting all my life and it doesn't work. 4 times in my life I've lost more than 50 lbs and each time I've gained it all back and then some. The last time, I did it slow and healthy and lost 140lbs over 2…
  • I agree with others that no food is 'bad', moderation is key. As far as recipes go, I like The recipes are all tested and also rated by site users. My fave fake fried chicken is made by lightly coating a dampened skinless chicken breast with shredded Parmesan cheese and salt and pepper. Bake at 350 till…
  • Prunes work because they are a high fiber food. If fiber from other sources hasn't resolved constipation, prunes aren't likely to do the trick either. :smile:
  • There are many reasons why these things could be happening but it sounds like it's time for medical intervention. If this is financially difficult most decent sized communities in the US have a clinic that operates at low or no cost to low income people. You can find out info about them by calling Information and Referral…
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