60 pounds in 3 months

Hey guys I currently weigh 270 and I want to lose 60 pounds by March 1. Is it possible if so how do I do it. I need a lot if help. Thanks . If I do this I my parents will buy me a car!


  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    No. It's not a race.
  • Jane2285
    Jane2285 Posts: 187 Member
    It depends...that's quite a bit though..you have to see, it's 20 pounds a month!!! The general rule of thumb for healthy weight loss (to keep it off and to not rebound) is 1.5-3 pounds a week. So if you go with the high end of 3 pounds a week...that's only 12 pounds a month, which would be 36 pounds in three months. It would be an amazing start though!!!

    You have to change your eating habits as well. Eat lots of fruits and veggies, drink tons of water and make sure you are working out all parts of your body. Cardio and weight lifting. It just seems...that 60 pounds in three months is a bit much...

    Try to be more realistic, and you won't feel so down when you don't meet it. If you go for the 3 pounds a week, you should work hard to meet those three pounds! Then do that each week and you will see results. Don't harm yourself!!!

    Also, keep in mind that 3500 calories equals one pound! So you would have to burn at least that to lose weight. You need to find your BMI...check out choosemyplate.gov and get your requested amount of calories and stick to those! It's a great place to start and gives you nutrition information as well!

    GOOD LUCK!!!!

    :) Megan
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Hey, sweetie. Well, that's 20 lbs. a month, or 4-5 pounds a week. You may drop 5 pounds a week for the first couple of weeks, since you're starting at a higher weight, but it's doubtful that will be sustainable. It also might not be healthy. I agree with the poster above, it's not a race. I know how it feels to desperately want the weight off, trust me, I do. But you're better off going slow and steady than killing yourself to meet an extremely difficult, if not impossible (for many/most people), goal.
  • cheriebery
    Is it possible? Yes. Is it a good idea? NO! 20lbs a month is too fast. You should aim for 1-2 lbs a week. I've done yoyo dieting all my life and it doesn't work. 4 times in my life I've lost more than 50 lbs and each time I've gained it all back and then some. The last time, I did it slow and healthy and lost 140lbs over 2 years and gained all that back. The odds of maintaining a weight loss of more than 30 lbs are stacked against you to the extreme. The more quickly you try to lose, the higher the odds of regaining all the weight are stacked against you. IMO to beat the odds, you must change your lifestyle AND you must remain in a supportive group who you are accountable to, who are willing to hold your hand when you need it and confront you when you need it. It's a lifelong challenge. Obesity is a disease and in order to combat it, you must be committed to treating that disease every day from now on. I really hope this helps. :smile:
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Go on Tv.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Sure it's possible and as an added bonus you'll never have to buy play-doh again with all that loose skin. Think of all creative projects you can do for free!