

  • Looking for friends! Been a member for a while, and had a lot of ups and downs. Hope to see others who could keep my motivation up!
  • Hi Its a walk and a run together, from 3.5mph - 7mph. I know through google maps/treadmill mile count, that I run around 7mph. and every calculator I go to having run that much keeps saying I only burn 350 calories. The amount I see myself eating(when i'm exercising) is twice i could be losing by dieting alone if that was…
  • I see. thanks. I thought its a good thing too. i usually squish 30 minutes of walking/running in every break I have, coming down to 2 hrs a day. I guess I'm better off stopping though, cause it just makes me eat more and get tired more, when I'm already busy as it is.
  • Thank you everyone, it just feels like my effort goes to waste. I already have a hard time to stop myself from eating, so let's say I binge unintentionally for 2 days a week. Then another event comes around, and that takes another day from me. I'm down to gaining, instead of losing. It just keeps going back to where I…
  • Thank you! Yes, I have had an extremely bad week this week with family events going on. So it certainly has not been accurate for the past week. The quick adds are for the food I could not measure and I exaggerate enough on those to make myself more guilty to eat more. The generic may certainly be a suspect. thank you, I…
  • I just had an entire cheat week. Each day I promised myself not to do it again, and I do it again. I knew the problem though, I stay in the kitchen for the entire day, that's my work office, I like the large table. I decided from today onwards, I will do all of my work in my room, I will take one bowl per meal and walk…
  • Yeah, so the zumba calories burned are added to your calorie bank. The bottom I believe is how many calories you could still take in. and yes it would take in ur exercise in account(you should see the calculation, just before the very bottom) Just be a bit careful, i'm not sure if you'd actually be burning 600 calories in…
  • Thanks. not sure if weighing weekly will work. as you said its either its below or way over my caloric target. So its either too low or too high. I have no problem weighing food, when I COOK IT. but when someone else cooks for you, its almost impossible to weigh and measure it. I simply can't stop on eating, especially…
  • U weigh just fine to me, that's why. there's not much to lose. so you have to change your eating habits. more veggies and fruits if you really want to get there. plus more cardio. cheat days and small treats will make a big difference in the scale. Decrease your sodium consumption. More water. These are probably why you…
  • Always weigh in the morning. and after a cheat day, i usually dont scale and even if I do, i stay optimistic knowing the reason for it. Nothing will go as planned.. Don't think of the next two weeks for that 20 lbs. Think of that next lb you want to lose. It doesn't matter how you get tehre and how long, as long as you get…
  • In three months, i'd assume that would be losing no more than 10 lbs. And you really won't see that much progress, especially because of blotting and differences through the day. The gut, shoulder and arm areas are the hardest to slim down. They won't show progress unless you've lost a lot. so just keep on going in a few…
  • I know the trouble of being unable to make up meals. Here are some of what I DO: COFFEE! I know its not the healthiest thing in the world, but this is my Breakfast shake. South Beach Diet To go Dark Chocolate tastes awesome. Have some Frigo Light Cheese Sticks as well. FRUITS is best as well. I eat 2 apples a day, some…
  • How long has it been since you started your diet??? I did NOT see any result for the first few days/weeks of diet/work out. It was different every hour, so I tried to weight every morning and average it, no change. But then after that, I see a SUDDEN change, and that type of series went on for a long time. One time I eat…
  • Portion control. Don't eat everything you buy. Log in everything you eat. Even with not many choices, try and find what fills you up fast.
  • Not sure about anything you can choose from. I suggest to try and count how youve been eating, and adjust from there what you need to change in your eating habit. Veggies are good for you, we all know that. The rest comes with calorie intake, and what nutriets you truly need.
  • I can't pinpoint a starting point. I've always said to myself that I'm healthy and there was nothing wrong with my weight. so I tried to diet and exercise for my own self confidence. My mother was of course a wonderful cook however, so it was very hard. One summer I remember losing the first 10 pounds, in secret. Then, I…