pika8202 Member


  • Stay away from complex carbs (Eg Cereals, bread) so close to bed. all they will do is spike your insulin, and cause you to store fat. If you are hungry try some fat free yoghurt and a handful of nuts (pistachios, almonds)
  • Why not do a few on your toes, and then a few more on your knees?
  • ECG was normal, but have you ever had a stress test?
  • I would be seeking a second opinion immediqtely. That is extremely dangerous, and more than likely an indication of something more serious. Infarct is not always accompanied with pain/S.O.B. I would be requesting further investingation including blood tests for cardiac markers, and ask for a stress test or holter monitor.
  • To build muscle you would be aiming at a protein intake of around 0.5-1g per pound of weight. Protein shakes are a good way to increase if your diet is not providing adequate protein intake - BUT read the label! Watch the carbs, sugar and fats. Some of these things really are just candy in a cup. - Whey powder is a cheap…
  • You may be meeting your caloric values but your nutrition needs a complete overhaul. You are not eating enough food. Not eating enough fibre, nor enough protein. Your food intake seems to be reliant on mainly food sources high in fats and 'bad' carbohydrates. As for exercise you need to 'shock' your body, to increase your…
  • Woman wanting to burn fat must also weight train! - you will not get 'bulky'! And the more lean muscle you build, the more fat you will burn & it increases metabolism! But you may need to increase you calories a little and/or add a little protein to build muscle. Whenever I feel like something sweet I reach for the stevia…
  • The source of the carbohydrates need to be considered when answering the friend or foe questions. Almost all foods contain a % of carbs. However, if you are relying on fast acting carbs, starchy carbs, refined carbs and you are wanting to lose weight then they are simply a foe. Foods such as bread, pasta, rice and…
  • Hi if I am really hungry I usually have a handful of raw almonds or pistacios (6-8) just as a little fuel for lifting. If you don't have enough energy to lift you really wont be getting optimal benefit from weight training. I then make sure I eat within immediately, usually within 30-60 minutes after weight training as…