establishingaplace Member


  • Google "Paleo/Primal/Clean-eating [thing you want to eat]" and find a zillion ways to enjoy the things you miss for a fraction of the carbs. I always have coconut, garbanzo bean, and almond flours on hand. I make a cauliflower pizza crust with coconut flour, eggs, and nutritional yeast. It's very flavorful and super low in…
  • The only class other than Body Pump I can think of would be a kettlebells class, and you'd get more out of that anyway, especially if you hate Body Pump. Bootcamp classes sometimes incorporate bodyweight training or light weights. You can also do stuff at home with resistance bands, bodybars, DBs, bodyweight, etc. Or you…
  • $45/mo. It's an old neighborhood gym with a ton of free weights (2 power cages!), cardio machines, classes, and a swimming pool. It's 4 blocks from my house so totally worth it for me. I'd love a gym in my basement but I would have to dig another foot or so to make that happen. For $150/mo I can get membership to this gym…
  • Bookmarking for inspiration...nothing to see here...
  • You say that you're moving soon and will find a new doctor, so I'll skip the part where I tell you to find a new doctor. But I will say: don't diagnose yourself. Your symptoms could be due to any number of things. PCOS is a very broad term, symptoms and treatment really vary from one woman to the next. IME it can take…
  • My goal weight is 175 as well, and I am 5'7. I might get there and decide to lose more weight, but for now that's my goal.
  • Boyfriend and I are both crazy cat ladies. I brought two fluffy black kitties to our relationship, and we adopted a spunky gray tabby together. We are talking about turning our house into one of those cat-ified houses with catwalks and tunnels, and both of our phones have way more pictures of the cats than of each other.
  • I got my PCOS under control with a combination of 1000mg of Metformin daily, weight lifting, and a balanced diet with around 150-200g of carbs a day. I ovulate like a champ - went from a period every 3-4 months if I was lucky to every 28-34 days. Of course different things work for different women, so I'm not saying that…
  • The vast majority of produce, organic and conventional, is drenched in pesticide, organic more so. So my guess is both sides are a quick ride to cancer.
  • A good rule of thumb is to never get your food science from a documentary. All of the ones I have seen/heard about are driven by pseudo-science and feature interviews with known quacks.
  • Organic farming uses more pesticide than conventional. Organic pesticide is derived from natural sources, but that doesn't mean it is better for you. You also need more of it, because it is less effective than synthetic pesticide.
  • Don't all vegetables contain phytic acid?
  • When you stop eating a lot of overly sweet foods, you lose your taste for them. My taste buds are used to dark dark chocolate, so Hershey's just tastes bland and too-sweet to me. I have also found that fruits and some vegetables taste sweeter to me than they used to.
  • I say if you enjoy bananas, eat bananas. I often go over my carbs because of fruit. It hasn't affected me in any negative way.
  • Could be your scale. Could be a 'whoosh' (see link a couple of posts back). Muscles tend to retain glycogen/water when you're working out, and when you stop for a short time it gets released. So basically it's either scale or water.
  • Lifting heavy is what you can manage to lift for 1-5 reps.
  • But you guys, if I were hanging off the side of a ledge, I would pull my body up just like that as many times as I could in two minutes.
  • Avocado, mashed with salt & pepper (I use Trader Joe's lemon pepper). Sooo much more delicious on toast than butter, plus fiber.
  • For awhile I was all about the group hugs, but now I absolutely will delete individuals who consistently eat less than 1000 calories a day, do cleanses and wacky crash diets, post whiny $h*t every day, or obsess over every .00001 pound on the scale. The unhealthiness and negativity does the opposite of motivate me.
  • Log everything you eat. That will force you to be mindful. And, what others said: see a doctor about the lightheadedness you're experiencing.
  • I love this!! I've had those moments where I've thought...maaaan I miss the old days where I could eat as much as I wanted. Thanks MFP! Thanks a lot!
  • Also: spiralized pasta. You can get a spiralizer from Amazon for like $30. Zucchini noodles are great with pasta sauce, in soups, stir-fries, etc. You can eat a huge bowl of zucchini noodles for a fraction of the calories of regular spaghetti. I've made noodles out of butternut squash, carrot, sweet potato, and cucumber.
  • This cauliflower pizza crust tastes nothing like cauliflower: I second protein shakes instead of milkshakes. Banana ice cream. I mix banana with either peaches, PB2, or cocoa powder. Top with some chocolate chips, yum! PB-chocolate chip cookies made with chickpeas.…
  • You said that you can't stick to a calorie deficit, even a small one. Why do you think that is?
  • The usual advice: set a calorie deficit appropriate to how much weight you want to lose, weigh/measure/log everything you eat and drink, and do this consistently for a month to see if your body is changing the way you want it to. Weigh yourself, take measurements, and take progress pictures. That said, it sounds to me like…
  • Try Couch-to-5k. The first week you jog 1 minute, walk 90 seconds. If you're jogging at a very slow pace because that's what's comfortable, that's ok. Do some bodyweight exercises at home. Squats, lunges, push-ups (against a wall, or on an incline like against some stairs, whatever is comfortable), etc. You might want to…
  • I blame the internet. One uninformed opinion is one thing, but put 200 of them on a message board somewhere, and suddenly you have an echo chamber full of uninformed opinions. Plus, nobody on the internet debates or knows how to debate. It's all repetition and reaction gifs with no one genuinely listening to opposing…
  • Frozen banana and frozen peach make for a yummy "sorbet." Frozen banana with PB2 is pretty awesome. My favorite PWO smoothie is frozen mango, strawberry, vanilla whey, and almond milk. I make it thick enough to eat with a spoon. Those have been my go-tos lately.
  • You look GREAT at that weight, and really you have made a fantastic transformation. As to whether you should lose more, that is up to you and your doctor. How do you feel? Would 5 more pounds do much more for your health? Is it something you want to do more so because of the accomplishment of doing it? I would say you…
  • Required reading: How long have you been doing this? How much have you gained? Often when you start a new exercise routine, it's common to retain water for…