klmorg1227 Member


  • Good reply here...
  • Hmmmm....no replies yet. I was searching for HIIT advice myself. I currently do about 42 miles a week of running/elliptical for my cardio...about an hour 15 minutes per day 6 days a week. Like you, I have been hearing a lot about HIIT and that is is better. Any changes since you posted this or new opinions on it? Are you…
  • I hear from people ALL the time that I exercise too much and I am frankly quite sick of it. I say if you feel good and are healthy then go for it. I do weights/strength training and the elliptical for 6 miles on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. On Tues, Thurs and Sat I run anywhere from 4 to 6 miles a day. I also do 800…
  • I do the same work outs I did while I was losing because I love the work outs. I just eat more calories now to maintain. I do cardio (running or elliptical) 6 days a week and weight/strength training 3 days a week and take every Sunday off.
  • Thats my plan for sometime next week :-) As soon as I get the ok
  • She had me get a knee brace and I am wearing it during every workout, (and during shopping trips or any activities). Uncomfortable at first but I am getting used to it. I run about 4 days a week, between 3.5 and 5.5 miles and I am 48. Thanks :-)
  • Thanks! Yes I will take the break. Its SO hard not to run though. It is by FAR my favorite cardio work out.
  • Yep... so I am following advice...but its tough
  • Been running about 4 times a week for 8 months with an average distance of 3.5 to 5.5 miles per run. And I agree...every morning, especially when its nice and sunny outside I am just aching to get out for a run instead of being trapped inside on an elliptical :-( Thanks for your input! Appreciate it!
  • THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Knowing that you took the time to heal and it only took about a week to get back to where you were is a great relief to me! Makes me feel much less stress over taking the time to heal. Thanks again!! :-) (sitting here with ice on my knee now...lol)
  • I run 3 to 5 days a week. On the days I don't run I do about 5 miles on an elliptical so still get my cardio in either way. I take Sundays off completely...no weights no cardio. I run about 4 miles straight, no walking except a 1/4 mile warm up and 1/4 mile cool down for a total distance of 4.5 miles on a normal running…
  • Trimming the nails and keeping them short is so important! I have noticed this also. It will be painful if they are even a hair too long. Never thought of medical tape...may try that :-) Mine are not painful though...just ugly...lol
  • Don't think I have two different size feet but I can sure have them check when I go. Am definitely going to check out the whole size bigger though!
  • Awesome...I have a few fitness stores near where I live...will definetly ask when I go! Thanks!
  • Love this out look!! I will also wear mine with a 'runners pride' !! Thanks!
  • Gonna buy new shoes in a couple weeks...will try on a few a whole size up to see. Thanks :-)
  • Me too! How do we find your page??
  • Just read this...great info... Thanks!! It said to run in the shoe you are considering before buying it...that ought to be fun when I go to buy new shoes! lol. Getting some in the next few weeks. I wonder if he means run around the store inside or if he means actually hit the sidewalk out front! ? lol
  • Thanks...sort of what I am dealing with too...not willing to stop running either. Guess I will be painting skin too come summer! I did have someone tell me that the diabetic type socks help with lessening the aggravation of runners toe. . Bought some of the lowest cuffed ones I could find at Wal-Mart and they do seem to…
  • Thanks!!
  • I began maintaining in November of 2013. I went from just like you did, a 1000 -1200 calories per day diet to working my way up to about 1800 - 2000 per day. I started with going up to 1500. I felt MISERABLY bloated for about 2 weeks...it was terrible. Thanks to support from here and my nutritionist I pushed my way through…
  • You should be fine. I recently lost a bunch of weight and since November have been working to Maintain. In the first few weeks I gained three pounds but everyone said stick with it. I started to maintain at 139, wanting to stay between 138 -142. I am 5'6" and thats a good size for me...wearing a size 4-6 in clothes.…
  • In April of 2013 I was a size 18 and 216 pounds. Now, since (Nov. 2013), I am a size 4 to 6 and weigh 138. I am 5'6". I am happy with this size. Any smaller and i would be skeletal.
  • 1/1 Elliptical 5 miles 1/2 Elliptical 5 miles 1/3 Ran on treadmill 4.2 miles 1/4 Ran 5.2 miles Total - 9.4 miles
  • 5'6" and at my goal weight. I maintain between 139 and 143.
  • Weather has been terrible so I am at a slow start... 1/1 Elliptical 5 miles 1/2 Elliptical 5 miles 1/3 Ran on treadmill 4.2 miles Total - 4.2 miles Hoping to get outside tomorrow for a nice run!
  • This ^ when a doctor in the hospital sits down beside you on your bed and tells you, flat out, you are going to die if you don't stop this behavior, yep...that seemed to snap me out of it for a while.
  • This original poster describes me to a 'T' and this above ^ Non purging bulimia... I am gonna have to google it because it also describes me with the over exercising. I didn't know this was a symptom. I had some trouble with all this about 10 years ago but have been in control maintaining at a 'healthy' weight now. But the…
  • 12/1 rest day 12/2 3.75 miles outside running 12/3 4 miles treadmill 12/4 (elliptical day) 12/5 3.5 miles outside 12/6 (elliptical) 12/7 ran a 5K race! 3.2 miles outside (time was 30:50! ) 12/8 rest day 12/9 3.75 miles outside 12/10 3.5 miles outside 12/11 (elliptical day) but added a 2 mile run outside! 12/12 5 miles…
  • 12/1 rest day 12/2 3.75 miles outside running 12/3 4 miles treadmill 12/4 (elliptical day) 12/5 3.5 miles outside 12/6 (elliptical) 12/7 ran a 5K race! 3.2 miles outside (time was 30:50! ) 12/8 rest day 12/9 3.75 miles outside 12/10 3.5 miles outside 12/11 (elliptical day) but added a 2 mile run outside! 12/12 5 miles…