doheed Member


  • Oh is it, I'll need to change that; Cheers for letting me know. I thought it was open to all. Thanks again
  • My diary is open feel free to browse, I'm not currently IIFYM, Paleo, Gluten free, clean eating or anything along those lines. Just a bit more exercise, what I think are generally 'healthy' foods and quite often just what I feel like eating at any given time. Knock yourself out. :-) :noway: That sinking feeling you have…
  • I get a least one swim in a week. I'm a SAHD and my father takes my son once a week so I get in the pool then. I try to fit in more if the weather is poor and I can't get out on my bike. My routine is 250/250, 200/200, 150/150, 100/100, 50/50, 25/25 m respectively of Breaststroke/Free, a short rest, then back up the other…
  • Check out I've had them send me stuff to the UK and even NZ when I was down there. Good service and range of what I think you are looking for. I could well be wrong though.
  • I was in the same boat as you and have to agree with Meandering, it's all about form. As a child I used to swim competitively and through remembering old coaching, and a bit of googling, managed to improve form a little. Although I've still a long way to go I have found a small increase in form provides a huge benefit with…
  • Gravadlax - Take a side of Salmon, cut it in two pieces. Mix three parts sea salt with one part caster sugar and a liberal amount of dill. Coat the flesh of the salmon in the mixture until it is completely covered. Place the two pieces flesh side together and wrap in cling film tightly. Place in an open tub in the fridge…
  • Not baby weight, the wife calls it "sympathy weight", would seem I put on the weight during her pregnancy :huh:
  • Hey, also on Fitbit; feel free to add me here and there. All the best Al
  • Feel free to add me, not long started myself and am will to cheer folk on
  • Anyone can feel free to add me; I've recently joined. Am a stay home dad so I'm on here most days willing to cheer folk on.