

  • My husband and I were high school sweethearts. We didn't wind up together until after our 25th high school reunion. He told someone, "I can't help it. I fell in love with her 25 years ago and I never fell out." I married him.
  • Think Clean Eating... Grilled chicken and fish. Steamed veggies. Fresh fruit. Water, water, water. Trust me... There are TONS of people like us who watch what they eat on these vacations. I bet you'll be surprised. But if I were you, I'd carry some snack-sized pkgs of almonds or something safe to eat. It will keep you from…
  • Frank's Red Hot - Their slogan, "I eat that [bleep] on everything!" Mmmmm... Makes awesome deviled eggs in place of mayonnaise.
  • Don't hate me because I'm at my goal, but here are some things I can do that I couldn't before... Tie my shoe in the middle, not on the side because I was too fat. Wear boots that zip up, because my calves used to be too big. Bound up a flight of stairs, two at a time. Steal clothes from my teenager's closet. Have my…
  • I needed serious compression to prevent a head injury.... Seriously, nothing allowed me to run or jump without having to hold myself. I saw the Enell bra on Oprah. I found a place (Scheels) that sold them. They are not adjustable and they have hook and eyes that run up the front. The first time I tried one on, it took my…
  • I love my rice cooker. When I'm in a hurry, or to throw in the crock pot, I use brown Minute Rice.
  • Hey Raylene. I think I get what you're saying. Sometimes the "right thing" sucks. Sometimes, just throwing in the towel sounds easier than toughing it out. It helps to have people around you who support your success. (I've worked with people who are bitter about my success in the face of their failure in weight loss.) AND,…
  • My favorite (snotty) response is, "If you're writing a book, leave my chapter out of it." Honestly, that is a boundaries issue. I get to pay attention to me, others get to pay attention to themselves.
  • My "ah ha" moment was finding out that all normal-sized people are only that way because they work at it. They don't complain bitterly about HAVING to watch what they eat or go work out. They just do it. Watch them... The plate of fat pills (aka donuts) gets passed around, and they go for the banana. They take the stairs…
  • I ask myself if I'm really sick or just sandbagging because I'm feeling lazy. If I'm really sick, I skip the work out.
  • I'm with you. We have chickens, so we control the quality of our eggs. But the truth of the matter is the cholesterol from eggs is not directly correlated to our cholesterol. It is not the same kind... I eat somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 eggs a week on average, and my blood cholesterol is fabulous. My LDL (bad…
  • There are certain foods that I know will trigger, if not a binge, an overpowering desire to binge. For me, I can't have "just a little." It's like being a little bit pregnant.... It's important for me to identify FOR MYSELF what those are. Biscuits, pasta, and gravy are three. Anything with sugar is another entire group...…
  • Eat until you are full. Not stuffed, but whatever it takes to get full. Dr Moreno talks about our "fullness meter." Many of us, myself included, had lost touch with what true hunger is. I ate because the clock told me to, or because someone put it in front of me, or because I was bored, but RARELY did I ever allow myself…
  • I started the 17 Day Diet, based on the book by Dr Michael Moreno of the same name, on 1/16/11. In September, I reached my goal weight of 150#. I thought my starting weight was 231, but my doctor informed me it was significantly more and actually 242. So, I have lost 92#. I recommend buying the book, because it has all the…
  • I am a personal example of a person who benefited from 17 Day Diet. Why on earth would someone's metabolism be "mucked up" by eating fruits, vegetables and lean protein? That is preposterous. The thing about this it is a "whole body" plan. Dr. Moreno recommends green tea for its antioxidant properties, probiotics for their…
  • The diet never makes caloric requirements. The author, Dr Mike Moreno, asks people to eat according to their "fullness meter." In the first cycle of 17 days, he suggests no more than 30 minutes of exercise a day 3 days a week due to the low caloric intake. But over the course of the plan, he suggests increasing. This is…
  • That's how I lost my weight. It taught me to do things differently. I'm at my goal. I started last January, and it was probably September when I hit my goal. My doc loves my blood work numbers, and he told me I'd lost 11 more pounds than I thought. (I thought I started at 231, but his records showed 242.) I highly…
  • I found this on Facebook: "Remember: Weight-loss is found in the kitchen. Don't be silly. A bar isn't just a bar. A piece of cake isn't only a piece of cake. Every little thing counts. What is eaten in private is worn in public. This doesn't mean it's starvation time. It means it's time to stop kidding yourself. Tough-love…
  • Happy birthday!! Hope you have a happy happy day!! :flowerforyou:
  • Welcome to the newbies. Not much luck involved. Determination to make a change really goes a long way. A support system (ME and MFP) is so important. Family and friends may flake out on you when/if you lose more than they want you to. Glad you're here. Log your food and exercise. Lots of good people here. Welcome!!…
  • ROFLMAO!!!! I, too, have people at work that say, "Don't you think it's time you quit losing weight?" My BMI is in the overweight category and there is still plenty of visible flab. I have determined misery loves company. If I'm healthy, eating well and staying active AND my doctor is happy, that should be enough. Her…
  • I got this from It calls for serving with bread, but I'm doing low carbs. I also used olive oil on my cast iron skillet, but you have to have the fish ready to be put on the pan. The smoke point of olive oil is low and it could burn. Blackened Tilapia with Secret Hobo Spices 3 tablespoons paprika 1…
  • I can cross my legs, AND my shoelaces are tied in the middle, not the edge of my shoe!!
  • Ooooo.... I'm so excited!!! Great topic!!
  • I just had mine done last month. My surgeon described bile as soap to dissolve grease. Without the gallbladder, it just trickles out of the liver. You eat a very greasy meal, you may or may not have some, eh hem, unpleasant side effects. But I look at my gallbladder problems as the start of my new lifestyle. Since having…
  • In Cycles 1 & 2, you are eating "liberal amounts" of lean protein. Your appetite is the determiner of how much protein you consume. Dr. Moreno suggests that in Cycle 3, we reduce meat to "the size of a kitchen sponge." He doesn't specify how many servings a day. I'm on Cycle 3 and staying here. I have lost 35 pounds and…