17 Day Diet?

My daughter is doing this and I'm wondering if anyone here has experience with it. Does it work? Does it muck up your metabolism?


  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    I found this on WebMD: http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/17-day-diet-review. It's supremely easy to google this to get information and reviews about the diet itself.

    To me, the name of the diet sounds a bit misleading. There are three phases, each of which are 17 days long, and it's not likely you'll reach your "goal weight" in this time frame. Also, from what I've read, it seems like a typical low-carb cycling diet, which, to be honest, I think she could do herself--with help on here or a little online reading. It doesn't seem unhealthy--just a little gimmicky (I love the girl in the 17 Day Diet website video who weighs-in while wearing 6" high heels. Don't we all?)

    I'm sure someone else could respond to this better and with more information, though.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Will you lose weight? Yes.
    Will your health benifit from this? Not likely.
    Will it "...muck up your metabolism"? It damn sure won't do it any good.

    Eat a balanced diet, a mild calorie deficit, and excersize. You will see sustainable result.
  • aash28
    aash28 Posts: 85 Member
    You're very smart to try to inform yourself before passing judgment on the diet. I've been doing it since January 1, 2012. I've lost 5.4 lbs (I only had to lose13 from the start). Here are some facts from Dr. Moreno's book that might help you and the people who "assume" that this is yet another fad diet that's unhealthy and will "muck up" your metabolism.

    1. "So what is this 17 Day Diet? I’ll go into depth in the next few chapters, but as a very quick summary, the 17 Day Diet is a fun, fantastic way of eating designed to take off weight quickly. It’s based on some very simple principles, one of which is eating foods that favor fat-burning and are friendly to your digestive system. I want to emphasize that excess weight is always a sign of nutritional and metabolic imbalance. Contrary to popular assumption, it’s not strictly a question of how much exercise you do or how much food you eat. Rather, it’s also a question of what types of foods are eaten, and how they are digested, assimilated and metabolized. If any of these components of good nutrition are compromised, then the body will not be adequately nourished at the cellular level, metabolic function will be impaired and toxins will accumulate. Thus, to lose weight fast we need to optimize digestion and metabolism. That’s what the 17 Day Diet does."

    Moreno, Dr. Mike (2011-03-15). The 17 Day Diet (p. 6). Free Press. Kindle Edition.

    2. "This diet is designed to produce quick results, not because it starves you down to size but because its carefully designed balance of food and exercise adjusts your body metabolically so that you burn fat, day in and day out."

    Moreno, Dr. Mike (2011-03-15). The 17 Day Diet (p. 3). Free Press. Kindle Edition.

    3. "At the end of 17 days, you’ll go on to a second 17-day Cycle, then a third, and finally enter the weight-stabilization Cycle of the diet in which you get to eat a greater variety of foods, including your favorite foods within reason. (I don’t want you to get too chummy with the all-you-can-eat buffets again.)"

    Moreno, Dr. Mike (2011-03-15). The 17 Day Diet (p. 4). Free Press. Kindle Edition.

    4. "But you do have to accept that this won’t be a pleasure diet. You’ve got to stop eating unhealthy crap. You’ve got to eat vegetables, fruit and lean meat . . . I am going to ask you to keep your portions down, cut your intake of fatty, sugary, salty foods, and move your butt. You won’t be faint with hunger or found in the kitchen at midnight, feeding on Froot Loops and tubes of cookie dough. You can do this. . . ."

    Moreno, Dr. Mike (2011-03-15). The 17 Day Diet (p. 5). Free Press. Kindle Edition.

    5. "It’s [The 17 Daye Diet] based on some very simple principles, one of which is eating foods that favor fat-burning and are friendly to your digestive system."

    Moreno, Dr. Mike (2011-03-15). The 17 Day Diet (p. 6). Free Press. Kindle Edition.

    6. "Quick and Easy Overview of the 17 Day Diet Cycle 1: Accelerate (17 days) Purpose: To promote rapid weight loss by improving digestive health. It helps clear sugar from the blood to boost fat-burning and discourage fat storage. Cycle 2: Activate (17 days) Purpose: To reset your metabolism through a strategy that involves increasing and decreasing your caloric consumption to stimulate fat-burning and to help prevent plateaus.

    Moreno, Dr. Mike (2011-03-15). The 17 Day Diet (p. 6). Free Press. Kindle Edition.
    Cycle 3: Achieve (17 days) Purpose: To develop good eating habits through the re-introduction of additional foods and move you closer to your goal weight. Cycle 4: Arrive (ongoing) Purpose: To keep you at your goal weight through a program of eating that lets you enjoy your favorite foods on weekends, while eating healthfully during the week.

    Moreno, Dr. Mike (2011-03-15). The 17 Day Diet (pp. 6-7). Free Press. Kindle Edition.
    4: Arrive (ongoing) Purpose: To keep you at your goal weight through a program of eating that lets you enjoy your favorite foods on weekends, while eating healthfully during the week. Once we’re through with all the basics, I’m going to talk to you about how to follow the diet. I can’t wait to show you all of its wonderful components and start you on your way to looking fit and fabulous. Take it one step at a time so that you don’t get overwhelmed."

    Moreno, Dr. Mike (2011-03-15). The 17 Day Diet (p. 7). Free Press. Kindle Edition.

    P.S. When you meet your goal, you are permitted to go to the final cycle: Arrive. Read up on it (aside from some random forum) and you'll understand that it's how we should be eating anyway.
  • ImaLadyBiker
    I am a personal example of a person who benefited from 17 Day Diet. Why on earth would someone's metabolism be "mucked up" by eating fruits, vegetables and lean protein? That is preposterous. The thing about this it is a "whole body" plan. Dr. Moreno recommends green tea for its antioxidant properties, probiotics for their digestive support, limiting diet soft drinks because they inflame your intestines. He eschews sugar, including honey, due to its effects on the body's pancreas. He supports the use of healthy fats, mainly olive oil, flax seed oil and walnuts due to studies that show they contain omega-3 fatty acids which increase your HDL.

    This diet took me from sedentary and morbidly obese to active and "normal." Sure, the 17 days is a hook, but it hooked me. I needed something that offered noticeable results quickly. If someone only has a little to lose, they may already be practicing some of the things in this book. Dr. Moreno also says to "start" with 17 minutes of exercise, but to increase it to 17 minutes twice a day.

    I don't mind honest, informed criticism of any eating program. But the shoot-from-the-hip, pulling it out of your @$$ nonsense when one has no idea of which they speak is counterproductive.

    I am on the maintenance phase of this program. There is also a support page on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/17-DAY-DIET that offers free, REAL PEOPLE support, kind of like here.