FifiLea Member


  • Well thankyouverymuch! I've never been before - never wanted to, but all this talk of sandwiches has corrupted me! I've just been online to find my nearest one and I will be having the sweet onion chicken teriyaki tomorrow....:embarassed:
  • Oh no! I was all in the "creepy guy" camp and now I'm feeling really sad for him! You should write for a living...
  • Something pink and sparkling. But only 2 (or 3) glasses. Hmmm, well, maybe more!
  • Every night. I'm a 34DD and I feel really uncomfortable without one. Only 2 times I don't wear one: 1. in the shower 2. guess...(!)
  • I'm so impressed by you and inspired by your perseverance! You totally rock. :flowerforyou:
  • Go with your gut. I've had several times where going with my gut has saved me from what would've been a really bad situation. As others have said, as women we're brought up to be friendly and obliging and, above all, polite. Generally this is good, but often we let the desire to be nice mask our instincts. If he feels…
  • I would go with as many calories as you can while still losing weight. I don't know about you, but I *hate* being hungry and if I am, I just give up and eat everything in sight! In my opinion, it doesn't matter if it takes a bit longer to lose the weight, so long as it comes off in the end. :happy:
  • I understand how you feel (personal experience) but maybe try to think about it like this..? You can't help how you feel or who you love, but you can help what you do about it. No one says you have to stop loving him instantly, just do your very best so that he can't hurt you and can't hurt your baby. He doesn't hit you…
  • I'm about to ask a very stupid question....but I can't help myself! How on earth are you going to manage to eat 1600 cals of apples??? Jaffa cakes, I could do (in fact have done in the past, hence the whole fatness thing...) but not apples and I love apples! Or have I completely misunderstood...?
  • This just made me cry. That's disgusting behaviour - to me it qualifies as mental abuse. If someone did that to my child they would be very very sorry. My worst fat moment was in January when I was admitted to hospital with a suspected blood clot and all the (skinny) nurses kept telling me how much I weighed and what my…
  • This! I *never* have trouble consuming all my calories! In fact, I know I push myself harder in workouts so that I can have more calories to eat...:laugh: Although I do agree that I tend to make better choices because I don't want to "waste" calories on something that I won't enjoy or that I'll regret later. My children…
  • Yes! Seriously though, how rude!
  • This. Some of the arguments on the forum are much more about some people proving themselves right than really caring about other people who, let's face it, are total strangers. Some people do genuinely care, but by no means all of them - and some of the negative attitudes and aggressively toned comments we can see every…
  • I have such heavy periods and I swear by mine. I've been using it a year and I'll never go back! It's so much more reliable than tampons and it lasts longer. Plus, I never run out as it's always in my bag. No more getting caught unawares! I also worry about tampons and toxic shock etc, so I prefer this.
  • Costa coffee's lemon cupcake. Tiny, delicious and an eye-watering 512 calories!!
  • According to this nice lady from the Mayo Clinic, it doesn't work:
  • Depends how hungry you are! I'd have a big bowl of vegetables - peas, broccoli, sweetcorn - for a couple of hundred calories, and just accept that I'd gone over on my calories for the day. I go over by 100 or 200 a couple of times a week and I'm losing consistently. If you don't eat, you'll just wake up in the middle of…
  • I love Jillian Michaels. I love her so much that it's starting to get a bit creepy... I love DVDs, I never make it to the gym - even though mine is on the ground floor of my office building <hangs head in shame> Over the summer I've done the following DVDs: 1. 30 Day Shred - awesome, a killer but a really good kickstart to…
  • Well, I do it for some people because sometimes eating what you or I would think of as a ridiculously small amount of food is a real achievement for someone who is used to eating even less than that. I don't congratulate anyone unless I know the story behind the food diary and the calories they've consumed - and then I'm…
    in Why?? Comment by FifiLea September 2011
  • My (secret) criterion is that if someone happened to see me naked by accident, I'd want to be upset because they'd seen me naked, not embarrassed because my body is grim. (I know, shallow, shallow, shallow). But I *do* use my weight as one measure of success. However, also know that even though I have weighed less than I…
  • I find that I can't really get a mental picture if someone tells me what they weigh in pounds. I *have* to convert it into stones. Even my own weight that MFP *makes* me record in pounds confuses me...after each weigh-in I whip out the calculator and divide the number of pounds by 14 so I know what I really weigh! :laugh:…
  • Ooh, you're mean! (But very very funny!) :laugh:
  • She's jealous and your fantastic success is making her feel inadequate... Don't let her discourage you. Instead, feel sorry for her and give yourself a huge pat on the back! :drinker:
  • I weigh and measure once a week on a Sunday. (Actually that's a lie! I weigh every day, but I only record it on a Sunday...and any ups and downs during the week are just for info and don't freak me out.) I need regular reassurance that it's working, otherwise I won't stick to it!
  • Bump! I'm in the middle of a NMTZ and BFBM programme at the moment, but I'll save this for when it's over! I love Jillian Michaels! She and Shaun T are turning me into a super fox! :laugh:
  • This for me as well. It's kind of comforting for me as I'm learning how my weight does fluctuate, so I don't need to panic if it's up a little. On weigh in day (mostly) there's a downward trend - that's what matters!
  • Yeah. I don't mind the repeat posts. People have questions and also they don't always want to just use the search function to look up old threads or the stickies - sometimes they just want to interact with other people in the community. What gets me is how angry people get. We all have different views and we won't convince…
  • This. I work out to improve my body, get healthy and get fitter. I've been thinner than I am now, but I've never been fitter and my body is the best it's ever been. By the time I get to my goal weight, I will be toned all over and I'll not only look good, I'll feel fantastic. And *BONUS* because I've eaten back my exercise…
  • I agree with adross3 on one of the points made: Your friend *is* reacting to your behaviour - so far so true. And she is probably construing is as a form of aggression on your part. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean that she's right, that your behaviour is wrong or that her reaction is acceptable. It's not! You *could* go out of…
  • You should really work your whole body, you can't spot reduce. However, the 30 Day Shred is fantastic for arms. I did the full 30 days and my arms look amazing and it's worked my whole body as well. Try that as a first step. I've since gone on to Insanity (also great for arms) and I'm now mixing Insanity with two other…