

  • So I just checked a couple days out of your diary and I would say you really are missing breakfast as well as eating a lot of processed foods. I see that you have a family, do you do family dinners planned out? In the past I have always struggled with eating a good breakfast but I have come to believe that a decent…
  • I took the time to look at your food journal and many days if you are logging correctly aren't even eating the 1200 therefore you are hungry. You need to eat at least that and then more if you workout. I know that it seems like it will happen faster if you cut more but that is why you feel so hungry. Try to plan your meals…
  • I would love to join the SAHM group. I am a stay at home mom of four under the age of 8. So glad the holiday's are over but I am now in need of losing about 10 pounds. Definitly need some support because once you get into the grazing and bingeing habit it seems so hard to break yourself from it. Hopefully I can get myself…
  • I just checked out your food diary and no offense but I don't think you should do the slimfast. You can tell that by the time you get to eat regular food you overindulge a bit. I would try to find options where you can have smaller meals throughout the day. Breakfast could be an egg white omelet with toast or even oatmeal…
  • honsetly you should see someone. I have struggled with an eating diorder for the past five years and have been through treatment. It is never ok to throw up after eating. Even though you say it is only a couple times a month it is something that should be looked at. Your electrolyte leves could be thrown off which can…
  • I struggle as well with an ED and am currently in an Outpatient program. It sounds to me that you would benefit from seeking a higher level of care. Does Medicaid provide you with time in an outpatient or even an inpatient program? I know how hard it can be to battle and ED and if you don't have the right support relapses…
  • I too am in your same struggle right now. It's not an easy battle and I would recommend being in some kind of therapy or treatment. I am currently in treatment for anorexia but it is still a daily battle. Feel free to contact me if you need extra support. Good Luck and your worth is not determined by the number on the…
  • You can replace any of the burgers with a boca burger. They have a protein one that comes wrapped in lettuce instead of a bun.
  • I have yet to post but I wanted to comment because as someone who struggles with anorexia there is a point where going to low is not healthy. It can get easy to get used to a certain way of eating and dieting, but there has to be a point where you learn to stop. I know that I have struggled with that but am learning that…
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