Ohnoes Member


  • the bike comments are funny to me, i live in the sf bay area and tons of people bike for transportation (even people with driver's licenses, lol). girls in skirts, old men in slacks, people in their regular going to work clothes. i usually only see real biking gear on the trail, not on the street. running in jeans…
  • never! thats the one im always missing. how do people do that? i cook with cast iron pans sometimes and thats supposed to add dietary iron. watching this
  • i eat red meat and pork all the time. steak, lean ground beef, tri tip, pork loin. that being said, i personally try very hard to avoid disliking foods. for years i could not stand the taste of cilantro. but every time it was put in front of me i tasted it. and hated it. after years (and years) it stopped being so…
  • i take a rest day when my body says, "NOOOOOoooooOOOOoooooooooOOOoooo!!!" it took me a while to be able to tell the difference between my lazy internal voice, the one that says things like, "you dont have to workout today, stay in bed, sleeep, you can do it tomorrow, its fine, its good, just stay in bed." (that voice…
  • i had trouble figuring it out, too... in fact i asked here when i started and got very few (one) responses. so ill try to help, but i am no expert! exercise does not count towards you activity level, its everything else you do! ill tell you what i have been doing (which is working, i am losing weight and down a pants…
  • that is fantastic. i surprised myself at a function at my son's school by being able to carry twice as many bags of ice at one time as the other moms. also, they told me that the water dispenser was too heavy to carry when it was full and to fill it in several trips but i didnt listen and it was not too heavy at all. yay…
  • we did measure portions, but we definitely did not weigh anything other than the coffee. for the soups, we had a budget per pot and used different amounts of veggies every time depending on availablity etc.... i never cooked soup from a recipe, made variations all the time, and as a result our soups were very popular!…
  • yes, this is a better version of what i was trying to say.
  • not really. i used to own/run a restaurant like the one described and we were not required to provide calorie counts or nutritional breakdowns. i happily shared ingredients and proportions with customers, and helped people work out their weight watchers points etc. but it was in no way required by the state. ive only ever…
  • about every other day i have plain unsweetened yogurt (one cup) with strawberries (1/2 cup), walnuts (1/8 cup) and granola (1/4 cup). its filling, tasty, and under 300 calories with my coffee. the other half of the week is the dreaded boring porridge, hahhaha. sometimes i have a melon half with cottage cheese.
  • MFP was hella boring before i made friends. also, my diary is open and i know they're looking, and i work better and stay honest with an audience. :)
  • speaking as a former addict, there was a time when i thought about sugar in the same way that i thought about my other addictions. do i have enough sweets in the house to last the night? when/where can i get some more? if there are other people in the house eating the treats, will there be enough for me? if a person cant…
  • idk i get confused about this sometimes, too. usually i try to eat what MFP tells me to, and i am losing weight (yay) but sometimes, for example yesterday, i burn more than i can eat. went on an almost two hour hike yesterday, a good portion of it uphill, and ended up with about a thousand extra calories after dinner after…
  • i thought i was addicted to sugar once upon a time... i would crave it all the time, i would have to make sure that there was some kind of chocolate/cake/cookie/candy in the house at all times, i ate desert every night even if i was full and if i didnt have any i would leave to buy something. then i quit drinking every…
  • i do my cardio right when i wake up, but if i eat first i get queezy. sometimes ill have a piece of fruit if i feel like i need something, but anything more than that makes me sick.
  • my usual breakfasts: oatmeal with fruit and walnuts plain yogurt with fruit and walnuts cottage cheese with melon sprouted grain toast with fried eggs
  • another vote for really dark chocolate. a small piece satisfies me, sometimes i eat it with peanut butter too.
  • im going to the black bear diner with my mother in law and im going to eat an enormous cobb salad with all the dressing and bacon and blue cheese and i might have pie. then im going to go on a long hike with my mother in the redwoods and climb a small mountain and work it all off.... so sort of? im definitely eating what i…
  • my own personal list: artificial sweeteners hydrogenated oils high fructose corn syrup nitrates/ preserved meats pineapples (im allergic!) i break the nitrate rule once in a while in the name of bacon, but other than that i stick to it. i havent intentionally ingested artificial sweeteners ever. im not talking weight loss,…
  • oh my, thank you. what is this magical device that you speak of? off to google. i do 40 minutes on the stationary bike 6 days a week, and some strength stuff and yoga class and i log all that but not my regular life stuff. ive never been a sit around the house person, its amazing that i got fat! wait, no its not.... i got…
  • 400 dollar boots. ridiculous. i look at pictures of them on the internet for motivation often.
  • breakfast- oatmeal with fruit and walnuts or yogurt with fruit and walnuts or melon with cottage cheese lunch- salad with avocado and some protein(egg, leftover meat from last nights dinner), dressed with olive oil and vinegar dinner- chicken, beef, pork or fish, brown rice or a whole potato with skin, a cooked veggie and…
  • carbonated water! we buy it in cans, and it is cheap and as fizzy and refreshing as soda. pellegrino in a bottle if im feelin fancy. i still have a coke now and then, but in place of dessert, because it is basically liquid candy. i like candy...
  • yes i "quit" but not intentionally. getting fit and taking care of myself gave me energy and a sense of well being, and every time i take a drink i feel tired and when it wears off i feel a little down. its not worth it to me, and minus a glass of red with a nice dinner here and there booze does not really fit into my new…
  • have them help cook... my kids will at least taste almost anything that they help make. have them help garden... my kids will eat almost anything that they grew themselves. put a small serving of everything on their plates... they may ignore it for months or even years, but eventually they may get used to seeing it there…
  • no i havent tried workout videos, do you have any suggestions? i have two yoga dvds that i use, and the kids do that with me. my six year old can do a bridge like you wouldn't believe! i also have that fitness game for the xbox, it was gifted to me and i never tried it... might break it out one of these days.
  • no. my kids are VERY active. they would crash and burn if they didnt eat every couple of hours. so much of their mood depends on hunger. as long as the snacks are healthy i think that kids should eat when they are hungry and learn to listen to their bodies. i allow unlimited fruits and veggies between meals, and heavier…
  • Hi! When you have a lot of other people and things to take care of it is so easy to forget about taking care of yourself, isnt it!? i have been trying to remind myself to take care of myself first instead of last... then i do a better job of taking care of everybody else. thanks for the friend add!
    in New to MFP Comment by Ohnoes April 2013
  • thanks everybody! i really like the way this site is set up, its good to have people watching me. accountability!
  • oh.... i also dont have a scale. is this ok? i weighed myself once at Target, and another time at a friends house. it seems easier for me to not weigh myself at home, i would check every day and get discouraged i think. seeing that 193 the other day after being over 200 the last time i weighed made me feel like i was…