

  • WOW!! Amazing job! Thank you so much for sharing your story! You have hit home with me hard. I am 46 and our stories are much the same. I am sure I would be destined to be that "fat old crippled lady' in 20 more years too! I am on my path now to get healthy and YOU sharing your story has been more of an inspiration to me…
  • I have no idea about ACV and weight loss but I have an elderly lady friend who SWEARS by it as something that helps her arthritis. She drinks a shot glass full every day and says she can really tell the difference if she runs out and misses a couple days.
  • I am so sorry for your loss. It is tough to lose someone you love, even more so around the holidays. It sounds as if you and your father had a great relationship and you say he would have wanted you to continue your journey, keep on your path in memory of him. We're all here for you.. feel free to friend me and if you ever…
  • I'm in the 100+ club =) feel free to add me too.. let's do this together! =)
  • I can totally relate to comfort eating! The only thing that works (and so far IS working for me thank goodness!) is water, water, water, along with celery, celery, celery! Whenever I get the urge to snack that is outside of my range of foods that I have already planned for during the day that is what I go for. Water and…
  • I totally understand where you are coming from. That is how I am with soda. I was drinking 5-6 or more cans of cola per day at one point. I would quit. I would be just fine for days. Then I'd think "I'll just have one soda in the morning". It was like I was an alcoholic! One lead to two, then three...etc etc. I had even…
  • I haven't read all of these posts but I've skimmed through them and really LOL'd at some of them :tongue: When I was a kid, my mom would bring home one 8 pack of RC Cola bottles (I think they were 16 oz?) a week on her grocery shopping trip. We didn't dream of popping open an entire bottle for ourselves, we were made to…