J3nnyBeanz Member


  • My goal today is to get rid of at least 3 boxes from the basement. I had a huge yard sale and I'm finding that things I did not sell I felt had value still and could sell again at another garage sale. I'm finally going down there and getting rid of things to donate or throw out.
  • @Paz922 it started 8 years ago when I stepped on a screw. My diabetes didn't help the healing process at all. It added to continuous bone infections. I used to go through that day that I stepped on the screw over and over in my mind. I finally released it because I can't change it. If you could cut the diabetes off before…
  • I'm finding that my procrastination is both a blessing and a curse LOL. While I procrastinate about doing one task of decluttering I end up doing others so either way something is getting done. Even if it's not what I initially set out to do.
  • I've done some form of movement/exercises everyday. I feel the change in my body!! NSV: logging my food and exercising has help reduce the amount of insulin I take daily! Feb 1: 231.2 Feb 8 :226.6 Feb 15: 226.0 Feb 22: Feb 29: Total lost: March 7: March 14: March 21: March 28: Total lost April 1: April 8: April 15: April…
  • @nossmf that's great! Even if nothing got tossed at least you know what's there. I dud half of my desk today. Tomorrow I'll tackle the other half!
  • I am tackling my basement over the course of this week. There's so much down there I feel frozen just thinking about it! I'm giving myself some grace and time to fully complete this! @Surrealmuse welcome!!!
  • I love that you have a memory box! I think my pantry will get done today. Last night was spent getting my son packed for a camping trip with the scouts. I fell asleep at 9pm which is 4 or 5 hours earlier then usual! So nothing got done.
  • The problem with sugar is once you start eating it your body will keep craving it. First thing I would say is give yourself some grace the fact that you're here and you're showing up is a beautiful thing for yourself. What work for me is to have a one month challenge of no sugar. I did not succeed everyday but I also…
  • @62blackdogs so far so good! I'm down 5 pounds since the challenge started for me. I started a month behind but am committed to complete the whole 75 days. I'm going to check out that app! I find checking off my completed habits every night gives me a sense of accomplishment. I also write something positive about myself…
  • Last night I cleaned out my fridge and freezer. My original plan was my desk but I can't face that yet. @nossmf congratulations to your daughter!!!! @AdahPotatah2024 i need to add that to my list!!
  • Feb 1 : 231.2 Feb 8 :226.2 Feb 15: Feb 22: Feb 29: Total lost: March 7: March 14: March 21: March 28: Total lost April 1: April 8: April 15: April 22: April 29: Total lost!!: I've had all my toes on my left foot amputated due to a bone infection. I have been doing wall pilates and chair yoga and find it to be awesome…
  • @nossmf my desk might be the last thing I do, just looking at the stacks exhaust me! Today I started going through notebooks, magazines and papers I have in the bottom of my closet. I still have more to go but its a start.
  • I finally cleaned my bedside tables!!! Is that what they're called? Night stands?
  • @nossmf didn't that feel good!!!
  • This is awesome!!!! It's motivation to get me to clean out my bedside tables! I go over what I'm going to do and then walk away! That's what I'm conquering today!
  • That has to be so hard! I'm here for you if you need me.
  • I do this too. I currently have 3 jars of oregano sitting in my cabinet lol
  • Today I cleaned out my sock drawer. Of the whole cluttered draw there were only 7 actual matching pairs. Since I only use a sock for one foot usually I'm okay with this. I threw out socks that were stretched out or had holes. I was going to use them as rags, but I already have a bin full 🤣
  • I love this!!! I'm adding this to my list. I have my sons glasses. As he grows out of the I put them in a drawer.
  • Today I did all my emails and the thing sitting on the ottoman!!!
  • I love this! I had to Google what the 75 hard/soft is, I'm in! 1 Eat in a calorie goals 2. Don't use movment credits for food 3. Eat in a 10 hour window 4. 25 min of movement, to increase by 5 min each week 5. Drink 80 oz of water daily in my fake Stanley. 6. Track my habits in my creature of habits book. 7. Track my…
  • Yes!!! I'm in! 51yo who has been up and down and never looking to go back up again! My goal is to add more movement and to eat my planned and prepared meals. Feb 1 : 231.2 Feb 8 : Feb 15: Feb 22: Feb 29: Total lost: March 7: March 14: March 21: March 28: Total lost April 1: Total lost!!: I've had all my toes on my left…
  • I eat clean and healthy sometimes along with whatever else I'm in the mood for. I log everything to keep track, good or "bad". This is a life change so all foods should fit in someway.
  • Lavender and lemon oil are great for the skin. Idk if it's a long lasting remedy. I was told to try Shea Butter and coconut oil.
  • I drink more water before anything. If that doesn't help I plan out my remaining calories with things I know will fill me. If I'm still hungry, like tonight I eat. I'm above my calories today but eating a set meal stops me from picking at foods that don't fill me. Try eating more protein when planning.
  • Hi! I log everything just so I cut down on mindless eating and keep myself aware of what I'm eating.
  • Or a bean and beet salad. Chick peas, beets, red onion, oregano, parsley, garlic, a little red wine vinegar with s&p to taste. Sometimes I throw in black beans or feta cheese. I eat it like this or use nann bread toasted
  • One of my favorites is a Greek vanilla yogurt with fruit and granola. It keeps me full until dinner. Also love making shredded chicken, (baked breast) with walnuts, cranraisins vegan mayonnaise and sometimes a slice of bacon wrapped in lettuce.
  • Current Weight is 210. I lost 8.5 pounds this month!
  • I scramble 2 eggs, mushrooms, spinach, feta cheese and tomatoes with half of an English muffin and coffee with coconut oil.