Help really struggling!

So I had lost 7 stone and 5.5lbs before Christmas (mostly with slimming world in the UK). I go to a lovely Saturday morning group. Anyway we had a house move, car problems and a lot of stress and I didn't go for 6 weeks - finally faced the scales and I had put on 13lbs. Managed to get 4.5 of those off but not been to group for a few weeks and I just cannot stop eating junk. I am prepared and have my breakfast lunches and dinners all ready to go but I just can't stop craving high sugar foods. I know now I am about a stone and half heavier and I feel it in my tummy. I never wanted to go back to my heavier weight but I can't seem to get a grip. A massive part of this is due to tiredness and the amount of driving I have to do on a daily basis (around 5hs a day driving me to work my partner to work and my son to school). I need 8hrs sleep a night and am getting around 6 so by Thursday I'm done in. The driving thing will get better as my partner is having lessons and so will hopefully pass his test soon which will save me on average about 2.5hrs a day in the car. When I am in control and on track everything feels so much better it's just getting that one good day under my belt to keep going.
We are also getting married next year and I want to look and feel great on my wedding day and to wear a lovely fitted dress - it's not until September 2025 so the devil voice in me keeps saying you've got ages yet to sort it out but I know how easy it is to put it all back on.
Any welcome words of advice would be much appreciated.


  • J3nnyBeanz
    J3nnyBeanz Posts: 134 Member
    edited February 9
    The problem with sugar is once you start eating it your body will keep craving it. First thing I would say is give yourself some grace the fact that you're here and you're showing up is a beautiful thing for yourself.

    What work for me is to have a one month challenge of no sugar. I did not succeed everyday but I also didn't binge or gorge on it either.
    Keeping track, writing down my goals in a planner helped as I check things off every night. It makes me feel like I accomplished something. Also I write something positive about myself everyday whether I believe it or not. The shift in myself and habits are amazing.
    I am an emotional, stress and board eater. I can binge for days and cry about it for days after. You have to decide that enough is enough. Not because of your wedding or anything else but because you want better for YOU! You deserve it! I hope this helps some. You can friend request me to help motivate eachother
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,758 Member
    High stress and fatigue, yep, not the perfect circumstances...

    I would suggest, regarding the sugar cravings, to try and focus on fruit instead of candy, etc. as a first step. Some people find that it helps curb their cravings for sweet foods.
    Secondly, try to take baby steps in the direction of what you want to do, to get that 'one good day' under your belt. Try just logging a day without any calorie constraints, keep that up a few days until you get into the habits. And then perhaps try to shift from sugary snacks to fruit.

    Sometimes, aiming for weight loss is too much under the circumstances - it would be great to focus just on getting some control back/stopping the weight gain? Until your partner can drive, for example. And once your situation has improved a bit, take the next step.
  • Dia_R
    Dia_R Posts: 37 Member
    I’m not going to offer any suggestions, because with the kind of Success you have already had, you already know all of the things. Take a big breath, drink a glass of water, and be nice to yourself today. You’ve got this! You’re in a marathon, not a sprint.
  • frhaberl
    frhaberl Posts: 145 Member
    I agree that you should give yourself a pat on the back for what you have already achieved and a healthy dose of "I don't have to be perfect to be improving" for the rest. The thing that stood out to me from your post is that you are lacking sleep. When you're tired, your body craves energy. Sugar is energy. It's no wonder you are craving sugar.

    Is there anything you can do to get more sleep in the short term?

    Can you find a balance of fueling your body with limited doses of sugar and exercising at a level that energizes?

    Would a sugar "fast" help you reset your cravings?

    Those are the three approaches I would explore, in the order I would explore them but you may already have a feel for what will work for you based on your previous success.
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 662 Member
    Sleep is the single most important component of your health and fitness. This is *usually* something people have more under their control--and it sounds like you could focus on sleep first and feel more in control. That always helps me feel better.

    Go to bed earlier so you aren't up for the "craving hours." I eat another 1/3rd more than I should in the post-dinner period if I don't have a plan, and going to bed earlier is part of that plan. It helps me sleep better, too.

    Maybe start a little ritual--a short walk (around the block) to get away from the house/kitchen/food. A warm bath or shower (to help you feel sleepier when you go to bed), and straight to bed without a device in your hand? You can even take 1/2 a Benadryl (ask your doc, of course) b/c falling asleep earlier than usual is hard until you adapt.

    I'm going to have to start doing this myself although I already walk and jog a lot--I'm eating too much just b/c I'm up, although I do well with an early bedtime b/c I wake up so early. But I need to create a disconnection between evening hours and bingeing.

    Anyway, if this suggestion sounds like it might work for you, go for it. Let us know how it turn so out.