karatejones Member


  • Just make sure that you get out on the beach and chase kids around, or go skiing, or you know, do something active to make up for what you're drinking. right? right!
  • Depo-Provera... "the shot." Now they recommend you only do it for 1-2 years, then switch to something else to rebuild your calcium levels, but I've been going for like 10 years straight. There's no estrogen, so they recommend it if you have high blood pressure. You can read a bunch of horror stories online, but remember…
  • Cup of coffee... drink it black or I use the sugar-free vanilla creamer stuff... it's way better than the "fat-free" at about 15-20 calories for 2 tbsp. That, or stay busy. If you don't have time to eat, you won't. And of course water, fruits, veggies, and I agree that Special K is pretty awesome.
  • Thanks guys! I feel a good bit better now. Good to ward off that discouraged feeling. Funny, I was going to be at Pt. Defiance this Sunday anyways! Going out with the bf, sister in law, neice, and any of our friends that have kids... I figure I will take it easy at the gym that day as long as we get some good hiking in :)…
  • I've always heard that exercise can help with cramps and other symptoms, but I'm in kind of a different boat. Luckily I have a check-up and what-not with the girl doctor next week... I've started a pretty hardcore workout regimen, and it's seemed to had some strange effects on my girl-parts. I'm on the Depo shot, so I…