Lurker needs e-buddies

Hi Forum.
I started using MFP back in January or so, fell off the wagon, started again, and now I hit it hard like every day. My life has changed a lot lately. I've got some pretty concrete immediate goals, and some more vague long-term ones. Problem is, I don't have enough support in my neck of the woods. A few of my friends go to other gyms (I don't know anyone at mine) and no one really wants to chat about any of this with me anymore. My poor bf--bless his heart--tries to be nice and encouraging, but he's getting a bit burnt out being my only support net (jerk also eats a billion calories a day of junk food and weighs in around 140 of natural muscle). I think I'm making SOME progress, but I just need to reach out and get a piece of this community... Trade blogs and ideas and recipes, workout notes, forum posts... you know, social interaction.

Some basics-- I'm 25, live in Western Washington (it's so rad here!), into music/play in a band, need to loose 5 inches combined ASAP so I can join the Navy after losing my job this month. Once I get down to standards, I gotta prepare for bootcamp and the graduation requirements...


  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I'm from Minnesota and I have my husband for the gym part but we only go 3x a week and he is just shedding the weight me I'm trying my hardest to work my butt of and nothing seems to be coming off this time.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Welcome to a fellow Washingtonian (Vancouver here). I would suggest posting in some topics that interest you, and if you can't find one that is just right, start your own thread for those preparing to go into service. I would imagine you would all have some common interests. Good luck to you.

    I can't really point you to any particular forum post. Both of the ones I am in regularly are for the over 50 crowd, and obviously you have a few years before you have to worry about having a 5 as the first number in your age!!:laugh:

    Good luck to you.:flowerforyou:
  • asanville
    asanville Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in Tacoma and I'm doing this with some local friends. I go to LA Fitness here in town. We are all doing the arthritis walk this Saturday at Point Defiance if you'd like to come down and join us!
  • karatejones
    karatejones Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks guys! I feel a good bit better now. Good to ward off that discouraged feeling.
    Funny, I was going to be at Pt. Defiance this Sunday anyways! Going out with the bf, sister in law, neice, and any of our friends that have kids... I figure I will take it easy at the gym that day as long as we get some good hiking in :) I go to Allstar though... strange cross-section of humanity there, whoo.