trm981 Member


  • The most accurate calculator I have found for me is: All the other ones I have tried have given me around 21% which I know is wrong. The one you listed gave me 19.6% which is sure as hell wrong! But in the end they are all estimates. Getting it done professionally is probably the best…
  • I have 3 kids that were all born within a tenth of an ounce of each other. My daughter was 6lbs12.5ounces and my sons were both EXACTLY 6lbs12.6ounces and 19" long. That's pretty god damn random.
    in Random facts Comment by trm981 June 2012
  • I made the Cauliflower Fritters from the Skinnytaste site last night. They were pretty good!! My husband loved them. It seems like the Skinnytaste site is very popular around here! My favorite way to prepare broccoli is to boil for 3 or 4 minutes, until tender but still firm. Drain and run a little cold water over it to…
  • I was going to say this but I see someone already did! =) I'm 5'4 and my goal is 125. Its right in the middle of the BMI range and I like the thought of being equal distances from underweight and overweight, I guess. Plus I like the way I look at 125. Also, I don't know if its me individually or something that comes with…
  • I have to say I find a lot of these answers really surprising. Your boyfriend is a crazy control freak who is suffocating you if he has a problem with you meeting guys on the bus? If he's okay with it and you guys have that kind of relationship, great. However, I'm guessing by your questioning telling him you either a)…
  • I don't have them yet but I am setting up my surgical consult in the next few weeks. I waited until I was done having kids and lost almost all the weight I wanted to lose. I'm 9 pounds above my goal weight by now and am going to try to lose as much as possible before the surgery. My logic is they cost a fortune and I want…
  • I was on a date with a guy who was quite frankly giving me the creeps anyway. I ordered a salad and made made a joke about how hard it was to eat salad without making a mess and getting dressing everywhere. And he says: "At least it gives me a chance to see how wide you can open your mouth."
  • I have a 4 year old girl and 2 and 1 year old boys.I love them more than anything but I am so done. I was done after my second was born and somehow managed to get pregnant when he was 6 months old despite exclusive breastfeeding and using birth control. When you read that condoms have a failure rate, BELIEVE IT. My husband…
    in Kids? Comment by trm981 May 2012
  • Wow. You really think that heavy women intentionally try to mow you down in parking lots? Did it ever occur to you that Costco is where a lot of stay at home moms and moms in general do their shopping? I shop there and there is probably one guy for every 10 women while I'm there. And, yes, a lot of them are overweight,…
  • I have this and its horrible. I never had it until I got an IUD and had it removed after 6 weeks because of problems with it, and ever since then I go insane for two weeks of the month. I was on antidepressants years ago and hated them so I don't want to take those. I just bought a B vitamin complex and Tryptophan…