

  • Fruit is an amazing way to incorporate live enzymes and active nutrients into the diet - but it's all about how and when you eat fruit, and what types. Fruit should be eaten alone, on an empty stomach, in the mornings. Instead of orchard fruits or fruits out of season, try and opt for tropical varieties like mango,…
  • My motivational gift to myself was a new juicer, that got me down 4 lbs right away! My reward at 5 lbs lost was a massage, and at 10 lbs a facial and tooth whitening. At 15 lbs lost I earned a new Excalibur food dehydrator! At 20 lbs lost I will get to go to Palm Springs with my two besties for the weekend (Aug 10 and I…
  • I've been vegetarian (mostly vegan) almost my whole life (since I was a child). Been vegan since I was a teenager, though never drank milk or ate eggs even before I went officially vegan. Have been mostly raw for the last 7 years or so, varying how much raw but usually between 60-90% depending on what's available to me…
  • rinse it well before cooking or else it will have a bitterness. put the drained quinoa in a pot with some olive oil over med heat and toss it until it starts to brown a tiny bit and smell nutty. then add your cooking liquid. i love using a low sodium vegetable broth (organic of course). the cooking ratio is 1:2 (1 part…
  • mangoes, walnuts, artificial sweeteners and preservatives of any kind: all make my throat really tight, tongue swollen, and i get hivey and itchy all over. the mangoes and walnuts allergies i didn't develop until i was in my early 30s (mangoes were my favorite fruit!) seafood of any kind and i'm vomiting for hours. i also…
  • I just went through this! I had never been a caffeine user until about 7 months ago. I've always believed a good night's sleep and proper diet were much better than relying on a stimulant. But, I went through a pretty stressful 8 month period and in addition to putting on some weight, I also picked up the bad habit of…
  • Keep your chin up - I too have Celiac's, diagnosed a few years ago. I was horrified - I am already a vegan who eats 60-70% raw... I thought, how the heck am I going to do this?? I didn't think there was anything left for me to eat. :( But, it's been about 4 years now and you figure it out, plus in the last year alone I've…
  • Are they like the shirataki noodles? If so, yes they smell... "natural" LOL, but if you boil them a few minutes the smell goes away. I have been a fan of these forever. I almost never eat real pasta (and if I do, every few months, I use a rice-based gluten-free brand), and I use these in everything from miso soup, pho…
  • kale and broccoli!!! it's weird - i know. but i crave those two vegetables like others crave chocolate. i could eat raw or steamed kale or broccoli at any meal, any time of day.
  • I think by the time you've reached target weight, the idea is you have learned (on your own, without calculating points or eating reconstituted prepackaged entrees) how to eat healthy foods in healthy portions. I have found this site to be my favorite (and I have been on them all), for it's simplicity and lack of…
  • If you haven't done it before, you should embark upon your first juice cleanse or juice fast with the help of a coach or nutritionist. There are also some great kits sold at health food stores that will offer information, guidance, and herbal support to help guide you and your body through the process. Know what your goals…
  • all i want is a bag of cheezey kale chips (there's no cheese on them, they just taste cheesy)... they're actually good for you, but i know if i buy them i'll eat the whole thing and it's 300 calories. :'(
  • My weight is at 158. My goals for the week: 1. Hit the gym at least 3 days during the week (I hike with my dogs on the weekends) 2. Drink my water goal every day, no excuses! 3. No gluten, no excuses! (I have Celiacs and I cheated on Sunday - yipes!) 4. Keep bringing my lunch to work everyday, and stick to my food plan…
  • Oooh! Can I join?? I'm new to the site (an old MFD dropout, LOL. I already like this so much better!) I'm 5'7" at 158 el bees. How does this work? I never joined a group before, but I think it sounds great to have people to lose with!
  • Gah!! :noway: OK - one time, long ago, the notion that shelter/rescue dogs come with baggage and behavioral issues may have been true - but not now!! Shelters and rescues across the country are literally busting at the seams with incredible, adoptable, perfect animals, abandoned through no fault of their own due to…
  • nacho flavor doritos. oh god, my little vegan heart loves them so. i let myself have a little snack bag of those nasty things maybe two or three times a year - i love them... *cry*
  • even if they had 100 calories per bite I'd still eat McClure's spicy pickles... holy smokes. best pickles ever.
  • I had a raw carrot and cucumber sticks; lightly steamed broccoli and asparagus topped with carrot ginger dressing (from epicurious); 1/2c shelled edamame flash sauteed with fresh ginger and a dash each of wheat-free tamari, gluten free teriyaki sauce, and seasoned rice vinegar. desert was a few fresh strawberries with a…
  • Raw Gluten Free Vegan here! I've been vegetarian since I was a little girl (I refuuuuused to eat meat, eggs, or milk from the time I was about 3 or 4, by the time I was 6 dinnertime had become a battle to the death... and my mother gave up. I heard the word "vegetarian" when I was 10 and never looked back). I have been a…
  • A Dog's Purpose. you'll cry your eyes out, then find the closest dog and hug it. a lot.
  • it's that Tazo Matcha powder of theirs I crave... I used to get a Soy Green Tea Latte with no sweetener (they normally add pumps of that nasty syrup, ecch!)... but now I buy the bags of Tazo Matcha powder online (black market stuff! LOL), and make it at home with unsweetened soy milk and really cut the calories and carbs!…
  • Oh, and by the way - the theory that you needed to "pair" certain foods to get the right mix of amino acids in one meal to make a complete protein was long ago debunked. Science has since shown that the human body can actually "pool" nutrients, meaning: you can eat your rice one day, and beans on another, and you'll be…
  • I've been mostly vegan almost my whole life, once in a while I sneak in a little rennet-less cheese (Whole Foods has a vegetarian feta that is really nice when I'm craving cheese, I guess it's just exciting because I'd never seen a rennet-less feta before, so I'd never had it). i'm also gluten free. I never eat any of the…