Lylaathome Member


  • From several of the Nutrition/Fitness Online e-magazines that I've read, it's a good idea to have some protein about an hour before your work out and then some light recovery protein drink after a hard workout. - Pushing protein first thing in the morning also seems to help keep you alert longer, while keeping your blood…
  • Forgot to say, I'm Lylaathome and live in the beautiful Inland Empire of the Pacific Northwest
  • Okay, the Women 50+ caught my eye. I am closer to the top side of the 50+ and I've been dealing with a back injury that slowed me down completely. I put most of the 40 lbs, I lost in 2011-2012 back on this last year. I have been blessed to have a good doctor who referred me into PT and the last two days my pain level in…
  • BTW thanks for sharing, I will make this each time I want something chocolatey and low cal.
  • 50 ml is approximately 3 tablespoons, just shy of a 1/4 cup of fluids. My batch made up fairly liquidy. It's baking in the oven right now, but I used Walmart's Great Value Plain Greek Nonfat yogurt as it has 23 grams of protein and only 120 calories pure 1 cup serving (227 grams). I used my scale to measure everything…
  • Couldn't seem to find an app to help with the 100 push-up challenge for the computer. Thought you mentioned it in your intro. Would love to have an idea if there's help out there. Or I can just add increments to my routine on my own. Lyla in Mica
  • I'm not sure what the person who started this challenge would say, but I think you could start with putting your hands directly below your shoulder joints to help with stability in your push ups. I think I would try to do 10 each day for a week before adding more in steady increments as the challenge goes on. It might be…
    in Help Comment by Lylaathome February 2014
  • Hi, I would like to try this challenge as I coach a Junior High Home-school basketball team and I believe, I can't ask them to do anything I wouldn't be able to do. Since I'm an older woman, is it okay to do them from the knee, or do I need to do plank type push-ups? Also, I don't have a smart phone, but I thought you said…
  • Another thing to consider is that in certain vegetables the fiber that is so beneficial to weigh lose is broke down when cooked. If you have heard of the glycemic index, cooked vegetable are higher on the index than the raw ones. The higher the glycemic index number the quicker the food breaks down in your blood stream and…
  • I'm new to this MFP and I've been reading some of the posts and I was wondering how did you determine to go on this type of Keytogenic diet. Did a doctor prescribe it for you? I assume different people and different body types would have different dietary needs. I started here on the 1st and just been increasing water and…
  • Your story sounds so much like mine. I worked hard in 2012 and lost 40 lbs, then had two different injuries (one was bruised ribs and sternum after falling in a cross country skiing incident and then later tendonitis that really stopped me from chi trail running with my husband. On Jan. 1st 2014 I had gained back 30 of the…
  • Ok, anything having to do with recipes and cooking healthy, I am interested in...Read the comments and so many were > bump <. This is my third day here, so I am a newbie....what does bump mean? Is it like having your recipe pinched as in other sites elsewhere? Just wondering?
  • Good job, very inspiring, even this community. I am glad my sister-in-law told me about this site, because it's helping me already along my way...and I started on Jan. 1st, 2014, so your story will be a great reminder and encouragement to me along my way this year.