

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Did 1 hr of the "30 Day Butt Lift" DVD today. I realized that if I do "play all" on any one day, that's only about 20 minutes so I'll do three day's worth. Not sure what I was doing before. The plan for tomorrow is to do "10 Minute Carb Burn" DVD (another new one)

    After exercising, had breakfast (don't worry, Lesley, I had a clementine before I even started to exercise. I don't like exercising on an empty stomach unless I absolutely have to) then made pork chops for later in the week. Just made more of the chocolate bran muffins, they're cooling right now so I'll be able to freeze them.

    Welcome everyone new! Judy, the best thing I can tell you is to log in here lots and you'll get lots of support. We used to live in the Poconos and then in Kennett Square. Are you near any of those places?

    Sylvia - thanks for clearing that up. I had this vision of you ladies getting together and throwing pots at each other....lol Wow! That's a lot of bowls

    katla - woo hoo for you!

    Kim - those litttle surprises sure surprise us. So happy for you

    k2boxlady - the closer you are to goal, the harder it is to lose the weight. I'm a bit over on the Wii right now. When I was over by more, the weight came off faster. Now I'm lucky to be losing a few ounces. But at least it's going down.

    - what is an Indian meeting?

    The Newcomers is having a social tomorrow night. One of the ladies is going to teach the hula. She just called to ask Vince if he had a microphone she could borrow. I'll go, but he's not. In a way, I'm a bit surprised as I would think he'd want to go to be sure nothing happens to his microphone. But if alls it is is plugging it into her kareoke (?sp) machine, I guess I can handle that. I just think I should get there a little bit earlier. They're having an outing to the Piedmont Symphony. Now I know VERY little about music, but I'm surprised that Vince doesn't care to go since he's the musical person. Well, I won't go since I couldn't tell you if something was right or wrong, I ony know what I like

    Have to lector at the church tonight

    Sue in TX
    - feel better fast! We all lose at our own rate for our bodies. Caffeine for weight loss? Never heard of it.

    Sylvia - we were in Madrid two years ago. I had a bad experience so I really have no desire to go back. But I'm sure it's great.

    Janet - I was trying to visualize what you did with the resistance bands, but when you got to the "push down" part, I got lost. Were you working your triceps? woohoo on being able to prepare a meal

    Started on the latch hook Christmas tree rug. That'll probably take a while to finish. As Vince says "and we need another one" because he's planning to get another tree next year (in addition to these two) I DO NOT want to buy a tree skirt if I can in any way help it.

    Toni - a friend of mine saw "Gone Girl". I wish it was playing at another time other than right before the holidays. If it was playing around now, I'd go. We have a $3 movie theater (they just increased their price from $2.50)

    Michele in NC
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Mary -don't beat yourself up over indulging in poor choices. We all do it. My scales are showing ups and downs this month and I deserve the UPS! Someone here has a saying "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good." This is a journey and there are bound to be bumps in the road. Forgive yourself and get back to good choices. (Giving myself a pep talk, too)

    Michele - Just read an article that said researchers report that consuming caffeine before a workout seems to increase metabolism in women. Kicked the caffeine habit and don't want that back not even to burn a few more calories.

    Night all
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Thanks Toni,

    I had a talk with my husband and told him I needed his help. I had him help me clean the cupboards and hiding spots of all candy. I don't know if you read my texts from last weekend, but he bought me 3 1/2 pounds of chocolates. I told him I am weak and need his support. It feels like he really wants me to fail sometimes.

    Thanks for your help. I know I am having a hard time realizing this is a lifestyle not temporary. I had such a high metabolism up until I hit 50 where I could eat and drink whatever I wanted without gaining a pound. I got use to eating like a pig. I am now 57 and need to face reality.

    The up side is this site. I know I am not alone. I bought Zumba today because someone on this site mentioned it.

    Have a good night everyone I think I got this under control.

    Mary from Minnesota

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    When I read Sylvia and her 'throwing a pot party' my immediate thought was the smoking kind of pot. I don't know why, but I knew that it wasn't what she really meant and that surely some one would ask to get it clarified. Was watching a movie last night and some one said that you can't let the perfect be the enemy of good. I thought, hey I know that phrase. It made me get to thinking through. So many of you have 'words' for the year. I think mine would be choice. I throw that up to Charlie so many times so I ought to be familiar with it. How I behave about a certain situation is my choice. If I eat those chocolate pop tarts it is my choice. And I have to also accept the repercussions of that choice. Mary, If I ask my husband for some help regarding my diet he just tells me that it is my diet and that I need to take care of it. I tell him that things like chocolate in the house is like poison to me. it's like the apple that God told Adam and Eve they could not eat. Maybe if I gave myself permission to eat it then it wouldn't be as tempting. What I see on face book is that quite a few of our church members are getting sick again. this will be the second wave of it. I just keep wondering if it will hit me.

    Several of you talk about your husbands heart attacks. March 11, 2013 Charlie had his heart attack and had 2 stents put in. Then Feb 18, 2014 he had another big cardiac event, not a heart attack and had to have 2 more stents put in. So I am really worried what is going to happen this week. I think about Jan 28 will be that 3 week before the anniversary of the one last year. He sure loves his red met and fats.He says that the stents and his Lipitor is supposed to take care of everything. I can't convince him otherwise. His cardiologist is pretty much a vegetarian and says the only 'meat' Charlie should eat is fish. Well that didn't go very far. I just hope we can get rid of the one medicine you have to be on for 365 days after a stent.It is kind of costly. But my medicine for my MS is several thousands dollars. My co-pay isn't that but in the first stage of the new year with Medicare D I pay over $1000 for it.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Lylaathome
    Lylaathome Posts: 15 Member
    Okay, the Women 50+ caught my eye. I am closer to the top side of the 50+ and I've been dealing with a back injury that slowed me down completely. I put most of the 40 lbs, I lost in 2011-2012 back on this last year. I have been blessed to have a good doctor who referred me into PT and the last two days my pain level in the SI joint has been at about 1/2 when for about the two previous months, I was at between a 6 to 8 on the pain scale. The guided exercising by a trainer and walking a mile a day the last two weeks have been really helping. My PT person also set me up with a great stretching routine that helped with the constant burning in my hip. (TENS therapy helped too.) Due to that and pure determination, I've met my goal of walking a mile a day for the last two weeks. That may not sound like much, but when the old college back injury reared it's ugly head again, I could hardly straighten up and walk down the hall at school. So I am feeling great about the small strides I have made forward, so now I am at 35 lbs and counting to whittle off again. Yeah
  • Lylaathome
    Lylaathome Posts: 15 Member
  • Lylaathome
    Lylaathome Posts: 15 Member
    Forgot to say, I'm Lylaathome and live in the beautiful Inland Empire of the Pacific Northwest
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hi ladies
    Brrr it's cold here today. It must be me though as DD did not have to defrost her car this morning.

    I had a bad day eating yesterday, lots of mindless snacking, but back on track today. I have these lapses every now and then, like someone else here said, I sabotage all my good work. But today is a new day forget about yesterday. See I'm in a philosophical mood.

    We had a lovely dog walk yesterday late afternoon, it was a sunny day so we decided to go a bit later as we knew there'd be lots of dog walkers on the common. I think I've mentioned our dog is - how can I put it - a handful?? does that cover it? Seriously we do think he has mental problems from being in kennels at a young age, he couldn't cope there. He's a very sensitive dog in some ways and finds it hard to cope with too much stimulation. We went at 4pm and it was lovely, we were the only ones there, so we could relax a little and stick to the main path (instead of having to dash into the boggy undergrowth etc like we usually have to do to get away from people/dogs etc.) It reminded us of what a dog walk should be like, relaxing and enjoyable - not a military operation where you have to be on the look out for dangers all the time. How we miss having a normal dog to go with us, I'm sure when Tara our GSD was alive she made him more confident. We don't think he'd accept another dog though.

    Another thing that has lapsed is my exercise routine!! I need to give myself a swift kick in the pants. Starting tomorrow I am going to do my exercises first before logging onto the computer, then I have no excuse to say I haven't time.

    Yanniejannie Wizz enjoyed his petting and ear scratch and says thank you.

    Heather Haggis - sorry it doesn't appeal to me, maybe the veggie version, I must admit I'm leaning towards vegetarianism these days. DS and family are veggies, so I cook vegetarian meals when they visit, and DD is also vegetarian so we eat a lot of vegetarian meals now.
    Someone mentioned Sketchers trainers. I bought myself some sketchers shape ups a few years ago, they are supposed to exercise your legs while you walk. They are ok but they have like a rocking motion to them and it sometimes caused me to wobble, my balance isn't good at the best of times but these made it worse. Must admit I haven't worn them for ages, they cost me a fortune too. Think I'll give them a go again and start walking to work in them.

    Sorry I've rambled on a bit.

    Have a happy Sunday everyone.

    Viv York UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    morning ladies~
    some things just irk me.. I am at the stage of the fame where Snow is on my very bad list, I know Florida has there share of bad weather, but monday night we have a blizzard warning and possible a few feet of snow , wind power outages.. cra-.. the only good thing is exercise..but OH am I sooooo tired of it.. have to heat up the car and go feed DFIL..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,339 Member
    edited January 2015
    Viv - I'm looking forward to tonight's haggis already! It's one of my favourite things in all the world! :laugh: Do give the veggie one a try.
    Personally, I have every sympathy with vegans as I can see their point of view, but if we are meat eaters at all then I think we should eat all the animal, not just the easy bits. I love all offal. I do find I am eating less meat overall on health and ecological grounds, but we should make the very best use of each animal we kill. On the same line, I always buy organic free range meat and eggs from a welfare perspective. As I eat much less meat than before and usually cook from scratch and use all my left overs I don't feel it is more expensive overall. Some days we are entirely veggie. We also eat a lot of fish which is a bit more expensive.
    I have often thought about going vegan, but I like my food too much to make the sacrifice. :cry:
    As a compromise I try to eat mindfully and appreciate what I am eating. I do know that I could not eat an animal I had raised personally! :sad: So I do feel a bit of a hypocrite. :ohwell:

    DH was going to do my roots todsy, but we are putting it off until tomorrow because he is taking part in the nationwide RSPB survey today. You have to record the most number of any one species of bird in your garden over the course of an hour. It has been going for around 30 years. Most species are declining except for goldfinches, which coincides with garden stores selling their special niger seeds. I think we feed the whole goldfinch population of Hampshire!!!

    Love to all. Heather in showery Hampshire UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,339 Member
    Sorry Sylvia - forgot to reply to you about Madrid!
    - I went there for my 60th birthday and really enjoyed it. I personally wouldn't go in the height of summer as it gets very hot there, but as you live in Arizona I expect you are used to the heat. :flowerforyou: Most Madrilenos vacate their city in August.
    - There are also some old towns that surround Madrid, which I have always wanted to visit - Toledo, Segovia etc. I wouldn't say Madrid was a relaxing city, but there is so much to see. I especially enjoyed the Retiro park on a Sunday morning with all the strolling families. The metro makes it easy to get around. Low sodium might be a challenge!
    - I realise you might be restricted to college holidays so the summer is your only option. :flowerforyou:

    Heather UK
  • vecchi
    vecchi Posts: 23
    kjctiger3 wrote: »
    Happy new year all :)

    I've just joined MyFitnessPal today in the hope's that I can finally get my weight and health under control. I'm a 52 yr old single mum of teen twin boys, I work full time and struggle to keep on top of chores at home. I have subsequently become an emotional eater :\ Having once been a super healthy chick before kids, I give loads of good advice on eating and dieting to my friends but don't follow a word of it myself. Rather than looking at the journey I keep focussing on the destination and have failed at the first hurdle.

    In joining MyFitnessPal I can at least be held responsible for my food and exercise. Hopefully some of you lovely ladies can help keep me on the straight and narrow while I travel this journey.

    All the best
    Karen, Perth, Australia

  • vecchi
    vecchi Posts: 23
    Hi Karen,I am 52 as well,from Melbourne Australia,all the best in your weight loss journey,it's tough at this age,would love lo connect and help each other,look forward to hearing from you.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone.
    Caught up in the posts. Welcome to all the new people. There is always something to learn here.

    To all those having crappy weather!! Beautiful weekend here... Rained - ice covered roads...sun came out and melted the ice on the pavements but not on the gravel roads... I guess living on the Canadian prairies you get all kinds of weather and get used to all the crappy road conditions all winter long.

    Made it to the next town for the curling bonspiel. Fun time was had by one and all. The theme was PJ Party. We had a winning weekend. Won the A final, won for best costumes, and best of all !!!! burnt calories and my stomach is growling this morning so didn't eat a lot "rink food". The banquet was all finger food appetizers, thank goodness someone believed that vegetables fit into that category.

    So today... need to clean my house and do some laundry. I want to go for a walk so I hope my walking trail is not to icy. :( A friend of mine is having a jockey clothing party so I want to go and try on some clothes. Need some good clothes for work.

    Take care everyone.

    Lillian in Saskatchewan

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning, all! Had a post ready and it got erased! Going for a walk soon. Temp was lower than weatherman said it would be; certainly not 35 as I had ice in the birdbath to break with a garden tool this am.
    Confession...........DD made those peanutbutter cookies with kisses in the middle last night and I ate one after closng my diary. In the "old" days (like last month, lol) it would have been much worse, so making some progress. Evil child.
    I used someone's word.......savor.......this am when I wanted more after eating my plain yogurt with blueberries.......had ONE small sausage and "savored" every morsel.

    Joyce.........I love your word (!!!!).....choice.......really, all of how we live our lives comes down to that one word! I remember telling my DD (even as a toddler) that the decisions she would make would matter and have good or not so good consequences. Later, that evolved to discussions on personal responsibility, etc.

    Viv.........I hear you on the dog walking.........both of my basenjis absolutely detested other dogs bigger than themselves (except for puppies of any breed, for some reason) and had no problem dragging the walker to try to attack a dog four times it's size. On the other hand, they were scratched more than once trying to "bond" with cats........

    Heather........Food for thought (sorry, couldn't resist) on the responsibility to eat all parts of the animal if one is a carnivore........hmmmmm......moving closer to meat free maybe if I think about that one. Love goldfinches; we participated in the annual bird count here several years.

    Lillian..........Congrats on your victory!

    Hello to all those I missed. Have good days everyone!

    Hunger is not an emergency.
    mid-Atlantic.......sunny and fairly cold.....40.

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Yanniejannie: good for you for being able to stop when you wanted to!!
    Michele: I can't find my post, but it should have said that we had Indian takeout, or Indian food, or something like that. Maybe there was a weird autocorrect. :smiley:

    Hope we all have a good day.
  • k2boxlady
    Good morning group. Cold in VA this morning with snow, sleet, freezing rain changing to rain in the forecast for next two days.

    My husband's company had their annual appreciation dinner last night and I am proud to report that I stuck to my diet! No bread, no dessert, just cod, green beans and salad. They even had my fav dessert (cheesecake) which was hard to pass up but I did it! Only down .2 in a week but feeling better and more energy. Going to stick with it. Maybe try a few new recipes this week. If anyone has some favs to pass along I would gladly accept the help.

    Hope everyone has a successful day!
  • Debjaa
    Debjaa Posts: 10 Member
    Just getting back into MFP... My word for 2015 is Wellness. Is what I'm choosing to do (or eat) contributing to my wellness - physical, social, mental, spiritual? I have had some foot problems the past 6 months and it really set me back. It's still a problem but I'm now determined to move ahead. My physical goals - lose 10-15 pounds by June, heal my foot (weight loss would help that, I'm sure) and get in better physical shape. I'm 56 years old.
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Congrats to those of you who have exhibited good choices and determination to stick to your plans. I had a good day yesterday after 2 challenging ones. One day at a time.....

    Mary (and others with a sweet tooth and helpful hubbies) - My husband keeps my chocolate hidden from me. When I really want a treat he brings me one or two pieces. He used to never want sweets. Lately, though, he gets into my "stash". So I may have to quit doing this in order to protect his health.

    Have a great day!

  • kymholly
    New here, just started looking around the site after starting on Wednesday. Have been good about logging my food, excercise & water. I lost 35 pounds in 2010 on WW, and kept it off for about a year. Then, it crept back on, 5 pounds at a time. Now, I'm 8 pounds over where I started from back then...ugh!
    So, I'm finally motivated enough to do the work & make the changes I need to bring my weight back down to where I'm not completely self conscious about my appearance all the time. Hopefully, I can accomplish that using this app.