

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,722 Member
    to clarify - i am 100 away from 1000. right now i have 900....
    - stats for the day:
    - Ride hm 2 gym- 13.50min, 12.9amph, 3mi
    Spin- 35min, 83ar, 115aw, 10-15ag, 14.4mi
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.21min 12amph 1.5mi
    ride dome 2 hm- 17.16min, 9.2amph 2.7mi
    still drugging up and coughing up a lung! ughhhh
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    smiley-cool05.gif Today is our anniversary. Jake drove me to line dance this morning and then picked me up so we could go to our favorite Chinese restaurant for lunch. We each brought half home so we could have the leftovers for supper. We are so grateful to be together and still so happy after 26 years.

    smiley-happy020.gif Rita, a good choice for your son might be Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
    and a good choice for you could be Nar Anon (for family and friends of people with drug addiction problems

    smiley-happy020.gifEven though I live in a place where I can walk outside a lot, I frequently walk back and forth in my house to get extra steps especially when I have set a goal for the day and haven't gotten there as bedtime approaches. Sometimes Jake and I both walk back and forth in the house at bedtime because we both need more steps.

    smiley-happy020.gifLesley, bravo to you for restricting your computer time.

    smiley-happy020.gif Doreen, congrats on going back to Zumba....when I started line dancing ten years ago, my goal for the first class was to not fall down and not knock anyone else down.....I accomplished that so I kept on and got better and better at learning the choreography.

    smiley-greet024.gif Katla, I have been posting on MFP since February 2009....not continuously every day because of several spells of having no internet access but even when I couldn't post I was eating and exercising and thinking of all my friends on MFP so I asked MFP to give me credit for all my days so I have the number on my home page when I log in each day....I don't share the number publically, it's just for me.

    smiley-chores002.gif 19,000 steps today from two hours of dog walking and a two hour line dance class

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    My quote for 2015 (and the last five years)---The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future

    January Resolutions
    *walk 18,500 steps a day
    *strength training twice a week smiley-sport017.gif
    *review our will and documents of personal information
    *don't expect praise or recognition
    *learn and teach two new dances253149qtzkf0ld22.gif
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Good evening
    After I did my water workout today I did a yoga stretch class. It was a different group with a substitute instructor. I really enjoyed it.

    Earlier Heather asked if we had fears that we have learned to overcome. Here I am an educated professional woman with the silliest hangup. For a long while I have had a thing about grocery stores. Guess it might be tied to my food issues. There were a few months where I could not shop in one at all unless I was with hubby. (Ridiculous, I know). Then I did get comfortable with going to two markets - no problem. Well - today I went to a Publix I hadn't been to in years. They had some good sales on things I eat every day. I am so proud of myself. I think I can do this more often!

    Heather - I hope you get some help at the doctor.

    Rita - I know it must be hard to want help for your son. We went through some of this with my son when he was a teen. So frustrating. Praying he finds an avenue for help and treatment.

    Pip - Wow! 1,000 days - Marvelous!

    Margaret - I hope your new position will be very rewarding.

    Michele - It sounds like that Y was very involved with motivating its members! I think working at the Y will be a motivator for me. A friend told me this morning that I should be able to encourage others since I am on this life journey. Win-Win

    Good night, now
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    Barbie Happy Anniversary!
  • SueTN2
    SueTN2 Posts: 79 Member
    Enjoyed reading all the post and I like the jokes too..

    Too cold to get out and walk, but I have made better food choices the last several days.

    Sue from TN
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    I have made 2 Jamie Oliver's vegie pasties (one for lunch tomorrow and 1 for later next week.)
    Also made Dr Oz Savoury quioa egg muffins. I can have 3 for breakfast tomorrow = 241 + Flora and black coffee. 6 for later.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Did an hour of Bob Harper's Cardio Conditioning DVD today. Tomorrow's plan is to do Jari Love's Revved to the Max DVD

    - what are some of your abbreviations? What does lvl stand for? 61fl? lat5 (a resistance?)

    Today the Wii said I was down a pound. Even tho I had 1/2 of a Dunkin Donut last night. Guess maybe taking the day off from exercise really did help

    - isn't it amazing what men will eat if they don't know what's in it? So glad the pie was so good

    Sharon - hope you feel better

    SSM - welcome. So sorry about Ruby, deepest condolences. Our furry friends sure make a big impression on our hearts, huh? Do you think that the krill oil is what caused the weight gain? I've heard a lot about krill oil but nothing about it causing weight gain. Great start on the weight loss!

    Just read in the paper how Coke and Pepsi are now using smaller cans so there is less guilt. You know, I'm surprised it's taken them this long to realize that this can be a money maker for them. Look at all those 100 calorie packs. It really is cheaper to buy a big bad/whatever of something and divide it up. But some people need to have it already portioned out and they're paying for this. That's ok, whatever you need to do. I'm just surprised it took Coke and Pepsi so long to start doing this, they want to increase their profits.

    - my fingers were cracked from the cold really badly a while ago. I tried every lotion on the face of the earth -- no help. I remembered that my grandmother used to put glycerin on her hands. So I figured - why not? What do I have to lose? It cleared it up! But I do find that if I need to use the glycerine, that I put a pair of those latex gloves over my hands since the glycerine can be very greasy. Cute pic

    Janet - I don't think I'll be getting a new car in the near future. Vince is funny...he'll run a car into the ground and make repairs himself if he needs to. But yet, at times he has no hesitation about buying a new car. I know FIL would never get a new car -- always used. He felt they depreciated too much just driving them off the lot. Don't you just hate it when the green beans are cooked to death? There was this one place in FL that served nothing but canned green beans. Honestly, by the time they had cooked them and I got them, they were already like mush.

    jane - thinking of you today

    pipcd - you know that if you even suspect that you'll be away from interent as long as you log just one item on your menu, MFP will count that day. That's one of the reasons I have that feature turned off. For me, it isn't a motivator.

    Pat - what did you have that was Chinese that was so high in calories? I usually find that they have steamed items on their menu and lot of veges.

    abetterme - welcome and congrats on the fantastic loss. You sound a lot like me, exercise usually 7 days/week, 5 of them vigorous and the other two "active recovery" What kind of exercise do you do usually?

    - Vince took out some fuses and put them back in and that reset it. Also, he added water to the radiator. It wasn't that low, but a little bit more wouldn't hurt. So far, the light hasn't come back on. I went to the bowling alley near us to give this one gal some empty egg cartons that I save for her and in the time it took me to get there and home, the light didn't come on at all. You said that Heather's baking show hit the US? What's the name of it? Glad those calendars are almost gone. Did you at least make a bit of a profit?

    Leslie - I love reading all about Brian and what he has to say. When you said "body fat scales" which type did you mean? The bioimpedence can be skewed.

    - safe travels

    Meg - hoping for the best results to the MRI

    Heather - I usually eat fast, too. Sometimes I don't wait for the food to cool (like tonight) before I dig in.

    Beth - I'd never even *heard* of shrimp and grits until I moved to NC! Prayers for Ashley

    Sylvia - what a wonderful idea having the kids decorate those bowls. I just love it

    katla - I was thinking the same thing, I would love to take that BBC test, too. Let me know if you find out about it. I'm so happy you had such a good experience at the gym!

    barbie - happy anniversary!

    Toni - yea for you going to Publix. I can't wait to go to one when we get to FL. Yes, I always found it especially motivating to see the people who worked at the Y not just working but also enjoying themselves by working out.

    Michele in NC
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Michele. Brian uses Omron Scales. I use Scaleman at home. I record morning for weight and night for BF% bone% muscle%.
    Will be intersting tomorrow
    Barbie Happy Anniversary
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    edited January 2015
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good morning, ladies. It's 1:00am here. I went to bed at 1100 which is a little early for me but it was a busy day. I couldn't sleep and leg kept cramping so I finally got up and here I am. I took a sleeping pill so may fall asleep on my keyboard.

    *Jane, I know the funeral will be hard on you but give yourself the time to grieve.

    *Wow, way to go, pip!!!

    *Pat, don't beat yourself up about eating too much. Just get back on the horse and hopefully no harm if you are still under calories. I've heard that misery loves company, but conger up a funny picture of you and DH hobbling around together. Feel better soon.

    *abetterne42, welcome and congrats on your weight loss!!! That is fantastic. We are here for support, so *consider yourself kicked in the butt*. Come back often, there is more where that came from if you need it. :)

    *yanniejannie, good job on selling the Calendars. I hope Ya'll made some money?

    *Heather, I have always eaten fast too. That is the main reason I chose "savor" as my word for the month. To remind me to slow down. I use to live my life thinking about food all the time. DH always said I planned my life from one meal to the next, and he was right. In the short 3 months I've been on MFP, I'm happy to say that I don't think about food and eating all the time now. Congratulations on your maintenance!! Your regular eating habits make a lot of sense.
    That is wonderful that the light went out in your car. Here's hoping it stays out.

    *MNMargaret, good for you on the 3rd grade job. That does sound like a good fit and now you can plan your life around a regular schedule.

    *Lesley, you are doing such a good job with Brian. Congrats on your BF and other numbers. I'm impressed.

    *drkatie, I can't believe you didn't get a laugh with that joke. Did they get the rest of the sermon? I thought it was funny too.

    *Sylvia, your project is getting so exciting. The school idea was brilliant. I wish I were closer and I'd volunteer to help in some way. I'm glad you found such a worth while cause to get involved in. Good for you.

    *TNToni, I had actually forgotten about it until I read your post about grocery stores, but for years and years I would not go into a restaurant and eat alone. If I was starving I'd find a fast food with a drive through. I guess I just felt self-conscious? And stay alone in a hotel? Forget about it! I'd have rather slept in my car at a rest area. Now at my ripe old age, I don't care what anyone thinks and will go any where. lol Good for you for venturing out.

    *Michele in NC, not only were the green beans cooked to mush, but they were fresh and normally served a bit al dente. That's probably why I can't sleet...that decadent dessert!!

    *Barbie, Happy, happy Anniversary!

    We are happy to have all the new ladies. This is a great place to get support and ideas and have questions answered. Come often and post often so we can get to know you.

    I wish you all great health and much happiness.

    My word for the of the month is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Oh my I have a ton of reading to do… we’ll see how far I get, busy times… I managed yesterday to get together with a friend I had not celebrated Christmas with, and tomorrow is one more and then I’ll have Christmas done… which is sad, but it is time to move on. For the other Downton fans… wow, what a cliff hanger – looking forward to Sunday already.

    Carol – so glad to hear your son helped with the moving this time.

    Jane – (((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))

    Sylvia – love the idea behind empty bowls!

    New ladies – welcome!!!

    Heather – WOW to your DDIL!!!!

    Terri –take care!!!

    Barb – the grandbaby is adorable!!!

    Janet – CONGRATS

    Cynthia – happy belated birthday

    Spanokopita fans…. ME too…

    Heather – great job on asking a gal to go shop and coffee… you’ll have fun! My mom had problems with uti for a while, and finally converted to 4 oz of cranberry juice every day, and has been many years (10?) without a uti…

    Beth – sending good thoughts to Ashley and family

    Sylvia – listening to wise women…. Wow that is great, we are all wise women - when times require we face the fire….

    So I read it all and laughed, smiled, worried, sent good thoughts, and cheered - but did not take many notes... so all of you I did not mention... you were thought of tonight.

    January goals:

    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Do a fun thing every week.

    Kim from N. California
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Rita- That is good news about your son. I will pray that he follows through with treatment. If you are like me, you would gladly do it for him. This is his journey though and he must make it himself.

    Pat - Be gentle with yourself and remember the 80/20 rule. It seems to me that you are doing much better than this.

    Beth - Putting Ashley in my prayers.

    It was one of those crazy making days. First- Inventory with counters who weren't accurate to start. Great improvement after some of them were sent home. Then the customer from h__l, well he had some help from his wife and his female friend. It is sad when our staff including me are called names, told we need training , swore at, etc. All because we are following company policy and using common sense. It was quite a display. Oh well, can't let the 1 negative customer out weigh the 100 that are positive and pleasant.
    Tea ( herbal for me) with DD and DDIL while we listen to the happy sounds of the little ones playing babies. My DGDs are so adorable.
    Delicious supper prepared by DDIL.
    Not sure what adventures I will have on my day off but I am supposed to go for a work out at the Y with DS. This should be interesting.
    Good night all from
    Sharon in Sunny Southern Alberta.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hi dear friends
    Lots of posts to catch up on, it's taken me ages :) but I have caught up.

    I'm having a day off work today so will need to make a start soon, I have a few phone calls to make and I want to declutter something, (not sure what yet as there is a lot to declutter)
    ;) I painted the living room walls in December, but I don't like the colour so may have to re-do them. I find I'm not very artistic when it comes to decorating.

    The snow yesterday lasted for a few minutes, and not all day like I thought it would. In fact it was quite a nice day - cold but the sun came out at lunchtime. Made me think that spring is just around the corner.

    I'm sure there was something else I wanted to mention, but my memory is getting so bad I can't remember anything! so I'll say hugs and prayers to those that need them and high fives to all who are doing well.

    Time to move. Take care <3

    Viv (Sunny but cold York UK)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    morning ladies~
    well I am up early and have a load of laundry in the wash, gonna hop in the shower and go feed my DFIL and then I am taking my friend Doris out to lunch, will be mindful of what I am eat
    I might be getting an exercise bike for free from a girl at work..to keep in the family room it has a fly wheel and moving handlebars to work everything.. which will help
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    well had a bit of breakfast, and on my second cup of tea... waiting for the laundry to dry.. spoke with the DH at work , and he is not happy with me as I have hospital orientation tonight, somewhere in his mind he doesnt think this is something I should do.. well guess what, told him this is something I want to do,, he can have his little hissy fit, but thats to bad.. wait until he finds out I have to go 4 saterdays to an all day training..
  • celticlass69
    celticlass69 Posts: 61 Member
    Tried easy beginner yoga this morning. What a workout! Didn't make it all the way through. Back decided it wasn't having this. :\ But, I'll do it again tomorrow. Does anyone know of a reliable site to find out what target heart rates should be? I know I've probably gotten mine too high at times. Keep strong ladies.
    SSM :D
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    edited January 2015
    I got an emergency appointment this morning, after several false starts and the Christmas message being on the ansaphone. :sad: The nurse said I didn't have a. UTI :ohwell: Guess that means something else is causing the pain. I have to ring next week to get results of the urine sample they are sending off. If it still hurts then I will see a doctor.
    I have had a total hysterectomy so it can't be gynaecological. The only thing is some sort of bowel thing, but everything is "working" fine in that department. Time will tell, I guess, but I can't help worrying as I am going on holiday soon to Sri Lanka. :ohwell:

    Beth - good wishes for Ashley! Things can go wrong so quickly can't they. One minute everything is fine then . . . . . . . :cry:

    Just recently I haven't felt like cooking at all. :noway: That is weird for me. The typing seems to have taken over the part of my brain that needs to create something. Having to prepare a meal is just a nuisance. I am nesrly half way through my novel, which is really more of a novella - it's really short. Probably a good idea as it's very intense and a bit "weird". What a strange mixed up woman I was in those days. Struggling with all kinds of demons and fighting off depression.

    Jane - hope the funeral goes well and helps you. :flowerforyou:

    :sad: I just want this pain to go away, or at least know what it is.. I came back from the surgery and pushed myself through my exercise.
    On the positive side my bathroom cabinet thing is sorted. I now have both the old one and the new one in the bathroom! ! ! ! :laugh:

    Heather in showery Hampshire UK
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Thanks,all. Yes,have been doing well,except for the l o n g plateau,but was just keeping on.Could be I was very hungry
    & eating out (for me) is not good when hungry.Had Lo Mein yum yum,even tho the serving was large,I ate
    like I hadn't ate in months. :\
    It's ok....the lesson to be learned is,there is more learning for me.

    Heather,some things seem to happen at the worst of times,but cross everything & say a prayer. Glad you got help right away.
    Your upcoming trip sounds wonderful! B)

    About us hobbling along,DH always has a funny remark about such times. He makes me laugh & after 60 yrs
    that is amazing. <3 Time to get this day started. Pat
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Just a quick post whilst I'm eating my lunch.

    Heather I hope you get to the bottom of what is causing your pain soon. You don't want to be worrying about it (or feeling in pain) during your holiday.

    I've finished cleaning out the cupboard under the stairs (we made it into a sort of cloak room). The vacuum also goes there and it was getting a bit "full" I've got 3 pairs of DHs shoes that are in good order so will take them to the charity shop. Another 2 pairs of trainers which are only fit for the dustbin. Various coats/scarves/hats and gloves have been sorted too.

    A job I am not looking forward to is cleaning out the garage. DH had it as his work room for repairing bikes. I hardly went in there. I went in for a screwdriver a few weeks ago and it was so depressing looking around at all "his" things scattered about as if he had only left them for a few moments. I had to get out quick and ended up crying and painting at the same time.

    Think it's time I started back to the decluttering I'm starting to get weepy again thinking about it. It's a sunny day here in York, but cold and windy. I'll need to get wrapped up for our dog walk this afternoon.

    Take care <3
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh Viv ... such a difficult time for you. Hugs. As for decluttering ... I decided to join a 365 day decluttering mission from Home Solutions 101. The host of the blog chews that elephant one bite at a time ... a 15 minute mission everyday. Very simplistic, but very effective. She started with the kitchen here in January and even my very unobservant husband noticed that everything was looking great ... enough that he is helping keep it that way!

    Report on Ashley this morning is that she will be having surgery to reconnect her bowel. If that goes well, then they will try and repair her two destroyed wrists and then both of her elbows?? She has some blood on the brain but ... good news ... she is wiggling her toes this morning! I see an incredibly long road ahead for this young woman.

    Heather ... hope you find an answer soon for your pain!

    Alison ... you just keep doing what you need to do!

  • SueTN2
    SueTN2 Posts: 79 Member
    Good morning all,

    Still cold with snow flurries in TN today.

    It's weigh in today for a challenge group, I did some better on food choices this week down .6 not much but I have to keep telling myself a loss is a loss.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    Sue from TN